Download Dynasty Timeline Project

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Dynamic Dynasties of China
Xia (Hsia) Dynasty
2100-1600 B.C.E.
Shang Dynasty
1600-1050 B.C.E.
Zhou Dynasty
1046-256 B.C.E
Warring States Period
475-221 B.C.E.
Qin Dynasty
221-206 B.C.E.
Han Dynasty
206 B.C.E. - C.E. 220
Six Dynasties Period
C.E. 220-589
(Three Kingdoms C.E. 220-581)
(Jin Dynasty 265-420 C.E.)
(Period of Northern & Southern Dynasties 386-589 C.E.)
Sui Dynasty
C.E. 581-618
Tang Dynasty
C.E. 618-906
Five Dynasties Period
C.E. 906-960
Song Dynasty
C.E. 960-1279
Yuan Dynasty
C.E. 1279-1368
Ming Dynasty
C.E. 1368-1644
Qing Dynasty
C.E. 1644-1912
Dynasty Dynamics
Calculate the number of years each dynasty ruled.
Timeline Project Directions
Brainstorm – Research – Plan – Design Poster
Use A3 colored construction paper – landscape
Border at top and bottom (2 cm wide)
Dynasty name
Dynasty dates & duration
3 relevant pictures
3 important events, inventions, or people
Create bibliography (use for citation) on the back
5 – Meets the expectations – Helps understand and support happenings during the Ancient Chinese Dynasty.
It is well planned, creative and illustrated. It is pleasing to the eye.
3 – Approaches the expectation – Somewhat planned, creative and illustrated. Some effort has been included
the design of the poster.
1 – Begins to understand expectation – Unclear plans and little effort has been included in the design of the poster.