Download Zika Virus - Marylebone Health Centre

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Zika Virus
GP surgeries have received an alert about the ZIKA VIRUS. It implies that currently
the main focus for general practice is responding to questions and concerns raised
by patents who are preparing to travel. If you require advice please contact
reception and a member of our nursing team will get back to you.
‘Efforts are focussed on trying to prevent Zika virus infections in pregnant women or
in women who are planning pregnancy. Such women should have pre-departure
travel advice that includes considering avoiding non-essential travel to countries
with active transmission until after pregnancy is concluded, and advice on
measures that can be taken to limit infection risk when travel is unavoidable.’
Patients recently returned from areas such as South and Central America and the
Caribbean and have fever may be mild and include a combination of the
following; joint pain; rash; conjunctivitis; headache; muscle pain; eye pain should
contact the surgery, or 111 for advice.