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Gustation and Olfaction
Why Taste?
Help distinguish safe from unsafe
◦ Bitter, sour = unpleasant
◦ Salty, sweet, “meaty” (umami) = pleasant
Serves critical role in water balance
◦ Needed by kidney
◦ Allows passive re-uptake of water from urine
into blood
Mildly pleasant in small amounts
 Larger = more unpleasant
 Why?
◦ Can signal “bad” food
 Over-ripe fruit
 Rotten meat
 Spoiled food
◦ Bacteria grow in such media
Almost completely unpleasant to humans
 Many nitrogenous organic compounds
(with pharmacological effect) have bitter
◦ Caffeine (coffee)
◦ Nicotine (cigarettes)
◦ Strychnine (pesticides)
Signals possible poison, spoilage of food
to body… cause gagging at high
Signals presence of carbohydrates in
 Highly desirable (high calorie content due
to large number of bonds)
 Some non-carbohydrate compounds also
trigger sweet sensation
◦ Saccharin,
◦ Sucralose,
◦ Aspartame
Umami (Ooh-mommy)
Signals presence of amino acid Lglutamate
 Encourages intake of peptides and
◦ Used to build enzymes,
◦ proteins in body
Taste map?
It’s a myth! (And a mistranslation of a
German research paper)
 Concentrations of taste buds do change
from one area to the next…
Supertasters? Is it a good thing?
15-25% of the population has more
papillae (and taste buds) than the rest of
 Supertasters turn up their noses at bitter
but nutrient-rich veggies such as broccoli
and kale.
 This group more likely to have
precancerous colon polyps than people
with a below-average number of taste
Taste as Chemoreception
Taste cells, contained in bundles called
taste buds
 Contained in raised areas called papillae
 Found across tongue
Debated whether taste cells can respond
to one or many “tastants”
 Brain may be interpreting “patterns” of
larger sets of neuron responses
Saliva helps dissolve tastant molecules so
they can bind to receptors in taste buds
Carried to brain, interpreted
Sensation carried via one of three nerves:
◦ Facial (VII)
◦ Glossopharangeal (IX)
◦ Vagus (X)
Sense of Smell:
Sense of smell
 Specialized sensory cells in nasal cavity
 Detects volatile (airborne) compounds
 Supplement to taste…
Olfactory receptor neurons
Express only one functional odor
 Like a “lock and key” – 500-1000+ “locks”
◦ Each receptor binds with particular odorant
Vomeronasal gland
Structure at base of nasal cavity
 Thought to sense body chemicals
associated w/ sexual behavior
◦ Debated still…
◦ Lack of nerve structures innervating this
◦ Has been demonstrated to help distinguish
body odor differences in men and women!
Several theories on how this works:
Shape theory –
◦ Each receptor detects a feature of the
odor molecule
Weak shape theory
◦ Different receptors detect only small pieces of
molecules; inputs combined to form larger
Vibration theory
◦ Odor receptors detect the frequencies of
vibrations of odor molecules in the infrared range
by electron tunneling
Olfactory Epithelium
Proportion of olfactory to respiratory
epithelium (not innervated) indicates an
animal's olfactory sensitivity.
◦ Humans: 1.6 in2 olfactory epithelium
◦ Some dogs 26 in2.
 Dog's olfactory epithelium also more densely
innervated, (100 x’s more receptors/cm2)
Molecules of odorants pass through nasal
concha of the nasal passages
◦ Dissolve in the mucus lining
◦ Detected by olfactory receptors on
dendrites of the olfactory sensory neurons.
 May occur by diffusion or by the binding of the
odorant to odorant binding proteins.
Mucus on the epithelium contains
mucopolysaccharides, salts, enzymes,
and antibodies
◦ Very important - olfactory neurons provide a
direct passage for infection to pass to the brain