Download Latin America Physical Map

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Latin America—Physical Map
Read the clue to determine the name of the following features. Draw (when necessary) and label the
feature on your map of Latin America. Study the characteristics and location of the features. Physical
map on page 186.
Mexico is a large country, almost three times the size of Texas. Most of the country is made up
of a rugged central plateau, called the Mexican Plateau that is surrounded by three great
mountain ranges. What is the name of the major mountain range in the east?
Mexico does not have many major rivers. Its largest rivers drain areas of central Mexico and
provide the country with hydroelectric power and water for irrigation. What major river forms a
natural boundary between the United States and Mexico?
Northeast trade winds blow across the Caribbean and the ________to bring humid air and rain,
particularly during the summer.
This peninsula in southern Mexico is made mainly of limestone and is the flattest region. Water
tends to drain through limestone, so despite the areas humid climate, this feature has few
The Greater and Lesser Antilles archipelagos are located in this body of water.
Panama is an isthmus- a narrow strip of land that connects two larger land masses. This man
made canal was completed in 1914 and is one of the most strategic artificial waterways in the
This river is 4,000 miles long and is the world’s largest river by volume. So much water flows
from this river into the Atlantic that fresh water dilutes seawater for up more than 100 miles,
also ocean going ships can navigate this river for nearly 2,300 miles—all the way to Iquitos, Peru.
This mountain feature extends along South America’s Pacific coast and its highest peak is Mt.
Aconagua at 22,834 feet. This mountain range is a result of the collision of two tectonic plates
and has continued tectonic activity including volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.
High flat area in eastern Brazil surrounding the Sao Francisco River.
Between the Andes and the Brazilian Highlands is a really flat area of land whose name means
“hunting land”. The land is so flat that water sometimes stands for months after the summer
rainy season ends.
The eastern edge of this wide grassland feature is Argentina’s most densely populated area.
Erosion by both wind and water have carried fertile soil from the Andes to this region.
This feature is the driest region of South America and is located on the coast of Chile and
southern Peru. Cold ocean currents, a high pressure system and to a lesser extent mountain
barriers all contribute to dry weather in this area throughout the year.
This feature is located at the very southern tip of South America near the island of Tierra del
Fuego. It is a piece of land a smaller than a peninsula. (hint: take the bull by the ___)
Other important features- Label and create your own description on the back of this page.
14. Lake Titicaca
16. Angel Falls
18. Mexican Plateau
15. Rio de la Plata
17. Patagonia
19. Baja California
LEMPOSA factors in Latin America (major climate and vegetation types)
Major Landforms and processes that form and shape them
El Nino/La Nina, earthquakes, hurricanes (tropical storms)
Major resources
Challenges and benefits of physical geography in Latin America