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Chapter 6 Worksheet 1 Name: ________________________________
Circle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer 1) The best explanation for the cause of atmospheric pressure is: a) weight of the air above. b) air temperature. c) air compression. d) wind force. e) air density. 2) The National Weather Service measures air pressure in the unit of a millibar, which is equivalent to: a) 10 Newtons per square meter. b) 100 Newtons per square meter. c) 500 Newtons per square meter. d) 1000 Newtons per square meter. 3) If the National Weather Service converted to the metric system, they would most likely report air pressure in which units? a) pascals b) kilopascals c) millibars d) inches of mercury 4) Who invented the mercury barometer? a) Galileo b) Bergeron c) Toricelli d) Celsius 5) The maximum pressure range of the atmosphere is between: a. 660‐1335 millibars. b. 720‐1335 millibars. c. 870‐1085 millibars. d. 975‐1035 millibars. e. 0‐1000 millibars. 6) What units of pressure are used when air pressure is reported to the public in the United States? a. millibars b. inches of mercury c. kilopascals d. Newtons 7) What is the average sea level pressure in the United States? a. 29.92 mb b. 766 mb c. 1000 mb d. 1013 mb 8) If air pressure is reduced by one‐half for every five‐kilometer increase in altitude, what would be the air pressure at a height of 25 kilometers as a fraction of sea‐level air pressure? a. 1/32 b. 1/8 c. 1/64 d. 1/4 e. 1/16 9) Which of the following would involve the greatest change in atmospheric pressure? a. horizontal airplane flight of 200 miles b. balloon ascent from sea level to 3 miles c. travel from center of a low pressure system to center of a high pressure system d. difference between the highest and lowest recorded pressure at any one weather station 10) The addition of water vapor will cause the density of air to: a. decrease. b. increase. c. stay the same. d. vary widely in a horizontal direction. 11) Air pressure drops ________ with altitude in a column of cold (dense) air than in a column of warm (less dense) air. a. equally b. more slowly c. less significantly d. more rapidly 12) Divergence in the atmosphere is best defined as: a. air moving out of an area. b. air piling up in one area. c. warm air moving away from cold air. d. clouds separating and dissipating. 13) Which of the following has the smallest impact on winds? a. pressure gradient force b. Coriolis effect c. humidity d. friction 14) An altimeter is an adaptation of the: a) aneroid barometer. b) millibar. c) mercurial barometer. d) anemometer. 15) What is a limitation of an altimeter that pilots must account for? a. It has a low battery life at high altitudes. b. Its readings may be too low or too high if the temperature varies from the expected. c. Corrections are not as accurate at low levels as they are at higher levels. d. They can't ever be used to determine altitude — only pressure. 16) The primary force which causes all winds is: a. centrifugal force. b. Coriolis effect. c. inertia force. d. geostrophic force. e. pressure gradient force. 17) Neglecting friction, the speed and direction of the horizontal wind are determined by: a. temperature and humidity. b. viscosity and turbulence. c. pressure gradient and Coriolis. d. gravity and humidity. e. only gravity. 18) If the earth were not rotating, a. all winds would cease. b. Earth would lose its atmosphere. c. air would move directly from high to low pressure. d. atmospheric pressure would decrease. 19) The term pressure gradient refers to: a. change in pressure at a weather station over 3 hours time. b. change in pressure from the tropopause to sea level. c. change in pressure along a horizontal surface. d. highest and lowest pressures at a station. e. change in wind speed at the same station. 20) It the Earth were not rotating: a. all air would move in one direction only. b. friction would be eliminated. c. the Earth would lose its atmosphere. d. air would move directly from high pressure to low pressure. 21) The pressure gradient force is directed from higher to lower pressure: a. only in the Northern Hemisphere. b. only at the poles. c. everywhere except the equator. d. only at the equator. e. everywhere. 22) The force that generates wind is: a. pressure gradient force. b. friction. c. gravity. d. Coriolis force. e. centrifugal force. 23) Meteorologists convert all atmospheric pressure data to the equivalent sea‐level air pressure in order to: a. make sure all of the data is measured in millibars. b. correct for the effects of the Coriolis force. c. remove the effects of elevation. d. unify the pressure gradient force at all locations. Circle “T” if the statement is true or “F” if the statement is false T F 24) Of the various elements of weather and climate, changes in air pressure are probably the most easily perceived by people. T F 25) Air pressure is exerted in all directions.
T F 26) Under typical atmospheric conditions, gas molecules behave like very elastic balls. T F 27) The inventor of the mercury barometer was Sir Francis Bacon.
T F 28) If the pressure were 1020 millibars, it would be considered higher than average. T F 29) The mercury barometer is larger and less portable than an aneroid barometer. T F 30) Standard sea level atmospheric pressure in the U.S. is approximately 29.92 inches of mercury.
T F 31) If you're cooking pasta for your big romantic date, you'd better allow a few extra minutes for it to cook once it comes to a boil if you're at a high altitude. T F 32) During times of warmer temperature (summer), the atmospheric pressure is usually less.
T F 33) At a given pressure value, the air density will be highest when the temperature is coldest.
T F 34) The primary cause of wind is not atmospheric pressure but atmospheric pressure differences.
T F 35) If pressure gradient was the only force acting on the air, it would move in a curved path.
Answer the following questions 36) The horizontal movement of air is called ________. 37) The pattern of isobar lines on a map provides a visual indication of ________. 38) When winds blow parallel to the isobars, which is usually the case for winds aloft, it is termed a(n) ________ wind.