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Male Reproductive System
The male reproductive
system has many pieces to it
but there are three very
important parts
The penis, testicles, and the
scrotum are the main parts
•If not for the male
reproductive system humans
would become extinct
A. The penis (has a shaft, head, and urethra), one of
the only organs to be outside the body. It also has
many sensitive nerve endings.
B. The scrotum, a sac that holds usually two testicles
and has many nerves and blood vessels.
C. The two testes are like two large olives within each
there are coiled masses of tubes that’s produce the
These parts function
in very different ways
but they all help each
other to deliver the
sperm into the female
reproductive system
The semen starts in
the testicles which are
held in the scrotum
then gets transferred
into the penis
The penis’ main job is to deliver the semen from
the to the female reproductive system and also to
get rid of urine
The semen travel through the urethra and go out through the
Glans or the tip of the penis when in one ejaculates
The scrotum does many things like holds the testes
in place and keeping the right temperature for good
sperm development
It has special muscles that lets the testicles come closer to the
body to get warmer or get farther from the body and expand to
cool down
It is outside the body since the testicles need a cooler
temperature than the body to make sperm cells.
c) The testicles are held in the scrotum and its main
function is to make sperm
The ideal temperature for testicles to make healthy sperm is
about 94 through 96 degrees so it need to stay outside of the
body since body temperature can kill the sperm cells
It’s secondary job is also to produce testosterone which are
male hormones and are mostly used during puberty
Other Structures
 Sperm ducts- tube that the
sperm uses to go from the
testes to the urethra
 Prostate Glands- forms fluid
that mixes with sperm which
is called semen
 Seminal Vesicles- stores
sperm and puts fluid in the
sperm ducts to help the
prostate glands carry the
 Urethra- carries sperm out of
 Genital warts, which are growths on
the skin of your genital area, is a
common type of sexually transmitted
It can be treated but it is not curable.
Genital warts can be removed in
many ways like freezing or burning
them off. They can come back at
anytime since this does not cure the
virus that causes warts
They can grow 6 weeks to 6 months
from when you got the infection
Warts increase your chances of
getting an HIV infection but itself is
not an HIV
They are spread when one touches a
skin that is infected by the virus
 Caceci, Thomas, Dr. "Exercise 27: Male Reproductive
System." Exercise 27: Male Reproductive System.
N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2013.
 "Male Reproduvtive System." Biology. Austin: Holt,
2007. 996-98. Print.
 Medlineplus. "Genital Warts: MedlinePlus." U.S
National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Library
of Medicine, 17 May 2006. Web. 10 May 2013.