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The textbook based on existing research of Slovak Romanticism and Messianism. It
aims at the deepening, extension or correction of existing research resulting from re-reading
of literary texts, also critically reflects the current state of presentation Slovak Romanticism in
the school practice. The work is mainly devoted to the interpretation, focusing on the poems
of Samo Chalupka, Samo Bohdan Hroboň, Janko Kráľ, Mikuláš Dohnány, Janko Matúška and
Ján Botto, and on the genre problem (reflexive poem, nature poetry, contemplative elegies) in
literary-historical context.
In the first chapter the author analyzes the principal texts focused on literary historical
and aesthetic reflection of Slovak Romanticism. The reflection of Slovak Romanticism, that
was created after 1890, is focused mainly on the work of Jaroslav Vlček, Štefan Krčméry,
Svetozár Hurban Vajanský, Dobroslav Chrobák, Andrej Mráz, Albert Pražák, Milan Pišút, Ján
Béder, Oskár Čepan, Viktor Kochol, Stanislav Šmatlák, Imrich Sedlák and others, who
written the literary-historical reflection of Slovak Romanticism as the part of history of
Slovak Literature. Through the comparison will attempt to identify the differences and
common characteristics in the understanding of aesthetics and literary-historical concept of
Slovak Romanticism.
The second chapter discusses literary-theoretical problems of literary genres
(represented by specific literary genres: idyll written by Ján Hollý and ballad written by Janko
Kráľ) in the Slovak literary-historical context (Classicism and Romanticism in the 19th
century Slovak literature) with the intention to offer one of the possibilities to make this topic
effectively (in a creative way) in school education.
In the third chapter the author analyzes the text of Samo Chalupka named “Mor ho!”,
especially the category of figures and space.
The 4th chapter focuses on identification of the essential characteristics of messianism
in Slovak romantic literature in the nineteenth-century that are significantly showing in the
poetry of Samo Bohdan Hroboň, specifically in his experimental poems named „Slovopieseň“
and „Rozpejánok“. The author used the analytical methods to interpreting language and
semantic configurative of the poems and connection between the expression and significance
of the poem. The paper concentrated on genre, language, rhythm, composition and theme of
the poems. The final part of this chapter deals a reflection of Hroboň´s works and life in later
Slovak literature.
The next three chapters focus on the interpretation of poetry written by Janko Kráľ,
Mikuláš Dohnány, Janko Matúška. The author tried to identify the characteristics of romantic
poetry, especially the genre contemplative elegies.
The theme of last part of the textbook is few ideas on teaching literature at primary
and secondary school level and using textbooks of literature. The most important is the
selection of texts at primary and secondary school level. This then leads to the reader´s
interest and the inspiration interpretation of literature and children will be able to work with
literary texts. The chapter presents also two creative methods that result in understanding the
meaning of a poem. The important activity at the beginning of interpretation is to find the
associations with the difficult part of poem and this activity is called "Opportunities clock".
The second activity is called “5 x why” and results in a deeper interpretation. The important
activity at the beginning of interpretation is finding the key word of the poem and its
associations and the authoress of this article suggest some creating methods for this
interpretation’s activity. The author presumes that the decoding of the lyric’s imagery is one
of the most difficult interpretation’s activities but also one of the best ways to understand the
meaning of the poem.
The textbook “Romanticism in literary-historical and interpretative reflection” was
presented with the hope that the interpretations, activities, ideas will hopefully represent
inspiring material for readers and (future) teachers.