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How did the Roman Empire influence
the government of the United States
• The Roman Empire influenced the
government of the U.S. by Republic.
Representatives are elected to make decisions
about passing laws and how to rule for the
• The idea of natural rights are still used.
Natural rights that all human beings have such
as shelter, food, water, clothing.
• Twelve Tables –set of laws
Why did the Roman Empire fall?
• Corrupt government officials, high inflation,
decline of military resulted in less security for
Rome. Attacks by Germanic tribes weakened
the empire which became which became too
large to control.
Give an example of Cultural diffusion
• African culture spread with Bantu tribes
spreading throughout Africa bringing language
and culture, griots storytelling, slaveryAfricans brought music, songs, storytelling and
• The silk road is a great example because
people traveled on the road stopping at
villages sharing ideas, vocabulary, customs,
religion and even their culture.
What was feudalism and how did it
• Feudalism was a political system of
government in Europe where land and money
were exchanged for loyalty and service.
Examples include: Lord and Vassal, Knights,
Peasants and Serfs.
Compare a Medieval Knight to a
Samurai• Armor made from
• Protected people on the
• Provided military
• Rode on horseback
• Code of Bushido
Knight• Armor made from metal
• Protected people on the
• Provided military
• Rode on horseback
• Code of Chilvary
What were the Crusades and why did
they occur?
• The Crusades were religious wars fought
between Christians and Muslims. The Pope
gave a speech that encouraged Christians to
fight in battle to free the Holy Land From
Islam. In this speech, the Pope promised
forgiveness of sins and Heaven as a reward for
those who fight and die in battle.
3 Examples of Chinese Inventions and
why they were important
• compass-helped the Chinese become expert
navigators of the sea.
• Paper-paper allowed for one common
currency (money) and for important
documents written
• Movable type-people became more literate
due to the fast reproduction of documents.
• Gun Powder-changed warfare and used to
protect territory from enemy.
Explain the importance of the Church
• During Medieval times in Europe practicing
religion was very important. The Christian
Church provided schools, hospitals, recorded
births, deaths and performed weddings .
Many Christian holidays were celebrated and
this dictated peasants work schedules. The
Church was the way of life for Europeans.
Explain the significant of the Battle of
• Charles Martel, stopped the Muslim invasion
in Tours France. Winning this victory resulted
in Europe remaining predominantly Christian
for over a thousand years.