Download 5 Components of Physical Fitness

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There are five components of physical fitness. A sound exercise program should address the first
four factors of physical fitness. The five components are
Aerobic endurance
Muscular strength
Muscular endurance
Body compositions
Aerobic Endurance
Aerobic endurance pertains to the body's ability to use oxygen. Aerobic endurance allows people
to last longer when participating in activities such as running, walking, climbing stairs, riding a
bike or swimming. The more aerobic endurance people have, the easier it is for them to
participate in these activities.
People need aerobic endurance to achieve cardiovascular fitness-the ability to pump blood
through the heart and blood vessels, thereby feeding the working muscles more fuel (oxygen) for
work. When exercising for aerobic endurance, you should never become breathless to the point
that you cannot talk while engaging in the activity. Aerobic exercise involves activities that use
the large muscle groups such as the legs and arms. Aerobic activities include: brisk walking,
jogging, bicycling, swimming, aerobic dance, racket sports and rowing.
Muscular Strength
Muscular strength is the ability to exert a force against some type of resistance. Lifting a weight,
picking up books from a desk and standing up from a chair are all examples of muscular
strength. Strengthening the muscles allows people to lift a heavier weight, pick up more books
from a desk or stand up from a chair with greater ease.
Muscular Endurance
Muscular endurance refers to the ability to repeat muscle exertions. Sit-ups, push-ups, moving
many boxes of books and squatting repeatedly are examples of muscular endurance activities. As
muscular endurance increases, the ability to repeat muscle exertions also increases.
Flexibility is the ability to move through the full range of motion allowed by a joint. Flexibility
depends on many factors, including age, gender, body fat/muscle mass ratio and exercises done
to enhance flexibility. Females tend to be more flexible than males, because of their body
composition (body fat to muscle mass ratio). The older people gets, the less flexible they
become, because joint mobility decreases. The more a joint is used, the more flexible it will
become. Increasing flexibility is most effectively achieved through stretching. Stretching
lengthens the muscles. The most important areas in which to maintain flexibility are the neck,
shoulders, hamstring muscles (back of upper leg), chest and hips. It is important never to stretch
a cold muscle. Always warm-up with some light activity before stretching. In addition, never
bounce when stretching, and don't stretch to the point of pain.
Body Composition
Body composition refers to the percentage of body fat found in the body. The number of pounds
one weighs is not as important as body fat percentage. The recommended body fat percentage
range for women is 19-26 percent fat; for men, it's 15-19 percent fat. Women typically have a
greater percentage of body fat due to the extra energy demands placed upon their bodies during
pregnancy and breast-feeding-this is a natural occurrence.
Several different tests can be used to evaluate body fat percentage. Qualified health care
professionals should perform these tests. Body fat percentage can be altered through a sound
exercise program and healthful eating.