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Propaganda: The art of persuasion.
It is the spreading of ideas, information or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an
institution, a cause or a person.
Propaganda is intended to influence, to make us accept or approve something without
looking closely at the evidence.
Most of the propaganda devices utilize emotion and avoid critical thinking.
Your deeper understanding of propaganda strategies can:
Save you lots of money.
Assist you in making better political decisions.
Help you distinguish between fact and opinion.
Aid you in persuading others.
Propaganda Techniques and Persuasive Strategies: Propaganda techniques and persuasive
strategies are used to influence people to buy, believe, or do something. Students should be
able to identify and comprehend the techniques listed below:
1. Name-calling is an attack on a person instead of an issue. The name-calling
technique links a person, or idea, to a negative symbol.
2. A bandwagon appeal tries to persuade the reader to do, think or buy
something because it is popular or because “everyone” is doing
it. Bandwagon attempts to persuade the target audience to take a course of
action “everyone else is taking.”
3. A red herring is an attempt to distract the reader or consumer with details not
relevant to the argument.
4. An emotional appeal tries to persuade the reader by using words that appeal
to the reader’s emotions instead of to logic or reason.
5. A testimonial attempts to persuade the reader by using a famous person to
endorse a product or idea (for instance, the celebrity endorsement).
6. Repetition attempts to persuade the reader by repeating a message over and
over again.
7. A sweeping or over generalization (stereotyping) makes an oversimplified
statement about a group based on limited information.
8. A circular argument states a conclusion as part of the proof of the argument
and provides no new factual information to make an informed decision. This
type of reasoning merely repeats an idea in different words rather than
giving reasons to support it.
9. An appeal to numbers, facts, or statistics attempts to persuade by showing
how many people think something is true.
10.Loaded language - using descriptive words that have a strong positive or
negative association to influence a person's to buy, believe, or do something.