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Condensation and Evaporation
Read the question carefully.
You must address the question as it is asked.
For example, if it asks “how” something
happens, be sure you are using a process to
describe how.
Be sure to have a topic sentence.
You should have at least 4 supporting sentences with
details about your topic.
You must have a conclusion sentence.
REREAD your paragraph to be sure your answer
makes sense.
Explain why condensation forms on a glass
containing a cold drink.
 Be sure to set up the situation. Tell about the
glass and what is in it.
 Give details about the temperature inside and
outside the glass.
 Describe the molecules inside the glass and
outside the glass.
 What happens when heat is removed from the
Explain how evaporation occurs. Use the
example of a glass of water sitting out over
 Set up the situation. Tell about the glass and
what is in it.
 Give details about the behavior of the
molecules when pressure changes.