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The Evolution of Piano Technique:
Romanticism vs. Minimalism
Melissa Johnson
University of Mary Washington
Department of Music
Spring 2017
From 1780 to 1910, music underwent drastic changes throughout what came to be known as the
Romantic Period. With the newfound interests of the era, came new musical themes which
continued to evolve even after the end of Romanticism. In this lecture recital, the differences in
technique over three centuries will be evaluated in relation to the changes in societies’ attitude
toward how music should be presented. In addition to the discussion of the evolution of
technique, I will perform two examples: one Romantic piece, Frederic Chopin’s Berceuse; and a
Minimalist approach to the same piece.
Table of Contents:
Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………...…p. 1
Introduction…………………………………………...………………………...………….…. p. 3
Thesis……………………………………………………………………………………..….…p. 3
Approach and Methods……………………………………..…………………………………. p. 4
Implications of Research…………………………………………………………………......... p. 4
Work Plan/Time Table……………………………………...………...………………………...p. 5
References………………………………………………………………………………………p. 6
Romanticism was dominated by themes of unrequited love which resulted in musical techniques
such as frequent use of harmony and counterpoint. Harmony, as well as use of secondary
dominant chords, created an overall musical atmosphere of peace and satisfaction. In addition to
the unrestrained emotional expression often employed throughout this period, variances in
dynamics and tempo became more common. These changes brought about due to Romanticism
also became the gateway to the unique sound of Minimalism. Due to Romantic composers’
experimentation with abrupt changes in chord progressions and melodies, twentieth-century
composers were able to build upon their ideas and create unique sounds that were not previously
Romantic music and the twentieth-century composers of the Minimalist style share similar
musical techniques due to the evolution of style over these time periods. With an analysis of the
Romantic era and an explanation of how Romantic composers aided in developing the unique
characteristics that make the period inimitable, an understanding of Minimalism will be obtained
through a breakdown of the similarities that developed over time.
Approach and Methods:
I will research the development of the Romantic period along with primary composers of those
years and how the composers left an impact on music over time. In addition, I will study the
evolution of piano technique and compare the techniques found in the Romantic period with the
techniques employed by twentieth-century Minimalist composers. With the found knowledge of
the evolution of piano technique, I will draw conclusions on the relation between the two periods
and focus on the distinct differences. Lastly, I will briefly explain the concept of the prepared
piano and the process used to recreate Chopin’s Berceuse.
Implications of Research:
With this research on the evolution of two specific time periods, the process is to get one to
ponder how two completely different and unique periods can still be united. The focus on one
piece of music will strengthen the argument that the similarities are enough to be substantial.
Work Plan/Time Table:
Projected Date
Actual Date
Complete abstract and proposal
January 24
January 27
Meeting with instructor
January 31
Abstract and proposal
February 7
Complete Biographies and CV
February 16
Hearing and Program Draft
February 23
Complete Press Release Draft
February 28
Complete Press Release
March 9
Complete Programs
March 14
Presentation and Performance
April 13
Portfolio Presentation
April 20
“Romantic Music”. Essential Humanities. Accessed January 27, 2017.
Rush, Toby W. "Romantic Era Techinques." Toby Rush. Accessed January 27, 2017.