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History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
Created by Kate Green
US History II: 1865 to Present – Notes & Study Guide – US.7 – World War II
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the major causes and effects of American involvement in World
War II by
7a) identifying the causes and events that led to American involvement in the war, including the attack on
Pearl Harbor.
Fascism –
Debt –
Political and economic conditions in
Europe following World War I led to
Conflict –
Reparation the rise of fascism and to World War
Foreign policy –
Inflation II.
Dictator –
 The rise of fascism threatened peace Evolved
in Europe and Asia.
Instability –
Nationalism –
 As conflict grew in Europe and Asia,
Devastation –
Racism –
American foreign policy evolved
Democratic Emphasized –
from neutrality to direct
How did post-World War I Europe set the stage for World War II?
 German’s government was weak and couldn’t hold law/order.
Causes of World War II
 Germany destroyed many cities/countries in WWI. Part of ending the war
 Political instability and
was the understanding that Germany would pay the countries to fix their
economic devastation in
towns/cities. This is called Reparation.
Europe resulting from
Germany had no money to give to the other countries.
World War I:
 Inflation – how much something’s cost increases over the years based on the
– Worldwide depression
world & money value. The higher inflation makes prices go up the less value
– High war debt owed by
your money has. “Not worth the amount it cost to make the bill.” The more
workers make, the more things cost.
– High inflation
Germans were paid
– Massive unemployment
by the Wheel Borrow full
each day and could only buy
a little bit of supplies to
live off of. They were given
millions of ‘Marks” (their
Dollar) everyday. For
example: when they went to
work a loaf of bread would
cost $30, by time they got
off work it would cost $100, the next day $1,000, and finally
Children Playing with Money
before Germany’s
Police Burning Worthless Money
government reacted.
Bread Line
Burning $ for Heat Worthless
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
Created by Kate Green
How did the rise of fascism affect world events following World War I?
 Rise of Fascism:
– Fascism is political philosophy
in which total power is given
to a dictator and individual
freedoms are denied and
nationalism and, often,
racism are emphasized.
– Fascist dictators included
Adolf Hitler (Germany),
Benito Mussolini (Italy), and
Hideki Tojo (Japan).
– These dictators led the
countries that became known
as the Axis Powers.
The Allies
 Democratic nations (the United
States, Great Britain, and
Canada) were known as the
Allies. The Soviet Union joined
the Allies after being invaded by
Allied leaders included Franklin D.
Roosevelt and, later, Harry S.
Truman (United States), Winston
Churchill (Great Britain), and
Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union).
The Big Three
Fascism is a government that is run by one person who takes his
beliefs and makes them law. The country is ruled by one person
who controls every part of your life.
With Germany’s
problems with their
money and lack of a
strong government.
Adolf Hitler was
allowed to take
control. People wanted
someone to take
control and get things
back on track. He
promised to fix
everything. However,
he eventually wanted
to rid all of Europe of Jewish citizens and used his power to try.
Benito Mussolini – dictator that took control in Italy who joined
forces with Hitler and eventually turned on him.
Axis Powers AKA Axis of Evil
F.D. Roosevelt & Truman were US Presidents
Winston Churchill was the head statesman of Great Britain
(England + other countries)
Joseph Stalin – Soviet Union Leader (Russia + other countries).
The Soviet Union is a Communist Country like Germany that does
not believe in a democratic government. The only reason the
Soviet Union
became an
Ally is
Invades them
after WWII
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
How did American policy toward
events in Europe and Asia change over
Gradual change in American policy
from neutrality to direct involvement
 Isolationism (Great Depression,
legacy of World War I)
 Economic aid to Allies
 Direct involvement in the war
War in the Pacific
 Rising tension developed between
the United States and Japan
because of Japanese aggression in
East Asia.
 On December 7, 1941, Japan
attacked the United States at Pearl
Harbor without warning.
 The United States declared war on
 Germany declared war on the
United States.
US.7 – World War II
Created by Kate Green
Gradual –
Legacy –
Isolationism –
Neutrality -
Direct Involvement –
Philosophy –
Isolationism b/c
of the Great
Money/Aid to
Involvement in
The Great Depression was World Wide
The US decided after WWI that it needed to take care of
the country before helping others. So we separated ourselves
from the rest of the world for awhile.
After some time, we realized that Europe was in great
trouble and we began giving money to our allies/friends.
Then the US was forced into WWII by Japan – Pearl Harbor,
“The Day that will Live in Infamy”
Japan attacked the Navy base in Hawaii without warning.
The US declared War on Japan quickly after.
US.7 – World War II
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
Created by Kate Green
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the major causes and effects of American involvement in World
War II by
7b) locating and describing the major events and turning points of the war in Europe and the Pacific.
Despite initial Axis success in both Europe and
the Pacific, the Allies persevered and ultimately
defeated Germany and Japan.
The Holocaust is an example of prejudice and
discrimination taken to the extreme.
Preserved –
Declaring War -
Holocaust –
Lease –
D-Day –
Turning Points -
Liberation -
What were the major events and turning points of World War II?
Major events and turning points of World War II?
Germany invaded Poland, setting
off war in Europe.
o The Soviet Union also invaded
Poland and the Baltic nations.
Germany invaded France and
captured Paris.
Dictators are Power/Land Hungry and
always looking for more. Great Britain
and France declare war on Germany.
Soviet Union invades Poland from the
other side meeting in the middle.
Paris is the capitol of France. Capture
the capitol – capture the country.
Bombings lasted for 57 Days
Battle of Britain
Germany bombed London, and the
Battle of Britain began.
The United States gave Britain war
supplies and old naval warships in
return for military bases in
Bermuda and the Caribbean (Lend
US wants more land too.
These islands are a barrier between
Europe and the US.
We give them supplies they give us land.
Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.
o the United States declared war
on Japan
“The Day that will Live in Infamy” FDR
Japan attacked the Navy base in Hawaii
without warning.
Germany declared war on the
United States.
o The United States declared war
on Germany.
You declare war on my ally, I declare war
on you.
US.7 – World War II
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
Germany invaded the Soviet Union.
The Soviet Union defeated
Germany at Stalingrad, marking
the turning point of the war in
Eastern Europe.
6/22/1941 to
The United States was victorious
over Japan in the Battle of
o This victory was the turning
point of the war in the Pacific.
American and other Allied troops
landed in Normandy, France, on DDay to begin the liberation of
Western Europe.
Created by Kate Green
Germany invades their Ally, forcing the
Soviet Union to attack back and join with
the WWII Allies.
Germany is defeated by the Soviet Union
Possibly Hitler’s Biggest Mistake.
Allies start winning in Europe
US and Allies attack an island midway
between the US and Japan.
Lasted for 4 days.
The Allies start winning in the Pacific
against Japan.
Freeing France from the Dictators.
Storm the beaches and push the Axis
powers back toward their own countries.
Turning Point in Western Europe
The United States dropped two
atomic bombs on Japan
(Hiroshima and Nagasaki) in 1945,
forcing Japan to surrender and
ending World War II.
Extra – Italy – Benito
Through the Manhattan Project the US
developed a Nuclear Weapon (Bomb) and
dropped two of them on Japan. Forcing
them to surrender.
The Bombs destroyed much of Japan and
showed the World that the US was a
World Super Power.
 Little Boy  Hiroshima
 Fat Man  Nagasaki
 Plane’s Name  Enola Gay
Italy was a supporter of Germany. B. Mussolini was
defeated in North Africa by Britain forces and later
declared war on Germany.
Enola Gay
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
Created by Kate Green
What was the Holocaust?
Anti-Semitism –
Tactics –
Banned -
Aryan Supremacy -
Boycott –
Imprisonment –
Systematic -
Segregation –
Liberation –
The Holocaust
 Anti-Semitism
 Aryan Supremacy
 Systematic attempt to rid
Europe of all Jews
 Tactics:
– Boycott of Jewish stores
– Threats
– Segregation
– Imprisonment and killing of
Jews and others in
concentration camps and
death camps
 Liberation by Allied forces of
Jews and others who survived
in concentration camps
Concentration Camps –
Stereotype -
Before Nazi/Hitler – the Anti-Semitists were called “BrownShirts” in 1933.
They banned Jewish citizens from schools, universities and were
forced to live in certain locations in the country.
They did not like the Jewish because of a stereotype – that
Jewish people are good with money. Germany was struggling with
money and many non-Jewish were unhappy.
Also, an assassination of a
Germany Diplomat in 1938
sparked more violence
toward the Jewish
The Holocaust is the
Actual Event of capturing
and killing Jewish citizens
in Europe.
Concentration camps are
the places Jewish citizens were taken after their capture.
If people survived the War or Concentration Camps, they were
released by US & Ally soldiers. They were very sick and needed a
lot of care, but survived to tell their tale.
Some German citizens that did not believe in Hitler/Nazi’s would
hide Jewish families in their homes. If, they got caught, they
would be punished too. Story – Diary of Anne Frank.
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
Created by Kate Green
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the major causes and effects of American involvement in World
War II by
7c) describing the impact of the war on the home front.
 World War II affected every aspect of American life.
 Americans were asked to make sacrifices in support of the war effort and the ideals for which
Americans fought.
Defense Plant –
Resources –
Distrust –
Conserving –
Temporarily –
Prejudice –
Rationing –
Racial Barriers –
Internment Camps -
How did Americans at home support the war effort?
How did WWII affect US Citizens at home?
American involvement in World
War II brought an end to the Great
 Factories and workers were
needed to produce goods to
win the war.
 Thousands of American women
took jobs
 Ration Books
were used to help
Americans reduce
the amount of
goods purchased
the war
in a given time
period. Example:
Rosie the
Your book might
have 5 boxes for
 America
stamps for Bread.
ns at home supported the war
Once you run out
by conserving and rationing
of boxes you do
The US wants the entire world to
have the same rights and freedoms as we
do, so we want everyone to be Democracies
-> Voting for their Leaders.
Everyday factories were converted
to War Time manufacturers – Weapons,
Ammunition, uniforms, vehicles,
not get any more
bread until the new time period.
Everyone did
their part –
Carpooling, Women
working, not buying
comfort items, etc.
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
Created by Kate Green
What effect did the war have on race relations in America?
The need for workers
temporarily broke down some
racial barriers (e.g., hiring in
defense plants), although
discrimination against African
Americans continued.
While many Japanese
Americans served in the armed
forces, others were treated
with distrust and prejudice,
and many were forced into
internment camps.
Factories needed workers, so
they hired whoever wanted to
work. Women & minorities.
The US was scared that the
Japanese-Americans were spies
for Japan and would sneak
things into the country or give
information away.
Internment Camps were not
nearly as bad as Concentration
Camps. They had housing, water,
food, etc. They were just removed
from their homes/communities
because of Fear.
The Worst World War: Why War Again?
Why do you think the way the Allies treated Germany at the end of WWI, will eventually lead to WWII?
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
Created by Kate Green
Answer the questions in complete sentences.
1. How did the Great Depression in the United States affect Germany?
2. How did Inflation become a big problem in Germany?
3. How did the problems of national debt, inflation, and unemployment leave the German people open
to accept a leader like Adolf Hitler?
The Causes of World War II
Economic Devestation
following World War I
Political Instability: The
Rise of Fascism
The Worst World War: Villains and Heroes
How do you think the rise of fascism will affect world events?
Match the following countries with their leaders. Identify the country as Allied or Axis.
US.7 – World War II
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
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Created by Kate Green
_____ 1. Soviet Union
A. Benito Mussolini
_____ 2. Germany
B. Hideki Tojo
_____ 3. Japan
C. Winston Churchill
_____ 4. Italy
D. Adolf Hitler
_____ 5. Great Britain
E. Joseph Stalin
Number the incidents below in the order in which they occurred to show how
American policy changed toward involvement with events in Europe and Asia
Direct Involvement in the War
Economic Aid to Allies
Choose one of the Leaders of WWII and write a Report Card for them.
Report Card for :
Follows the Rules
Works Well with Others
Cares About Other’s Feelings
Respects Other’s Property
Is Good with Money
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
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Created by Kate Green
Causes and events leading to US involvement in WWII
Name: ______________________________________ Date: ____________ Bell: _______
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences.
1. __________________ and _____________________
conditions in Europe following World War I led to the
rise of ___________________ and to World War II.
2. There were two main causes of World War II.
1) _________________________and__________
devastation in Europe resulting from World War I.
2) The rise of ____________________
2. There are four main causes of the political instability and economic devastation in Europe
after WWI:
 ______________________________________
 ______________________________________
 ______________________________________
 ______________________________________
3. The rise of ___________________ threatened ________________ in Europe and Asia.
 Fascism is a political philosophy in which total power is given to a dictator and
individual freedoms are denied and nationalism and often racism is emphasized.
 Fascist dictators included;
__________________________ (Germany)
__________________________ (Italy)
__________________________ (Japan)
 These dictators led the countries that became
known as the ______________________ Powers.
4. The _____________ included the Democratic nations of the United States, Great Britain,
and Canada. The Soviet Union (Russia) joined the Allies after being invaded by Germany.
5. The Allied leaders included:
 ____________________________, and later, Harry
S. Truman (United States)
 ____________________________ (Great Britain)
 ____________________________ (Soviet Union)
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
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Created by Kate Green
6. Gradually there was a change in American policy from ________________________ to
direct involvement.
 At first America practiced __________________ (Great Depression, legacy of WWI).
 As the war in Europe went on, the United States started sending both _____________
___________________________ and machinery to the Allied countries.
 ___________________________ of the US in the war came after Japan bombed
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
7. War in the Pacific:
 ______________________
developed between the
United States and Japan
because of Japanese
in East Asia.
 On ___________________,
Japan attacked the United
States at _____________
_______________, Hawaii,
without warning.
 The United States declared
_____________ on Japan.
 Germany declared
_____________ on the
United States.
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
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Created by Kate Green
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
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Created by Kate Green
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
WWII - Timeline
Germany invaded Poland,
setting off war in Europe. The
Soviet Union also invaded
Poland and the Baltic nations.
Germany invaded France and
captured Paris.
Germany bombed London, and
the Battle of Britain began.
The United States gave Britain
war supplies and old naval
warships in return for military
bases in Bermuda and the
Caribbean (Lend Lease).
Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.
After Japan bombed Pearl
Harbor, Germany declared war
on the United States.
The United States declared
war on Japan and Germany.
The United States was
victorious over Japan in the
Battle of Midway. This victory
was the turning point of the
war in the Pacific.
Germany invaded the Soviet
Union. The Soviet Union
defeated Germany at
Stalingrad, marking the turning
point of the war in Eastern
US.7 – World War II
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Created by Kate Green
 American and other Allied
troops landed in Normandy,
France, on D-Day to begin the
liberation of Western Europe.
 The United States dropped two
atomic bombs on Japan
(Hiroshima and Nagasaki) in
1945, forcing Japan to
surrender and ending World
War II.
 9/1/39
 5/10/40
 9/7/40
 3/11/41
 12/7/41
 12/11/41
 12/7/41 & 12/11/41
 5/4-7/42 & 6/4/42
 6/22/41 to 8/23/42 & 2/2/43
 6/6/44
 8/6/45 & 8/9/45
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
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Created by Kate Green
US.7 – World War II
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
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Created by Kate Green
The Worst World War: Here We Go Again…
Match the Event with its correct date.
September 1, 1939
June 14, 1940
Hitler’s Tanks begin rolling across Poland Beginning WWII –
Paris, France Falls to Germany invaders
August 13, 1940
Battle of Britain Begins – Germany starts an assault on British
September 27, 1940
Hideki Tojo & Japan joins the Axis Powers
As conflict grew in Europe and Asia;
American foreign policy started to evolve from neutral to direct involvement in the war.
March 11, 1941
June 2, 1941
“Tuskegee Airmen” begin with the formation of the 99th
Fighter Squadron – First All Black Pilots Squadron
Germany Invades the Soviet Union “Operation Barbarossa”
June 22,1941
Bombing of Pearl Harbor
The Senate and President Truman declares war on Japan
July 12, 1941
The Soviet Union becomes an Allied Power
November 17, 1941
Joseph Grew, the United States ambassador to Japan,
cables the State Department that Japan had plans to
launch an attack against Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (his cable
was ignored).
December 7, 1941
December 8, 1941
Lend-Lease goes into effect – Great Britain lets the US
borrow land in the Bermuda in exchange for weapons,
supplies and equipment. (FDR)
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
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Created by Kate Green
The Day Which will Live in Infamy!
What is the Event that President Roosevelt says is the “Day Which will Live in Infamy!”?
Why do you think America goes from being neutral to being involved in war?
The Worst World War: From Midway to D-Day
At this point in the war the Axis powers are slowly taking over the world. What do you think the Allies can
do to turn the war around?
Circle the location of the turning point in the Pacific and
the location of the turning point in Europe.
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
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Created by Kate Green
Match the Event with its correct date.
April 18, 1942
Italy declares war on Germany
June 4-6, 1942
The U.S. bombs Tokyo, Japan
February 2, 1943
U.S. Victory over Japan at the Battle of Midway.
The Turning Point in the Pacific
July 22-25, 1943
In the Soviet Union, the Battle of Stalingrad comes to an
end with the official surrender of the German 6th Army.
The German public is informed of this disaster, marking the
first time the Nazi government has acknowledged a failure in
the war effort.
The Turning Point in Eastern Europe
October 13, 1943
Allied invasion of Italy
Benito Mussolini is over thrown by the Allies and the
Italian Government
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US.7 – World War II
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Created by Kate Green
Match the Event with its correct date.
June 6, 1944
July 18, 1944
December 16, 1944
“ D-Day” = Unknown day.
Battle of the Bulge—the last major Nazi offensive
against the Allies—ends with a Nazi defeat.
D-Day - The Turning Point in Western Europe
U.S. & Allied Troops storm the beaches at
Normandy France to begin the liberation of France.
Hideki Tojo’s Cabinet resigns – his power begins to
Dark park of the maps below are the Allied Controlled Areas
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
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Created by Kate Green
February 4, 1945
Roosevelt, Churchill & Stalin meet in Yalta to talk
about ending the war.
February 19, 1945
The U.S. storms a Japans island – Iwo Jima
April 12, 1945
Roosevelt dies. Harry S Truman becomes U.S.
April 29, 1945
Japan surrenders to end World War II
April 30, 1945
V-E Day - Victory in Europe is declared.
War continues in the Pacific.
May 8, 1945
Hitler commits suicide in his Führerbunker in
Berlin. The Führerbunker (English: "Leader's
bunker") was an air-raid shelter located near the
Reich Chancellery in Berlin, Germany.
August 6-9, 1945
V-J Day - The U.S drops an atomic bomb on
Hiroshima and also on Nagasaki—two cities in
August 14, 1945
The first Nazi concentration camps are liberated.
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
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Dark park of the maps below are the Allied Controlled Areas
Relative manpower mobilized by the warring nations:
Created by Kate Green
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
World Maps Throughout WWII
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Created by Kate Green
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
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Created by Kate Green
The Worst World War: From Midway to D-Day
How do you think the Allies will finally defeat the Axis Powers?
Number these events in the order in which they happened.
United States Declares War on Japan and Germany
United States Drops Two Atomic Bombs on Japan
Germany Invades Poland. Setting Off War in Europe
Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor
United States Defeats Japan on the Battle of Midway
Japan Surrenders, Ending World War II
The Battle of Britain
Germany Declares war on the United States
The Soviet Union Defeats Germany at Stalingrad
WWII Teams
Allies – B
Axis –
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
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Created by Kate Green
The Worst World War: The Holocaust
Why do some people try to blame their problems on others?
Why do you think most people tend to “follow the crowd?”
Many children that lived through the holocaust kept diaries or journals of their experiences.
Pretend you are a young child during the Holocaust.
Write a dairy entry about what your experiences might have been like.
Dear Diary:
The Holocaust is an example of prejudice and discrimination taken to the extreme.
Hitler believed in…
Aryan Supremacy
US.7 – World War II
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
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Created by Kate Green
As soon as Hitler came to power he began the systematic attempt to rid Europe of all Jews.
His tactics included…
Halocaust Timeline
November 9, 1938
September 1939
June 1940
Warsaw Ghetto’s population swells and Nazis take it over sending Jewish
People to Consentration Camps.
Advancing American and British forces discovered the concentration camps.
The Jewish and others who survived the concentration camps were liberated
by the Allied forces.
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
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Created by Kate Green
The Worst World War: The Home Front
How do you think Americans back at home supported the war effort?
Fill in the blank or circle the correct choice to complete each question.
1. Americans were asked to make many sacrifices on the home front to support the war effort. One
way that Americans at home helped win World War II was by ___________________ and
_____________________ resources.
2. Thousands of American women took jobs in defense plants to continue producing goods that were
needed to win the war.
3. ____________________________ became the symbol for these hard
working American women.
Rosie the Plumber
Rosie the Riveter
Rosie the War Hero
4. The need for workers broke down racial barriers but _______________
_______________ were still discriminated against.
African Americans
Irish Americans
Chinese Americans
5. Japanese Americans were forced into _____________________ camps.
How did Americans Help in America?
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
Look at the Following Political Cartoons. Give a Brief Description of each.
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Created by Kate Green
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US.7 – World War II
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Created by Kate Green
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
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Created by Kate Green
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
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Created by Kate Green
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
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Created by Kate Green
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
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Created by Kate Green
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
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Created by Kate Green
History and Social Science Standards 2008 – VDOE, & Various Images
US.7 – World War II
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Created by Kate Green
Match the following information to the correct Vocabualry term. Then make a Graphic Organizer with the
following information. (Spinning Wheel reccomended)
Concentration Camp
Where the Jewish and others were sent
The extreme hatred of Jewish people
The race that Hitler believed to be Supreme
Imprisoned and Killed
The Systematic attempt to rid Europe of all
Jewish people
Germans did this to Jewish owed stores and
German soldiers used these to intimidate the
Jewish community
The Jewish community moved to their own
neighborhoods and later concentration camps
Soldiers led by Hitler & controlled the
Concentration Camps
Jewish people were ___ at concentration camps
Jewish and others were set free by Allied Forces
To Liberate
Trains, Marches
How Jewish people were moved to Concentration
The Leader of Germany and Axis Powers
Nazi Soldiers
Allied Forces
Group of countries fighting against the Axis
Powers & liberated France
Countries that declared war on the U.S. during
Strategies used by Germans to intimidate the
Jewish Community.
Germany & Japan
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