Download Las Planetas - JBSSpanishEnrichment

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Por (By)
Colton Jacobs
Conner Jacobs
y (And) Trey Moore
El grado 6(Grade 6)
Enriquecimiento español (Spanish Enrichment)
 - Text Translation -
Author Unknown
 - Author Unknown
 – Author Unknown
 – Author Unknown
Mercurio (Mercury)
 Es cincuenta y ocho millones de kilómetros del sol.
(Is fifty-eight million kilometers from the sun.)
 El diámetro es 4879 kilómetros de diámetro.
(Diameter is 4879 kilometers in diameter.)
 El tiempo de la revolución es 88 dias.
(Revolution time is 88 days.)
Venus (Venus)
 Venus es el segundo objecto más brillante en el cielo
de la noche.
(Venus is the second brightest object in the night sky)
 El nombre de Venuses viene de la diosa romana del
amor y la belleza. (Venus’ name comes from the
Roman goddess of love and beauty)
 Venus es 108.208.910 kilómetros del sol.
(Venus is 108,208,910 kilometers from the sun.)
Earth (Tierra)
• Earth is 150,000,000 kilometers from the sun.
• Diameter-12,742 kilometers
• Year Length- 365.25 days
Mars (Marte)
 Fourth planet from the Sun.
 Has the largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus
 Mars is the Roman god of war.
Jupiter (Júpiter)
 Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system.
 Jupiter has a large, stormy, red spot.
 Jupiter is the king of the Roman gods.
Saturn (Saturno)
 Saturn has many large rings.
 Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun.
 Saturn is the Roman god of agriculture and harvest.
Uranus (Urano)
 Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun.
 Uranus is the ancient Greek deity of the sky.
 Has the coldest planetary atmosphere.
Neptune (Neptuno)
 Roman god of the sea.
 Eight planet from the Sun.
 Has 12 moons.
 Is now labeled a dwarf planet.
 Has a moon named Charon
 Is 7.4 billion kilometers from the sun.