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Foods that enhance the function of The Immune System
Protein rich foods like eggs, fish, peas, beans and lentils. Research studies show that a
deficiency of protein can result in depletion of immune cells and an inability of the body to
make anti bodies and other immune related cells. Animal studies have shown the
inadequate protein can lead to a 25% reduction in immune efficiency.
An Increase of fresh fruits and vegetables, trying to make them 50% of their total food
intake in a day. The World Cancer Research Fund recommends 8-10 portions a day. This is
because both fruits and vegetables are abundantly rich in vitamins and minerals which
include anti- oxidants and phytonutrients (sometimes referred to as phytochemicals). The
immune system is dependent on a good supply of these nutrients. Fruits and vegetables also
contain compounds that support the liver and its detoxification process which is essential to
support the immune system.
A great deal of research has been aimed at vitamin C in particular. Vitamin C is a water
soluble vitamin which means that our body does not store it so a regular supply is needed
from our diet. Foods particularly rich in vitamin C are red peppers, broccoli, all berry fruits,
oranges, tomatoes and papaya. However most vegetables and fruits contain some. Vitamin
C is one of the primary anti -oxidants working along side vitamin E, selenium and beta
carotene to support the immune system.
Garlic has been hailed as being very beneficial for the immune system. It has been shown to
stimulate the production of white blood cells and acts against a wide range of nonbeneficial bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses, all of which can be a challenge to the
immune system and its efficiency.
Mushrooms have also been shown to be hugely beneficial particularly shiitaki mushrooms.
Mushrooms contain a compound called beta glucan that has been shown to boost immunity,
slow tumour growth and lessen the side effects of cancer treatment. They are so easy to
include in the diet, mushroom soups, on toast, in an omelette, added to casseroles, eaten
raw in salads or added to a kedgeree.
Zinc is another nutrient that has been singled out as very essential for good immune
function as it is a potent immune stimulant so try and include some zinc rich foods in the
diet regularly. These are all types of fish and sea food, (particularly oysters) also seeds and
nuts, oats, green peas and whole grain cereals. So looking at these foods it should be quite
easy to reach the recommended amount of 15mgs a day.
Research into vitamin D has shown that this vitamin in particular is very beneficial to the
immune system. The problem is that because we live in the northern hemisphere we tend to
be quite deficient in vitamin D because our main source is from the sun, and looking out of
the window today that is not going to happen!! The only reliable foods to give us vitamin D
are oily types of fish like trout, tuna, mackerel, salmon and sardines also eggs (from the yolk)
and fortified breakfast cereals. We have to be careful with these tho’ because many
breakfast cereals also contain lots of sugar and salt. So it may be advisable to consider a
vitamin D3 supplement especially through the winter months. It is recommended that we
have between 3 and 4,000 international units (i.u’s) a day. Vitamin D has also been shown to
help fatigue and general energy levels.
Coconut oil which is medium chain fatty acid is rich in Lauric acid which once in the body
converts to Monolaurin which has strong anti-viral and anti-bacterial effects.
Sauerkraut and other fermented foods which have been used for centuries are natural
immune boosters as they contain compounds created during the fermentation process, A
study published in the journal of Agriculture and Food Science concluded that sauerkraut is a
cancer inhibitor and is also hugely beneficial for balancing the bacteria in the gut. It contain
the beneficial bacteria lactobacilli plantarum which boosts the immune system by increasing
the antibodies that fight infection.
This leads nicely into the next point. That is 80% of our immune cells reside in the gut so a
good healthy digestive system helps to support the immune system. This can be achieved
by preventing constipation and eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. If you do suffer
from a sluggish bowel then ground flaxseeds daily sprinkled over muesli or porridge or in
soup or stirred into yogurt really helps. Most people find that 2 tblsps a day is sufficient. It is
important that if you do use ground flax seeds that you drink plenty of fluid.
Some herbs have been shown to be very useful; Astralgus and Echinacea. They improve both
T cell and B cell activity. These are cells of the immune system directly responsible for
recognising and destroying rogue cells, Astralagus has known contraindications to treatment
but if you want to take these herbs always run it past your oncologist first.
My final point is that moderate exercise also helps boost immunity. By exercising the body
releases serotonin which is the feel good factor neurotransmitter which in turn boosts
immune function. So a good walk would be a good idea when you can.
The other side of the coin of course is to look at foods that have been shown to deplete the
immune system. These include sugar and sugary foods, which can deplete the body of
essential nutrients and interfere with the fine balance of bacteria in the gut. Alcohol, which
is of course high in sugar is known to irritate the lining of the digestive tract. Environmental
and food chemicals challenge the immune system as they are foreign to the cells of the
immune system so try and keep these to a minimum if you can. It is also a good idea to try
and manage stress because this too can deplete immunity. Stress causes the adrenal glands
to secrete the hormone cortisol which depresses immune function. Stress management
techniques like yoga, mindful meditation etc. are very useful therapies that will help or a
calm walk where you take time to ‘smell the roses’.
A very good book called, ‘Eat to boost your immunity’, by Kirsten Hartvig. The first part of the book
gives a good comprehensive account of the immune system how it works, then a section on foods
that have been shown to boost immunity and then it covers specific problems that can affect the
immune system like fatigue and depression followed by lots of lovely recipes, rich in foods that
support immunity like butternut squash with red pepper and tomato and sweet potato curry to
name a couple.