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Name: _______________________________ Date: ___________ Block: _________
Ancient World History
Chapter 2
First Civilization: Africa and Asia
Section 1
Ancient Kingdoms of the Nile
A. Geography of the Nile Valley
a. “Egypt is wholly the gift of the Nile”
i. Greek Historian Herodotus
b. ___________________________________________
c. ______________________
i. ______________, origins of the Nile would
become flooded with rains
ii. Flooded down river, ______________________
1. _______________________
iii. Egyptians eagerly anticipated floods
d. Uniting the Land
i. Two regions of Egypt
1. __________________
a. Located near the first cataract,
waterfall, of the Nile, Northward to
within 100 miles of Mediterranean
2. ______________________
a. Covered Delta region of the Nile
i. _________________________
ii. __________________________________
1. About 3100 B.C., united the two regions
of Egypt
a. Used Nile extensively
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Name: _______________________________ Date: ___________ Block: _________
B. _______________________________ (2700-2200 B.C.)
a. ___________________________________________
i. Considered Gods
ii. Depended on vizier, chief minister to:
1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________
b. Pyramids
i. Built ___________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. Built with two ton limestone blocks
iv. Took decades to build
c. ___________________________________________
___________________ brought end of Old Kingdom
C. __________________________________________
a. Turbulent Period of Egyptian History
i. __________________________________
ii. __________________________________
b. Delta taken over by Hyskos in 1700 B.C.
i. Egyptians learned about the horse drawn
c. ___________________________________________
D. ____________________________
a. Powerful Rulers
i. _________ most powerful from 1290-1224 B.C.
1. __________________________________
b. Decline
i. _______________________________________
ii. Foreign armies began invading as well
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Name: _______________________________ Date: ___________ Block: _________
E. Egypt and Nubia
a. Trade and fighting between Egypt and Nubia very
common during each of the three kingdoms
i. Nubia ________________________________
ii. Influenced art and culture as well
Section 2
Egyptian Civilization
F. __________________________
a. Chief Gods and Goddesses
i. _______________
1. Chief God
2. Sun God
ii. Osiris
1. __________________________________
iii. ____________
1. Taught women to grind corn, spin flax,
weave cloth and care for children
b. ____________________________
i. About 1380 B.C. Pharaoh Akhenanton
challenged priest of Amon Re
1. _____________________
ii. Preist ultimately returned to Amon Re after
Akhenton died
c. Belief in Afterlife
i. Fateful Test
ii. ___________________________________
1. __________________________________
iii. People lived according ____________________
d. Mummification
i. _________________________________
1. Done so the soul would have a body in the
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Name: _______________________________ Date: ___________ Block: _________
G. Evidence of the Tomb of Tutankhamen
a. ___________________________________________
i. Treasures were stripped from tombs over the
b. Except ______________________________
i. Son-in-law of Akhenton
c. Tomb filled with vast treasures
i. Not found till 1922
H. Egyptian Society
a. ___________________________________
i. Most were ________________
ii. _______________________________________
b. Social Change
i. New Kingdom trade ______________________
1. The merchant class grew slightly stronger
c. Women
i. ______________________________________
ii. Women could:
1. _____________________
2. Enter business deals
3. ______________________
iii. Jobs were still separated by Genders
I. Egyptian Learning
a. Scribes kept recordings for high classes
b. _____________________
i. Hieroglyphics
1. _____________________
ii. Eventually involved ideograms
1. __________________________________
iii. _____________________________________
1. Simpler form of writing
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Name: _______________________________ Date: ___________ Block: _________
iv. Wrote on papyrus
1. ______________________________
c. ________________________________
i. Eventually hieroglyphic meanings were
ii. A flat black stone with the same message
written in three different languages
1. __________________________________
iii. _____________________________________
d. Advances in Medicine and Science
i. _______________________________________
ii. ___________________________
1. Human body knowledge from
iii. ___________________________
1. Map the planets and developed a form of
12 month calendar
iv. Mathematics
1. __________________________________
J. Arts and Literature
a. Paintings and Sculptures
i. ______________________________________
ii. Statues were stiff-standard forms
iii. ____________________________
1. Pharaoh displayed as a fierce lion
iv. ______________________________
b. Literature
i. ______________________________________
K. Looking Ahead
a. After Egyptian Empire fell, _____________________
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Name: _______________________________ Date: ___________ Block: _________
Section 3
City States of Ancient Sumer
L. Geography of the ____________________
a. ___________________________________________
i. Also known as ___________________
b. Floods and Irrigation
i. ____________________________
ii. _______________________________________
1. The Epic of Gilgamesh
c. The First Cities
i. Sumerians were the first to build
1. _______________________
d. ___________________________________________
M. Sumerian Civilization
a. _______________________________
i. The ruler was in charge of city maintenance
ii. ______________________________________
b. Had __________________
i. _________________________
1. Women had selective rights
c. Sumerian Religion
i. _______________________
1. _________________________________
ii. Peoples highest duty to ___________________
iii. Built ________________
1. _____________________________
iv. Offered sacrifices to please God’s
N. Advances in Learning
a. Developed ____________________
i. Possible earliest form of writing
b. ________________________________________
i. Based number system on 6
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Name: _______________________________ Date: ___________ Block: _________
O. Looking Ahead
a. ___________________________________________
b. Passed on their own culture each time a new city-state
conquered Mesopotamia
Section 4
Invaders, Traders and Empire Builders
P. Ruling a Large Empire
a. ___________________________________________
b. The First Empire Builder (2300 B.C.)
i. ____________, leader of Akkad, invaded Sumer
ii. Ruled till his death
c. ________________________
i. King of Babylon, ________________________
ii. _______________________________________
___________________ Code of Hammurabi
d. Crime and Punishment
i. Codified Criminal law
1. ________________________________
2. Also specified punishments
a. _____________________
ii. Codified Civil Law
1. ________________________________
a. Contracts, taxes, marriage, etc.
Q. Warfare and Spread of Ideas
a. _________________________________
i. _____________learned to extract iron from ore
ii. Ore plentiful and iron stronger than bronze or
b. _____________________
i. Lived on Upper Tigris
ii. Possessed knowledge of Iron
1. Considered fierce warriors
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Name: _______________________________ Date: ___________ Block: _________
iii. __________________________
1. ________________________
a. Possibly built the biggest city of that
iv. Built First library
c. Babylon Revived (612 B.C.)
i. _______________________________________
1. Expanded knowledge of stars
ii. Built famous Hanging Gardens
R. Persian Empire (539 B.C.)
a. ___________________________________________
i. Persians practiced tolerance, or acceptance of
conquered cultures
b. Uniting Many Peoples (522-486 B.C.)
i. United Persia under _____________
1. __________________________________
2. Set ____________________
3. Repaired or built hundreds of miles of
c. ______________________
i. Set up common __________________________
ii. Used _____________
1. Many still used barter system however
a. _______________________
2. Coins did begin a form of money economy
in Mesopotamia
iii. New Religion
1. Zoroaster stressed __________________
a. ______________________
b. ______________________________
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Name: _______________________________ Date: ___________ Block: _________
S. Phoenician Sea Traders
a. Gained fame as _____________________
b. Manufacturing and trade
i. Created glass from coastal sand
ii. Developed words Bible and bibliography from
the city of Byblos
c. Setup colonies
i. ________________________________
d. Alphabet
i. _______________________________________
ii. Later Greeks adapted the system and added
symbols for vowels
1. __________________________________
Section 5
The Roots of Judaism
T. Early History of the Israelites
a. Also known as _____________
b. Believed a Single God took a hand in their lives and
wrote the ______________
i. __________________________
c. A Nomadic People
i. Father of the Hebrews is _______________
ii. Eventually went to Canaan
iii. _______________________________________
1. Joseph and his brothers
iv. Later _______ led them out of Egypt (Passover)
U. The Kingdom of Israel (1000 B.C.)
a. _____________________________
b. Son__________ expands Israel’s influence and power
i. Also built the Temple of God
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Name: _______________________________ Date: ___________ Block: _________
c. Division and Conquest
i. After Solomon’s death, Israel North and Judah
to the South
1. __________________________________
2. Judah taken by _________________
a. ______________________________
b. Hebrews began being called ______
ii. Under Cyrus of Persia, Hebrews were released
to Canaan
1. ________________
V. A Covenant With God
a. One true God
b. Israelites were _______________
i. ___________________
ii. Believed in an ___________________________
c. The Chosen People
i. Abraham believed he had a covenant with God
1. ____________________
2. Gen. 12:2-3
ii. Moses renewed this covenant after __________
W. Teachings on Law and Morality
a. _________ spells out the laws for Israel
b. Patriarchal Society
i. ______________________________________
c. ____________________________
i. Included keeping Sabbath as a holy day of rest
d. An Ethical World View
i. __________ were the guiding pulse for Hebrews
1. Such as Isaiah and Jeremiah
ii. Believed in strong ethics
iii. _______________________________________
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