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What Kind of Foreign Policy?
• “American factories are making more than the
American people can use; American soil is producing
more than they can consume (buy). Fate has written
our policy for us; the trade of the world must and shall
be ours. We will establish trading posts throughout the
world as distributing points for American products. We
will cover the ocean with our merchant marine (navy).
Great colonies, flying (waving) our flag and trading
with us, will grow around our posts of trade. Our
institutions will follow our flag on the wings of
• Source: Albert J. Beveridge, candidate for U.S. Senate
from Indiana, 1898
What Kind of Foreign Policy?
• The work which the English race began when it
colonized North America is destined to go on until
every land on the earth’s surface that is not already the
seat (location) of an old civilization shall become
English in its language, in its religion, in its political
habits and traditions, and to a predominant extent
(large amount) in the blood of its people. The day is at
hand when four-fifths of the human race will trace its
pedigree (lineage, ancestors) to English forefathers, as
four-fifths of the white people of the United States
trace their pedigree today.
• Source: John Fiske, Harvard University professor of
history, 1885
Good Afternoon!
1. Debrief Sub/Return Tests
2. Review American Foreign Policy
3. Spanish-American War
Essential Question: Why did the United States go to
war against Spain in 1898?
Homework: Work on Muckraker Project
Last Friday’s Inquiry…
• What type of foreign policy should America
pursue at the turn of the century?
Foreign Policy Spectrum
• At this point in American history, how did
some Americans seem to view the other
nations and peoples of the world? What did
they seem to think was America’s place in the
Spanish-American War
• Spanish-American War
– 1898 US goes to war with
– War begins in the Spanish
colony of Cuba
• Cubans fighting Spain for
their independence and US
• Spanish-American War
turns US into a major
world power
– Gain control of the
Philippines, Puerto Rico,
and Cuba
Why did the United States go to war against
Spain in 1898?