Download Hubbard Skin Model KEY

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Hubbard Skin Model KEY
Stratum corneum
Stratum lucidum
Stratum granulosum
Stratum mucosum
Stratum germanitivum
Corium layer
Fatty layer
Hair shaft
Longitudinal section of hair
Sebaceous oil gland
Longitudinal section of sebaceous gland
Hair root
Longitudinal section of hair root
External root sheath
Internal root sheath
Growth and differentiation zone
Papilla of hair
Vein-blood supply to hair
Arrector pili (hair erector) muscle
Sweat gland
Glomerulus of sweat gland
Longitudinal section of sweat gland
Longitudinal section of glomerulus sweat gland
Vascular papilla of corium (typical)
Vein-blood supply from corium
Artery-blood supply to corium
Meissner’s corpuscle (Nervous papilla of corium [touch] gland)
Free nerve endings (pain)
Tactile disks (touch)
Corpuscle of Ruffini (heat)
Bulb of Krause (cold)
Pacinian Corpuscle (pressure)
Dermal papillae
Sweat pores
Acne An accumulation of pimples over the face and neck area (especially common in teens) .
Arrector pili (hair erector) muscle (20) Muscle attached to hair follicle which raises the hair
(forming goose bumps in humans).
Artery (19) A blood vessel which carries blood from the heart to various tissue.
Blackheads Pores that are filled with an accumulation of oil and dirt.
Boils Large pimple-like sores that result when bacteria invade deeper layers of the skin, destroying
tissue and accumulating pus.
Bulb of Krause (32) A sensory nerve ending which detects cold.
Callus A thickening of the skin on a local area, such as the palms of the hands .
Cold sores Fever blisters caused by a- virus and an accumulation of fluid between the layers of the
skin, with scales erupting on the surface.
Corium layer (6) A layer of the dermis.
Corn A painful thickening of skin growing inward from the stratum corneum.
Corpuscle of Ruffmi (31) A sensory nerve ending which detects heat.
Dermal papillae (36) The highly vascular ridges of the upper boundary of the dermis.
Dermis (35) The innermost layer of skin. It is the only layer which contains blood vessels .
Duct A tube which transfers a glandular secretion from the gland to its destination .
Epidermis (34) The outer layer of skin. It contains no blood vessels.
Eczema A reaction of the skin to allergies or emotional upsets, characterized by red, swollen scaly
areas which discharge a clear fluid.
External root sheath (14) The outermost covering of the hair follicle in the dermis.
Fatty layer (7) The lowest or innermost layer of the dermis characterized by many fat cells.
Freckles Patches or spots of thick pigment on the skin, frequently increased by sunlight.
Free nerve endings (29) Nerve endings in the skin which detect pain .
Gland An organ which secretes specialized substances in the body.
Glomerulus of sweat gland (22) The highly coiled tubular basal portion of a sweat gland.
Hair follicle (8-17) That portion of the skin which produces and supports a hair.
Hair root (12) The base of a hair follicle.
Hair shaft (8) The actual hair itself. It is non-living and composed of keratin.
Hives Raised areas of skin with a clear fluid underneath caused by various irritants.
Impetigo Skin lesions in clusters which discharge a fluid. Highly contagious.
Internal root sheath (15) The lining of the hair follicle which surrounds the hair sheath.
Keratin A horny non-living substance of which hairs and fingernails are composed.
Moles Brown moles are an overgrowth of epidermis and pigment and are usually harmless if not
irritated. Black moles may become cancerous .
Nervous papilla of corium (28) A dermal sensory receptor for touch.
Pacinian corpuscle (pressure) (33) A dermal sensory receptor for deep pressure .
Glossary (continued}
Papilla of hair (17) A highly vascular projection' of tissue at the hair root which forms the hair by
cell division.
Perspiration A synonym for sweat, the liquid produced by sweat glands. It is primarily composed of
water, salt and urea.
Pigment The darkening substance produced by the skin as a response to genes and to sunlight. It is
chiefly composed of melanin, which screens out harmful ultra violet radiation.
Pimple A small localized infection of the skin, resulting from a bacterial problem in a pore (37) or
around a hair follicle (8-17).
Protoplasm The living material of which cells are made., ,
Psoriasis Patches of raised red skin with silvery scales. The cause is unknown, but is thought to be
related to emotions.
Receptor A specialized nerve ending which detects a specific change in the environment.
Sebaceous oil gland (10) Dermal glands which produce a waxy oil which waterproofs the skin and
hair. Sebaceous glands often are associated with hair follicles.
Stratum corneum (1) The outermost layer of epidermis composed of dead cells filled with keratin.
Stratum germanitivum (5) The innermost epidermal layer of cells which continually produces new
cells for the stratum corneum.
Stratum granulosum (3) An epidermal layer of cells between the stratum lucidum and the stratum
Stratumlucidum (2) An epidermal layer of cells between the stratum corneum and the stratum
Stratum mucosum (4) An epidermal layer of cells between the stratum granulosum and the stratum
Sweat duct (21) A duct (tube) which carries sweat from the glomerulus to the sweat pore, where it is
released onto the surface of the skin.
Sweat gland (21-22) A dermal gland which produces sweat. It is composed of a glomerulus, sweat
duct and sweat pore.
Sweat pores (37) The opening of the sweat duct onto the surface of the skin.
Tactile disks (30) Sensory nerve endings which detect touch. They are located beneath the dermal
Urea A metabolic waste product, most of which is removed from the blood by the kidneys, but some
of which is removed from the body in sweat.
Vascular papilla of corium (25) The blood vessel rich ridged upper layer of the dermis (dermal
Warts Horny, raised outgrowths of the epidermis believed to be caused by a virus.
Zone of growth and differentiation (16) The region of the hair papilla in which actively dividing
cells produce the hair.
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