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Lesson 1: Punic War Games- Activity
Standard: 6.7.1 Identify the location of and the political and geographic reasons for the
growth of Roman territories and expansion of the empire, including how the empire
fostered economic growth through the use of currency and trade routes.
Assessment: Have the student write a historic fictional newspaper article based on the
Punic Wars that shows the political reasons for the expansion of Roman territory and mark
a map to identify the expansion after these events. Students should use their in-class notes,
textbook, and rubric to complete the assignment- Assignment is due one week after it is
Assessment Instructions: You are reporting on the Roman victory in the third Punic War
from the point of view of the Romans. Be sure to use a creative title and include some
fictional quotes from Roman citizens on their opinion of the Roman victory. Include factual
information on what occurred and the reasons that Rome fought Carthage. Include a brief
summary of the first and second Punic Wars at the end of your article. In class you will be
given a map to color to show the expansion of Roman territory after the Punic Wars. Your
article should be 2-3 paragraphs in length and may include a picture of the defeat of the
Carthaginians. Please see the rubric for details. (Rubric, sample assignment, and map are
Introduction for lesson: Ask students about their favorite games. In my class, the students
said, video games, monopoly, and Yu-gi-oh trading cards. Then ask them where there
favorite games are from- the U.S. or somewhere else. Ask where they are from and take a
look at the map to find the region/country. Ask the students to imagine if we couldn’t trade
or communicate with those places how we could miss out on some of our favorite games.
Then introduce how many resources were located in different parts of ancient Europe, such
as gold, salt, and copper.
Behavioral Objective: The student will be able to understand how the political reasons for
the Punic Wars led to the geographic expansion of Roman territory and will be able to
identify the successive expansion of the Roman Republic on a map.
Teaching Strategy: Teaching Time- Approx (1.5 ) 45 minute class sessions
Session 1- Before class, clear desks to edge of the classroom. Mark map of
Europe/Mediterranean Sea/North Africa using masking tape. Mark Rome, Carthage, Spain,
and Sicily specifically. Give brief lecture on the Punic Wars (10mins) and have students fill
out worksheet and take notes. (Worksheet is attached). Review dates and history of Punic
Wars explaining significant people and battles. Introduce the activity (5 mins) and have the
students complete the activity (20 mins). Recap and illicit student response to compare
activity to history of Punic Wars (5-10 mins). Assign homework- Read textbook pages
412-417 and take notes using GBEAPS format.
Session 2- Review assigned homework in class (5-10 mins). Show video to introduce
additional information on Punic Wars to students (10 mins). Students should take notes for
their newspaper article. Give students map and newspaper assignment. Explain instructions
and show students sample article and sample map on overhead transparency (5-10 mins)
Give student’s remainder of class to begin work on the map/article.
Modifications: For ELD/SDC Learners- Modify text or have pre-made note sheets
available for them to refer to historic information on Punic Wars, rather than taking notes
directly from video. Write simplified instructions for activity on the board or overhead and
check for understanding before beginning the activity.
Student Tasks: Session 1- Students take notes on handout during lecture. Students are
placed in various areas of Europe and given roles of Romans, Carthaginians, or Roman
allies. They play games, until given instructions to “attack” another group for their games
and more territory. Begin with Romans attacking Sicily and pushing Carthaginians out of
the area and taking their games. In response, encourage Carthaginians to attack Sagantum,
Rome’s allies in Spain and take their games. In response, the Romans should attack
Carthage and take all the Carthaginian games and send Carthaginians to corner of the
Session 2- Students complete and review homework, take notes from video and begin work
on map and article.
GBEAPS for Punic War Games:
Geography – Map of Rome’s expansion of its territories during Punic Wars BeliefsRoman generals celebrated victories by dressing up as Jupiter, their supreme god, and
being in a parade. Carthaginians were worshippers of Baal and performed child sacrifice.
Economics- Wars were fought over control of trade routes in the Mediterranean and for
various resources.
Aesthetics- Wealthy Romans and politicians used funds to celebrate holidays, public
games, or build public buildings for the enjoyment of the common people to gain political
Political- Governments of Carthage and Rome compete for control of the Mediterranean
and make various diplomatic alliances to defeat one another.
Social- Plebeian Farmer- soldiers fought in the wars, Patricians were the senators with
power who made the decisions to fight
Video: Lost Treasures of the Ancient World: Carthage; A Journey Back in Time.
Kultur 1999. View 21.50 to 32.01 Approx 10 minutes of video, which focuses on
destruction of Carthage in the third Punic War to accompany lesson.
Background information for lecture on Punic Wars can be taken from the Illustrated
History of the Roman Empire website at:
Rome Primary source documents on Punic Wars can be found at the Ancient History
Sourcebook Website:
Blank map for students available from TCI Lesson 1.3 pg .12 for students to color to go
with Rome newspaper assignment.
Various games or activities, such as playing cards, cat’s cradle, a ball, tic-tac-toe, etc., for
students to play with during the activity.
Punic Wars Newspaper Article - 18 pts. Due Wed 5-23.
Write a newspaper article on the Roman victory in the third Punic War from the point of
view of the Romans. Use your textbook, and your class notes from the video and handouts.
Please see the rubric for details.
Use a creative title for your article.
Include factual information to describe the events and explain the reasons that
Rome fought Carthage.
Add some fictional quotes from Roman citizens about the victory.
A brief summary of the first and second Punic Wars should be at the end of your
Article needs to be 2-3 paragraphs in length
In class, color the map to show how Roman territory expanded during the Punic
Wars ending in 146 B.C.
May include a picture of the defeat of the Carthaginians.
Punic Wars Newspaper Article - 18 pts. Due Wed 5-23.
Write a newspaper article on the Roman victory in the third Punic War from the point of
view of the Romans. Use your textbook, and your class notes from the video and handouts.
Please see the rubric for details.
Use a creative title for your article.
Include factual information to describe the events and explain the reasons that
Rome fought Carthage.
Add some fictional quotes from Roman citizens about the victory.
A brief summary of the first and second Punic Wars should be at the end of your
Article needs to be 2-3 paragraphs in length
In class, color the map to show how Roman territory expanded during the Punic
Wars ending in 146 B.C.
May include a picture of the defeat of the Carthaginians.