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Material from Chapter 4 and Chapter 18
III. Atomic Structure
A. History & Development of Atomic Theory
i. know major contributors, their experiments, laws and contributions
a. Newton, Boyle, Democritus, Lavoisier, Proust, Gay-Lussac, Avogadro,
Dalton, Faraday
B. Subatomic Particles
i. major experiments, set-ups, observations, results and contribution to Atomic Theory
a. Thomson & Crooke’s Tube
b. Goldstein and proton
c. Millikan Oil Drop Experiment
d. Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment
e. Bohr’s Model
ii. subatomic particles and their relation to the atom and each other.
a. proton, neutron & electron
b. quarks and other subatomic particles
C. Atomic Number, Mass Number, Atomic Mass, & Isotopes
i. know meaning of each and how to use to find out information about the structure of
the atom. (such as # of p+’s. n0’s & e–‘s; charges, identities of elements, etc.)
ii. how they relate to periodic table
iii. how to calculate atomic mass & percent abundance for isotopes.
D. Nuclear chemistry
i. fusion v. fission
ii. how radiation was discovered and by whom
iii. where it is found
iv. units and how it is measured
v. types of radiation- alpha/beta/gamma
vi. factors causing damage and typical effects of radiation exposure
vii. how a nuclear power plant operates.
viii. know the difference between a nuclear power plant and any conventional (coal, oil,
gas-fired) power plant.
E. Be able to compare and contrast and discuss the changes of all major models of the atom.
i. Dalton’s Model
ii. Thomson’s Plum Pudding Model
a. How it was used to explain formation of cations and anions.
iii. Rutherford’s Empty Space Model
iv. Bohr’s Planetary Model