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By: Michelle Lubrano and Pat Hanson
Background of Volleyball Bump
 A volleyball bump is also known as a pass
 It is the first contact with the ball following a serve
from the other team
 It is usually hit close to the net so it can be set up for a
How to bump a volleyball…
Muscle Contractions
 While performing the bump eccentric and isometric
contractions occur
Eccentric contractions is a contraction in which the muscle
lengthens in an attempt to control the motion occurring at
the joints that it crosses.
Isometric contractions is a type of contraction with little or
no shortening of the muscle resulting in no appreciable
change in the joint angle.
Phase 1: Pre-Bump
 Place your feet flat on the ground and spread
equally apart. Stand stationary, with your knees
slightly bent.
 Extend your arms straight out with your palms
supinated. Place one hand overlapping the other
and press your thumbs side by side.
Phase 2: Bump Ball
 When bumping allow the ball to bounce off of your
forearms. If you need to give the ball more of a boost,
bend down by flexing your knees and push up by
extending the knees.
Phase 2: Shoulder Muscles
Joint- shoulder girdle
Action- elevation
Agonist muscles-trapezius upper & middle fibers,
rhomboids, levator scapulae.
Innervation- spinal accessory nerve and dorsal scapula
Shoulder Muscles
 Trapezius exercise- shrugs, bent rows, dead lifts
 Trapezius stretch- use one hand to pull the head and neck
forward into flexion.
Levator scapulae exercise- shoulder shrugs
Levator scapulae stretch- rotating the head approximately
45 degrees to the opposite side and flexing the cervical
spine actively while maintaining the scapula in a relaxed,
depressed position.
Rhombiods exercise- chin ups, dips, bent over rows
Rhombiods stretch- passively moving the scapula into full
protraction while maintaing depression.
Phase 2: Elbow Muscles
Joint- radioulnar joint.
Action- elbow extension, supination.
Agonist muscle- triceps brachii
(long, lateral, and medial heads),
supinator, anconeus.
Innervation- radial nerve.
Elbow Strength/Stretch
 Triceps brachii strength- push ups, dips, bench press, over
head presses, tricep curls
Triceps brachii stretch- shoulder and elbow in maximal
Anconeus strength- any elbow extension exercise against
Anconeus stretch- maximal elbow flexion stretches
Supinator strength- hammer exercise
Supinator stretch- forearm is maximally pronated
Phase 2: Knee Muscles
Joint- knee joint.
Action- flexion and extension of knee.
Agonist muscles
Extension- rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis,
vastus medialis.
Innervation- femoral nerve.
Flexion- biceps femoris, popliteus, semimembranosus,
Innervation- tibial nerve, sciatic nerve (tibial division.)
Knee Muscles Strength/Stretch
 Rectus femoris strength- squats
 Rectus femoris stretch- knee flexion
 Vastus lateralis/ intermedius/ medialis strength- knee extension, squats
 Vastus lateralis/ intermedius/ medialis stretch- knee in full flexion
 Biceps femoris strength- hamstring curls
 Biceps femoris stretch- max extending the knee while flexing the externally
rotated and slightly adducted hip
 Popliteus strength- hanging from a bar with legs flexed at the knee
 Popliteus stretch- full knee extension without flexing the hip
 Semitendinosis/semimembranosus strength- hamstring curls, leg curls
 Semitendinosis/semimembranosus stretch- max extension of the knee
Laws of Motion
 Law of inertia- the resistance of any physical object
to a change in its state of motion or rest.
- The volleyball comes over the net down towards
the person that is going to bump it and the person
hits the ball back up into the air.
 Manual of Structural Kinesiology, seventeenth edition,
R.T. Floyd. Chapters 4, 6, 10.