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Blue abyss
Animals in the water report.
The Great white is called by different names
-white death
-white pointer
-white shark
-man eater
sharks can grow as large as 20 foot and way at least 5,000 pounds the shark’s
teeth are very sharp.
There are over 500 species of shark ranging in size from the Dwarf lanternshark
at 17 centimetres long up to the Whale shark at 12 metres long which is largest
fish in the world.They nearly all live in sea water to a depth of 2000 metres but
there are a few which can live in seawater and freshwater such as the Bull shark
and River shark.
Sharks do not have a bony skeleton like other fish but have one made of
cartilage.Sharks teeth are also unusual in that they are embedded in their gums
not the jaw bone and they can lose over 30,000 in a life time replacing lost teeth
every 8/10 days.
Most sharks are carnivorous and the 4 most dangerous to humans are the Great
white,Tiger,Bull and the Oceanic Whitetip but interestingly Humans kill over 100
million sharks every year through commercial and recreational fishing.This is done
mainly done in Australia and Japan.
Sharks have an excellent sense of smell and can detect the smell of blood in the
water from many miles away.Most sharks are cold blooded and need to keep
moving all the time to breathe.This is because the gill slits are not covered like
other fish and sharks therefore cannot sleep like other fish but must keep
swimming all the time to allow water to pass over the gills so they can extract
oxygen from the water.They normally cruise at 5 mph and can accelerate to 12
mph when attacking.The Shortfin Mako is the fastest shark which can attack at 31
mph,this is felt possible because this shark is warm blooded.
Sharks can live between 20 and 30 years of age and when eating, digestion takes a
long time.The food moves from the mouth to a J-shaped stomach where it is stored
and digested.Unwanted items cannot get past the stomach,instead the shark either
vomits or turns its stomach inside out and ejects unwanted items like large bones.
Dwarf Lantern
Tiger Shark
Bull shark
Oceanic Whitetip
Shark photos
Shortfin Mako
Whale Shark