Download Organанаa group of tissues working together to perform

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1. Define the words “organ” and “body system” and give examples of the differences between them.
Organ ­ a group of tissues working together to perform specific function. Ex. Liver, stomach, pancreas
Body system ­ a group of organs working together to accomplish a function. Ex. Digestive system
2. Describe how food moves through the digestive tract. Mouth­throat­esophagus­ esophageal sphincter­stomach­ pyloric sphincter­duodenum­small intestine­large intestine­
rectum by peristalsis
3. List the steps involved in performing chemical tests for sugar and starch, and be able to conduct these tests.
Starch test add 1 drop of lugols solution to substance, black indicates presence of starch.
Add 20 drops of solution to 10 drops benedicts, heat 1 minute, yellow­ orange to red is positive for sugar
4. State the function of digestive enzymes. Proteins that break down the chemical bonds in food. They are food specific to what they break down. 5. Name the digestive enzymes in the mouth and stomach.
Mouth, Amylase changes starch into sugar, Stomach, Pepsin breaks down protein into Amino acids.
6. List at least four food sources of proteins, of carbohydrates, and of fats.
Protein­ eggs, meat, fish, beans
Carbohydrates­ bread, pasta, cereal, grains (anything with sugar)
Fats­butter, nuts, oils, margarine, mayonaise
7. Explain why the body needs proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
Proteins build and repair tissues
Carbohydrates provide energy
Fats­ store fuel and protects your organs