Download 1 Input and Output 1.1 Console output 1.2 Console input

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Input and Output
The console command prompt window provides output to the console and input from the console. In
Java this input and output is described by by Objects System.out and respectively. and System.out are objects in and out belonging to the System class; they are System
members. Both these objects are examples of text streams called InputStream(in) and
We have previously encountered several examples of console output. This section will address Input
from the console as well as using graphical dialog boxes to perform input/output.
Console output
To output data to the console we use the object System.out along with its methods print() or println().
class String
This particular println receives an argument of type String. Concatenating Strings requires some care
System.out.println( 3 + 6 + "Hello");
Whats printed? "36Hello" or "9Hello" ?
The printout reads "9Hello" because the expression is evaluated from left to right. The first operation
is (int)+(int):int
The expression (int)+(String) promotes the (int) argument to its text equivalent. The same is true for
the other simple types.
System.out.println("Hello" + 3 + 6);
What is the result? Try this by including the statement in main(…){ ...
Was the result what you expected?
Console input
Console input makes use of the object This object reads single characters and is a quite
cumbersome way to extract data from the keyboard. To read a particular type of values, like integers
and strings, there is a helper class Scanner provided.
To read data from the console keyboard you would use:
Scanner keyb = new Scanner( );
This is the first time we've had a reason to create an object. The expression new Scanner( )
creates an object of type Scanner using as a starting value. Scanner is a class that provides
methods to read values, ints, doubles, Strings etc, from the source we have specified ( We
now have an instance of type Scanner named keyb.
Terminology: Constructor. new Scanner invokes the construction of a Scanner instance. A
constructor creates an object. This object is referred to by keyb.
import java.util.*;
class KeyboardReading
public static void main(String [] arg)
Scanner keyb = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Hur many silver dollar coins do you have?");
int nDollars;
nDollars = keyb.nextInt();
System.out.println("So you have "+ antalDollar + " coins.");
Be careful to always include the prompt text before each input statement. Without the promt a user has
no idea he is supposed to enter the input, and the program will halt for no apparent reason.
Classes and objects
We use (instantiate) the class Scanner to create the object keyb. After the object is created we refer to
the object each time we need the services of a scanner, by using the member selector operator . (dot).
An object consists of methods and attributes, a common name for these are members. As a rule of
thumb, after the creation of the object, we use its attributes by its methods. The attributes themselves
are hidden from us. One can imagine what kinds of operations our scanner must apply to to
provide us with these services.
Behind the scenes:
tgb.nextInt() => read each numbersymbol input until a space is reached. Transform these numbers
(digit characters) into an int value. Return the int to the caller.
Consider the output statement System.out.println(), here we are using two member selectors.
System.(dot) and out.(dot). From this we can draw the conclusion that out is a member of System and
println() is a member of out.
Execution of the example might look as:
How many silver dollar coins do you have?
So you have 7 coins.
The first statement in the previous example is
import java.util.*;
All classes within Java are hierarchically organized into packages. A package is a container for classes
(among else) that all have a related purpose. If you need to use any class outside of the most basic
ones, like System and String, you need to import that package. The Scanner class is contained in a
package called java.util, the statement import java.util.*; imports all classes from that package. Note
the similarity to a file-system wildcard. We can also write
import java.util.Scanner;
to specify that its the Scanner class that were using from java.util.
Example problem
Assignment: To calculate the area and circumference of a rectangle.
An important aspect when you are designing your program from a description like this is to create a
model of how the program is supposed to behave. A simple approach for a model is to create a sample
dialogue with the executing application. Like
State the width of the rectangle: 4
State the height of the rectangle: 2.5
The area is 10.0, the circumference is 13.0
From this dialogue it is fairly straightforward to tell the order of the statements that are required in the
-prepare for input, print question prompt, do input, print question prompt, do input
-do calculations, print answers.
import java.util.*;
class KeyboardReading
public static void main(String [] arg)
double width, height;
Scanner keyb = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("State the width of the rectangle:");
width = keyb.nextDouble();
System.out.println("State the height of the rectangle:");
height = keyb.nextDouble();
double circumference = 2*width + 2*height;
double area = width* height;
System.out.println("The area is "+area+
", the circumference is "+circumference);
Write a program that input your age, and with that input calculates the number of days wou have lived.
Divide the program in to manageable steps.
Consider the dialogue like before.
Consider the arithmetic involved.
More on operators
Evaluation rules
Consider the statement
circumference = 2*width + 2*height;
If the width is 4 and the height is 2.5 we would like the calculation to perform as
1: 2*4 =8
2: 2*2.5 =5
3: (1:+2: ) 8 + 5 = 13
4: circumference = 13
To accomplish this, there are two parameters that decide the order of evaluation.
1- Operator priority
2- Direction of evaluation
The operator * has the highest priority of the operators involved, hence the two * operations are
evaluated first. The * operator evaluates from left to right. Then in order of priority the + operation is
evaluated, and lastly the = operator. This gives us exactly the desired order of evaluation as stated
All operators besides assignment operators are associated left to right. Assignments are associated
from right to left. The reason for this is that the following statement
int i, j;
i = j = 5;
Is intuitively read as
1: j = 5, the result of this operation is j, i.e. the value (int) 5. Recall (int)=(int):int
2: i = j, or rather i= 5.
The statement will now assign the value 5 to both j, and i (in that order). This is not possible if the left
to right association would apply.
Compound statements require practice to interpret correctly; and certainly to write them. However, if
a calculation becomes too complex, don’t hesitate to divide the problem into smaller statements.
double circumference = 2*width + 2*height;
// can be written as
double circumference = 2*( width + height );
// radius of a circle
int diameter = 3; // a radius should never be declared as an int
double radius = (double)diameter / 2; // (double) transforms diameter into
//a double and is an unwelcome tweak in our program.
double area = radius*radius* 3.14; // x squared is written as x*x
// surface area of a cylinder
double radius = 2.0;
double height = 4.0;
double surfaceArea= 2*radius*radius*3.14159
+ height*radius*2*3.14159;
// Is preferably divided into
double radius = 2.0;
double height = 4.0;
double sideSurface = height* radius*2*3.14159;
double endSurface = radius*radius*3.14159;
double surfaceArea = sideSurface + 2*endSurface;
The important thing to stress is clarity. Clarity is one of the most important aspects when
writing code. Pi is preferably expressed as Math.PI.
Operator Precedence
postfix operators
expr++ expr--
unary operators
++expr --expr +expr -expr ~ !
* / %
+ -
<< >> >>>
< > <= >= instanceof
== !=
bitwise AND
bitwise exclusive OR ^
bitwise inclusive OR |
logical AND
logical OR
? :
= += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= <<= >>= >>>=
There's more than one way to skin a cat
The use of the console for input and output are very useful in many situations but it's not very
appealing to the eye. There is a lot of help to make eye-pleasing application in the Java graphical user
interface API, swing. To achieve simple input and output operations similar to the console input
output we can use the class JOptionPane (almost all classes belonging to swing will start with a J for
some reason). JOptionPane provides several methods for creating Message boxes and Input dialogs.
If we recall our first input output example
import java.util.*;
class KeyboardReading
public static void main(String [] arg)
Scanner keyb = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Hur many silver dollar coins do you have?");
int nDollars;
nDollars = keyb.nextInt();
System.out.println("So you have "+ antalDollar + " coins.");
By using JOptionPane this can be translated to, using dialog boxes,
import javax.swing.*;
class KeyboardReading
public static void main(String [] arg)
String input =
JOptionPane.showInputDialog("How many dollars do you have?");
double dollarAmount;
dollarAmount = Double.parseDouble( input );
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null,
"So you have $"+ dollarAmount );
The line breaks on line 17 and 13 are for readability.
JOptionPane is contained in the swing main package javax.swing. So we are required to import
javax.swing.JOptionPane; Input is achieved by using one of JOptionPanes methods showInputPane.
These methods return a text, later we need to convert this text into a suitable numeric. Double is a
class created for dealing with operations dealing with double values; amongst which we have the
method parseDouble(string). The method parseDouble() returns a double value.
All of the simple types in Java have a corresponding helper / wrapper class. The term wrapper will be
apparent later on. double-Double, int-Integer, byte-Byte, char-Character etc.
To present the result to the user we need to display another dialog box; this time with just a message (
no input) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, String s);
The expression null is a way to express "no object". showMessageDialog expects us to provide a
parent application window as an argument. Since we don’t have an application window, we cannot
provide one. This is sometimes an effective strategy when asked for arguments, sometimes not; this is
well documented in each class. The String s is of course the displayed message.