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Tara Markovich
 ACL injury
What is it?
-is the tearing of the anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL, inside your knee joint
What is it caused by?
- sudden stops and change of direction
Other common causes:
Twisting your knee with the foot planted
Getting hit on the knee
Extending the knee too far
Jumping and landing on a flexed knee
Stopping suddenly when running
Suddenly shifting weight from one leg to the other
**common in basketball, soccer, tennis and volleyball.
 ACL Symptoms
-Knee swelling
-A loud pop sound
-Severe pain and inability to continue activity
-Depending on the severity of your ACL injury, treatment may include surgery to replace the torn
ligament followed by rehabilitation exercises to help you regain strength and stability.
 PCL Injury
What is it?
- is the tearing of the posterior cruciate ligament also known as PCL.
What is it caused by?
- Falling on a bent knee
- Striking the front of the knee
- Twisting
- Over extending
** Most common in football, soccer, baseball, skiing, car accidents
 PCL Symptoms
-Mild knee swelling
-Mild pain at the back of the knee that feels worse when you kneel.
-Physical Therapy
 Concussion
What is it?
-traumatic brain injury that alters the way the brain functions
What is it caused by?
-Direct impact on the head
**most common in football
-confusion, memory loss
-nausea, vomiting
Dislocated Shoulder
What is it?
-a fall or blow which causes the top of your arm bone to pop out of the shoulder
What is it caused by?
Falling onto your shoulder, especially on a hard surface
Being hit in the shoulder
Trying to break a fall with your hand
** most common in baseball
 Dislocated Shoulder Symptoms
-Intense pain as soon as the injury occurs
-Tenderness of the shoulder and collarbone
-Deformed shoulder
Dislocated Shoulder Treatment
-Physical Therapy
Rotator Cuff
Ankle Injuries
What is it?
-when the ankle joint is twisted too far out of its normal position.
How does it happen?
-Tripping or falling
-Landing awkwardly after a jump
-Walking or running on uneven surfaces
-A sudden impact such as a car crash
-Twisting or rotating the ankle
-Rolling the ankle
 Ankle Injury Symptoms
Ankle Injury Treatment
-Ankle swelling
-Numbness/ tingling
-Burning pain,
-Inability to bear weight
Ankle brace
Ankle cast
Common in all sports
 Tennis Elbow
-typically causes pain over the bony prominence on the outer side of the elbow.
(type of tendinitis)
Golfers Elbow
-identical to Tennis Elbow, but occurs on the inner side of the elbow.
Locking/ Clicking Elbow
-locking and/or painful clicking of the elbow joint is usually due to 'loose bodies'
or arthritis of the elbow
 Tennis Elbow
How is it caused?
-Repetitive motions in sports such as:
*Weight lifting
-physical therapy
-sometimes surgery
 How is it caused?
-improper pitching techniques
-gripping and swinging repetitively
-improper lifting
-improper hitting (bat)
-pain and tenderness
Improper pitch
What is it?
-Aching and soreness in legs after running
What is it caused by?
-Irritated and swollen muscles, often from overuse
-Stress fractures
-''flat feet"
-Weakness in stabilizing muscles of the hips or core
-motion exercises
-physical therapy
can we prevent injuries?
are some ways to treat
can an athlete return to play
after and injury?
Proper equipment, proper technique, proper
warm up, proper game rules.
 Rest,
ice, elevate, compress, surgery, Physical
they are cleared from doctor, physical
therapist, and school athletic trainer
 After