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•Know that all drugs cause problems whether they are legal or illegal
•Describe different types of drugs and why some people use them for
recreational drugs
•Know the difference between recreational and medicinal drugs
• Explain that drugs change the chemical processes in the body and
that in some cases that can lead to addiction
• Can explain what a gateway drug is and how cannabis
can cause psychological problems.
•Know that the overall effect of legal drugs on health is
far worse than the effect of illegal drugs
What is a drug?
Name 1 that is legal
Name 1 that is illegal
I know that all drugs cause problems whether they are legal or illegal
•A drug is any chemical that alters how our body works.
•Drugs that affect our CNS control the movement of chemicals
across the synapse. These are called recreational drugs eg
•The natural chemicals in our nervous system have shapes that fit
like a key in a lock .
•Drugs have a similar shape to these chemicals and
mimic (copy) what they do.
Drug action in the Synapse:
A. Disrupt the synthesis of neurotransmitter. A drug can block a cell's ability to manufacture the
neurotransmitter, thus decreasing its availability.
B. Disrupt the transport of neurotransmitter to axon terminal. Once a neuron has manufactured a
neurotransmitter, the transmitter needs to be stored in vesicles near the terminal end of the neuron for it
to be released. A drug can block this transportation from occurring, thus decreasing the neurotransmitter's
C. Affect storage of the neurotransmitter. A drug can make the storage vesicles "leaky", allowing
neurotransmitter to be destroyed within the cell. This will reduce the availability of the neurotransmitter in
the synapse.
D. Cause premature release of neurotransmitter. By forcing neurotransmitter into the synapse without
the nerve firing, the immediate effect will be an increase in neurotransmitter availability in the synapse. If
this happens for too long, the forced release will outstrip the neuron's ability to manufacture the
neurotransmitter, leading to decreased availability in the long run.Drug actions in the synapse:
I can describe different types of drugs and why some people use them for recreational drugs
I can describe different types of drugs and why some people use them for recreational drugs
1) If you have a headache you might take paracetamol or aspirin.
a)Why do you take the drug?
b)What type of drug are they?
c)How do they stop the aching?
2) In the second world war some pilots were given amphetamines.
a)Suggest why they were given the drug.
b)how did the drug help them fly better?
3) Which type of drug might a doctor give to somebody who is:
a)Always tired
b)suffering from stress
c)in pain?
I know the difference between medicinal and recreational drugs
I know that the overall effect of legal drugs on health is far worse than the effect of illegal drugs
A medicinal drug is taken to cure and/or alleviate any
symptoms of an illness or medical condition, or may be used
as a preventive.
Many problems today are caused by legal drugs eg
tobacco and alcohol BECAUSE they are so widely
I can explain that drugs change the chemical processes in the body and that in
some cases that can lead to addiction
The effects of different drugs
Some drugs change the chemical processes in your body so that you become addicted –
dependant on them. This enters you into a downward spiral of negative effects.
is this cycle?
withdrawal symptoms
I can explain what a gateway drug is and how cannabis can cause psychological problems.