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Chapter 4 Ancient Greece Study Guide
Tyrant - a harsh ruler.
Ostracism – the banishing of a public figure.
Parthenon – temple dedicated to the goddess Athena
Homer - author of the Iliad and the Odyssey
Hippocrates – the Greek physician who set ethical standards for doctors
Herodotus – the father of history
Citizen - a free resident of a Greek city-state
Pericles – Athenian statesman who expanded democracy in Athens
Polis – a Greek city-state.
Monarchy - executive power passes from parent to offspring.
Oligarchy – rule by a few people (usually royals and rich)
Aristocracy – a wealthy class of people.
Republic – a book by Plato which states that an ideal state is ruled by a philosopher king.
Archimedes – applied principals of physics to make practical inventions.
Cleisthenes – established limited democracy in Athens.
Acropolis – the location within a city-state of temples dedicated to different gods and goddesses.
Zeus – the most powerful Greek god.
Zeno - Not on test.
Eratosthenes – determined that the Earth is round and accurately calculated its circumference.
Pythagoras – developed a formula to determine relationship between the sides of a right triangle.
What was special about Alexandria, Egypt? – Alexander the Great built a library there which was the greatest
accumulation of knowledge up until that time.
What was the role of Spartan women? – To care for the home and family because the men were often away at
What was an effect of the Greek victory over the Persians? – The Persians were never able to threaten Greece
What was Athens like under Pericles? – Democracy was expanded to include more than just the rich.
What were the results of the Peloponnesian War? – Sparta won and ended Athenian domination of the Greek
How did Athens differ from Sparta? – Sparta was a military state. Athens placed emphasis on the individual, arts
literature and new ideas.
Plato’s writing “Republic” describes what? – an ideal state is ruled by a philosopher king. He felt that average
people weren’t smart enough to cast an intelligent vote.
Greek architecture tries to express what? – grandeur, perfect balance, universal harmony, order.
Euripides wrote what kind of plays? - Tragedies
How far east did Alexander’s empire stretch to? - India
What is the basic plot of “The Iliad.” – Paris kidnaps the Spartan king’s wife Helen and starts a war between the
Greeks and Trojans as the Greeks try to rescue her.