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By, Malik P., Sarita C, Alex C.
● The philosopher, Confucius (or Kongzi, c.e 551 to c.e
479 B.C.E) is the recognized founder of Confucianism,
also referred to as the Ru-Jia doctrine or school of
literati, as it’s known by western scholars.
● Originally, Confucianism was composed of a set of
political and moral doctrines with the teachings of
meniscus (Meng Zi) and Xunzi (Xun Zi) also became part
of confucianism.
● The world of Confucianism seems to be the creation of
European christians who entered china about 1860c.e
and was originally used to label their notion of the nonchristian religions they came across China.
Approximate Date Founded
The date that confucianism was
founded 6th-5th century B.C.E and
was founded China.
Basic Beliefs
● Confucianism was the code of ethics adapted as the
official religion of most of the great empires in the
region since the Han Dynasty.
● Everybody had some type of religious belief.
● Confucianism provides a simple skeleton of ethical and
religious beliefs that most Chinese flesh out by other
religions such as Daoism.
Gods and Goddesses
● The people who believed in confucianism had no
real god they believed in. The person that was
most closest to what people called a god was
Confucius, because he was the founder of the
Concepts of Afterlife
● The Confucian religion believed that the afterlife could
not be comprehended by the human mind. So
Confucius wanted the people to be more focused on the
living part, and to live life without worrying about the
consequences or the rewards gathered by living.
Religious and Other texts
● “He who is courteous is not humiliated.”
“He who is magnanimous wins the multitude.”
“He who is of good faith is trusted by people.”
“He who is diligent attains his objective.”
“He who is kind can get service from the people.”
-5 Virtues by Confucius
The Confucian religion had many different religious texts
and books. The five classics were widely known. They were
Poetry, Book of History, Changes, Rites, Spring and Autumn
Annals. The annals were known for showing how people
should conduct their daily lives. The ideal king that
Confucius believed was that he has to have moral charisma.
The Confucian religion had many different religious texts
and books. The five classics were widely known. They were
Poetry, Book of History, Changes, Rites, Spring and Autumn
Annals. The annals were known for showing how people
should conduct their daily lives. The ideal king that
Confucius believed was that he has to have moral charisma.
Original and Current Geographic Area
• Confucianism was originally founded in
eastern Asia, and since then spread
throughout the Asian continent, it is currently
practiced in China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, and
Chinese and Vietnamese dispersions.
Number of Believers Today
• In today, more than 6 million people practice
Confucianism, it is the 8th most practiced
religion in the world.
Interaction with Government
Confucianism taught that the political leaders
should carry his duties as prescribed by his
position in the hierarchy
“good government consists in a ruler being a
ruler, a minister being a minister the father
being the father, and the son being the son.