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Glimpse into
Table of Contents
Class Systems------------------------------- Slide 3
Egyptian Religion-----------------------------Slide 4
Egyptian Government-----------------------Slide 5
Art------------------------------------------------Slide 6
Kingdom Maps------------------------------Slide 7-9
World View-----------------------------------Slide 10
Natural order---------------------------------Slide 11
Interconnectedness------------------------Slide 12
Faq’s-------------------------------------------Slide 13
From Ancient Egypt to Just Egypt------Slide 14
Interesting Pictures-------------------------Slide 15
Sources----------------------------------------Slide 16
Class Systems
The Hierarchy
• Pharaoh
• Vizier, Nobles
Teachers, Doctors, Artists, Business Owners
• Soldiers, Peasants, Farmers, Slaves
•Slaves weren’t used to make
pyramids because the pyramids are sacred,
and slaves were considered unworthy.
•Slaves and
(mercenaries are
people that will do
anything solely for
money) were often put
in the army.
(Information from Kohn, Charles et al)
Ra was the sun god. In a boat, he
sailed across the sky with the sun.
Osiris is the god of the underworld.
He was the one who taught the
Egyptians to farm. He was killed by
his evil brother (Seth), who cut
Osiris’s body into fourteen pieces and
scattered them throughout the world.
Isis is the goddess of magic spells
and is Osiris’s wife. She collected the
pieces of Osiris’s body and brought
them back to life.
Anubis is the god of the dead. He is
represented with the head of a jackal,
and he is the guardian of the tombs.
His name means “He who counts
(Information from Kohn, Charles et al)
Ancient Egypt was dominated by
a single person addressed as the
The pharaoh is politically the
most powerful person in Egypt.
He is also considered a living god,
this is why the pharaoh had total
control over the empire.
The pharaoh’s ministers and
advisors were the priests.
Civilians paid their taxes through
goods and labour.
When taxes were paid through
labor, the tax payers were forced
to endure labour for whatever
amount of time until the corvée
(the labor tax) was paid down.
Peasants had no voice in the
government, but didn’t mind
because it was backed up by their
Cleopatra the VII was the last
pharaoh in Ancient Egypt. Her
family reigned the throne for 300
(Information from Kohn, Charles et al)
The Egyptians made sculptures and
weavings, as well as paintings. The
pigments they used to paint with
included the colours blue, red,
green, yellow, and black. Later on,
they started painting over paintings
using snake venom and egg whites
to protect them from the outside
(Information from Kohn, Charles et al)
Old Kingdom
• 2700 BC-2200 BC
• Not so far from the Early
Dynastic Period, the Old
Kingdom is considered
more of a continuation of
it (Kinnaer, Jacques)
• In the Old Kingdom, the
capital city was
Memphis, circled in red.
• A temple made to
honour the craftsmen
god, Ptah, disappeared
along with Memphis,
thus the capital city
changed to Heliopolis
(circled in blue).
***Rest of the information and pictures from Thinkquest***
Middle Kingdom
2100 BC-1800 BC
During this time,
Pharaohs weren’t in total
control. The officials got
their share of power this
Some examples of the
new cities include ItherTawi, Semna, and Tanis.
I’ve taken the liberty to
circle these three cities in
***All information and pictures from Thinkquest***
New Kingdom
1570 BC-1080 BC
The Egyptians took over many countries
around Nubia, claiming treasures for
The Egyptian Empire reached its “golden
age” (highest point) in 1400 BC. During
that time the capital city moved to Thebes
(circled in red).
During the end of the New Kingdom, the
capital city moved to Akenton (not shown).
There was a power struggle between the
government officials which caused Egypt
of break into small states. Invaders took
advantage of their weakness, and took
over ancient Egypt.
***All information and pictures from Thinkquest***
World View
• The Egyptians thought the world to be a little
different than what it is now. They thought the world
was flat and that it floats on a huge sea. (Carnegie
Museum of Natural History)
• Some people think that the Greeks admired the
Egyptians. Their argument is that around 300 BC
Alexander the Great took over Egypt. Apparently,
when a land is conquered, the winning side takes
whatever they feel is useful and destroys the land.
Alexander didn’t do this. In fact, Alexander added his
own section to the Luxor Temple and added his
name with the most ancient Pharaohs and in a way
uniting himself with them. (Lachtane, Kamira)
Natural Order
Ancient Egyptians observed
the flooding of the Nile River,
which occurs every year. They
didn’t know why, but the
flooding brought back
nutrients to the soil. As a
result, the soil remained
healthy for later crops. They
represented these
unchangeable phenomenon
with the goddess of truth,
order, balance, and justice.
Namely Ma’at. They believed
that without Ma’at, there’d be
absolute chaos.
(Information from Carnegie Museum of Natural History)
Egypt and
•A very main difference would be
Egypt was in Africa while
Mesopotamia location.
Mesopotamia was in the Middle East in
Both the Egyptians and the
Mesopotamian civilizations had
a river/rivers around them.
Both civilizations also were
accomplished in mathematics.
They had art and agriculture.
Both were polytheists (a
religion based on many gods).
All data, and map from Kjeilen,Tore.
modern day Iraq.
Q: How were the pyramids built?
A: There are many theories behind the creation of the
pyramids. The most likely is that while the pyramid was
being built, ramps were being built around it, and the
stone slabs were rolled into place with logs with someone
pulling them. The truth is really, that we really don’t know.
Even aliens were credited to help the Egyptians.
Q: Why were the rulers called Pharaohs?
A: Actually, the kings and queens were never called
pharaoh. That was a name given by the Greeks. The
Greeks also renamed Egypt, which was originally called
Kemet. (Thinkquest)
Q: Did Egypt ever have to endure war?
A: Yes. Although Egypt was pretty hard to invade, Libyans
and Nubians occasionally tried to invade Egypt. Egyptians
also sometimes had problems with who would be in
power. As a result, civil wars began. (Carr, Karen)
Q: Did the Egyptians have pets?
A: Yes, they had cats as hunting animals as well as pets.
Some cats were even mummified to ensure a safe journey
to the afterlife. (Carr, Karen)
Q: What did Egyptians eat?
A: They mostly ate bread. Beer was even put into
someone’s grave so they’d be able to have it in the
afterlife. (Carr, Karen)
•When Alexander took over Egypt, he and the
people after him stayed in power. They brought
the Greek culture and language, but Egyptians
continued to speak their language and worship
their gods. They lost control of Egypt to the
Roman known as Augustus in 30 BC.
•The Romans really liked Egypt because its soil
was so rich, and as a result it could produce a
lot of food. When Egyptians paid their taxes with
food, the Romans sent it all the way back to
Rome. Although it was the Romans that were in
control of Egypt, the main language was still
Greek. By now even some of the Egyptians
could speak Greek. When the Arabs took over
Egypt, Egyptians eventually converted to
Islamic, and learned Arabic. A new capital was
established, which to this day remains. The new
capital city became Cairo.
All information from Carr, Karen
Interesting Pictures
Carr, Karen. “Egyptian History.” Kidipedia. . January 5, 2009.
Accessed January 15, 2009.
Kjeilin, Tore. “Mesopotamia.” Looklex. Accessed February 20, 2009.
Kohn, Charles et al. World History Societies of the Past. Pages 74, 79, 81.
Lachtane, Karima. “The Greeks Admired Ancient Egyptians.” Ezine Articles. .
Accessed January 10, 2009.
Kinnaer, Jacques. “Old Kingdom.” The Ancient Egypt Site. . July 2, 2008. Accessed January 6,
Morales-Correa, Ben. “Living in Maat – the Natural Order.” All-About-Egypt:
Travel Beyond the Pyramids. .
Accessed January 14, 2009.
Rymer, Eric. “Ancient Egyptian Culture.” HistoryLink. . Accessed December 12, 2009.
The Carnegie Museum of Natural History. “View of the World.” Life in Ancient
Egypt. . Accessed
January 10, 2009.
Thinkquest. “Ancient Egyptian Government.” Ancient Egyptian Government. . July 22, 1996. Accessed
December 12, 2008.
Thinkquest. “The Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt.” The Kingdoms of Ancient
Egypt. .
Accessed January 7, 2009.