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House Judiciary Committee
Montgomery Upper Middle School
Montgomery Township Schools, Skillman
Senators Nidhi Kapate and Krina Patel introduce the following bill:
To limit representatives’ terms to a maximum of two that are four years each
BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled,
Sec 1
Any representative elected to the House can serve, at most, two terms of
four years each.
Sec 2
A representative is defined as a member of the House of Representatives
of the United States Congress who was elected to power by the people of
that representative’s state where s/he resides in.
Sec 3
A term is defined as the time period a representative is in power for
after being elected.
Sec 4
This law will be enforced by the Department of Justice in conjunction with
the Commission on Election.
Sec 5
The Department of Justice will make sure any citizen intending to run for
election to the House has not/will not be exceeding their term limit.
Sec 6
There are no exceptions to this law.
Sec 7
The punishment of any individual that knowingly attempts to bypass this
law is:
First offense: A $10,000 fine
Second offense: A $100,000 fine and five years in federal prison
Sec 8
This law shall take effect during the next election after it is passed.