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Examples of Evolution
Allele Frequencies
There are dominant and recessive
Hardy and Weinberg (scientists)
determined that dominant alleles do
NOT automatically replace
recessive alleles.
Alleles in a population only change
if selection acts upon them
The frequencies of alleles in a
population do not change
unless evolutionary forces act
on the population.
• Holds true for:
• large populations in which members
do not mate with relatives AND
• as long as evolutionary forces are not
acting on the population
5 Evolutionary Forces
1. Mutations
2. Gene Flow
3. Nonrandom mating
4. Genetic drift
5. Natural Selection
#1 Mutations
• Mutation rates are slow in nature
• Not all result in phenotype changes
(remember the codon wheel)
• Mutation IS the source of variation
though & makes evolution possible
#2 Gene Flow
• The movement of individuals to or from
a population (MIGRATION) creates
gene flow.
• Immigrants = arriving individuals
• Emigrants = departing individuals
#3 Nonrandom Mating
• In-breeding alters Hardy-Weinberg
• Also occurs when organisms choose
their mates
#4 Genetic drift
• Small populations that are isolated from
one another can differ greatly because
of genetic drift
• Fires - landslides - etc.
# 5 Natural Selection
• The frequency of an allele will increase
or decrease depending on the allele’s
effects on survival and reproduction
• N.S. is one of the most powerful agents
of genetic change.
Natural Selection affects the Distribution
of Phenotypes in 4 Ways!
1 – Stabilizing Selection
2 – Directional Selection
3 – Disruptive Selection
4 - Sexual Selection
1- Stabilizing Selection
• Individuals with the average form of a trait
have the highest fitness.
2 – Directional Selection
• Individuals at one end of the curve have
higher fitness and are favored more than
individuals in the middle or other end.
3 – Disruptive Selection
• Individuals with either extreme variation of
a trait have greater fitness than individuals
with the average form of the trait.
4 – Sexual Selection
• The preferred choice of a mate based on a
specific trait.
-- females choose
males based on
certain traits
V. I .S .T.
• V = Variation:
All life forms vary genetically within a
population. It is this genetic variation upon which selection
• I = Inheritance: Genetic traits are inherited from
parents and passed on to offspring.
• S = Selection: Organisms with traits that are
favorable to their survival get to live and pass on their
genes to the next generation.
• T = Time: Evolution takes time. It can happen in a few
generations, but major change, such as speciation, often
take very long periods of time.