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The Age of Exploration: Guided Reading: Lesson 1
Chapter 4 - Lesson 1
Guided Reading Activity
The Age of Exploration
Lesson 1 European Exploration and Expansion
Review Questions
DIRECTIONS: Locate each heading below in your textbook. Then use the information under the correct
heading and subheading to help you write each answer.
I. Motives and Means
1. Who was Marco Polo, and why was he important?
2. What did Europeans hope to accomplish on their voyages?
3. How were the explorers able to travel such great distances?
II. A Race for Riches
4. Who were two important explorers for Portugal, and what did they accomplish?
5. Who were two important explorers for Spain, and what did they accomplish?
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The Age of Exploration: Guided Reading: Lesson 1
III. The Spanish Empire
6. What factors helped Cortés defeat the Aztec?
7. Who was Francisco Pizarro, and what did he do?
IV. European Rivals
8. Why did the Dutch form the West India Company?
9. Where in North America did the French and the English settle?
Summary and Reflection
DIRECTIONS: Summarize the main ideas of this lesson by answering the question below.
10. How did European exploration affect European nations politically and economically?
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The Age of Exploration: Guided Reading: Lesson 1
Answer Key
1. Marco Polo was an explorer who traveled from Venice to the Chinese court of Kublai Khan in the late
thirteenth century. The book he wrote about his journey increased European interest in Asia.
2. Europeans hoped to expand trade for spices, which yielded large profits; to find precious metals; and to
convert any people they encountered to Christianity.
3. New, faster ships called caravels, advances in mapmaking, use of the astrolabe and the magnetic
compass, and knowledge of wind patterns made long voyages possible.
4. Student answers may vary. Bartholomeu Dias reached the Cape of Good Hope. Vasco da Gama sailed
around the tip of Africa to reach India. Afonso de Albuquerque established a port at Goa and helped
establish Portuguese control of the spice trade.
5. Columbus reached all the major Caribbean islands and Central America. Magellan is remembered for
being the first to sail completely around the globe.
6. Spanish weapons, the use of native peoples as allies, and European diseases helped Cortés and his
soldiers defeat the Aztec.
7. Francisco Pizarro was a Spanish explorer who established a new capital at Lima after the conquest of
the Inca in Peru.
8. The Dutch formed the company to search for new sources of wealth and trade opportunities. They
wanted to challenge Portugal and Spain for colonial dominance.
9. The French settled in an area that is now part of Canada and in Louisiana. The English established
successful colonies along the eastern seaboard of North America.
10. A complete answer should include: conquest, competition, and trade led to significant economic and
political growth—for example, Portugal took control of the spice trade, the Spanish conquered the
Aztec and the Inca; the Dutch, French, and the English explored and settled in North America.
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