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List three examples of
Describe an energy
conversion involved in
brushing your teeth.
Which forms of
energy are
renewable? Why?
What can
energy do that no
other form of energy
can do?
Apply the Law of
Conservation of energy
to fireworks.
What are some
nonrenewable forms
of energy?
Kinetic energy
depends on these two
variables. (Think of the
bowling ball on the
ramp hitting the pins)
Why does salad on the
edge of a table have
chemical energy? Give 2
Describe a situation
where chemical
energy is converted
into mechanical
What is the Law of
Conservation of
Fireworks convert
How are plants and
chemical energy into
solar cells similar?
what 4 forms of energy? How are they
You are riding your
All energy can be traced
motorcycle in the
back to the __________.
dessert and run out of Explain.
gas. Apply this to the
Law of Conservation of
You turn on a light in
your closet. Trace the
energy back to the
sun. Do not include
What is the advantage Energy is never
of LEDs?
destroyed, instead it
becomes unusable
A soccer player scores
the winning goal.
Trace the energy back
to the sun.
What is the overall
conversion in a coal
power plant?
Describe the energy
conversion present
when a baseball player
hits a baseball.
You lose 5 pounds by
jogging 1 mile every
morning. What
happens to the stored
chemical energy that
was once fat?
All conversions result
in this form of wasted
energy _________.
This is due to
Explain how a
radiometer shows that
incandescent bulbs are
A vacuum cleaner uses
100 units of electrical
energy. 60 units are
converted to heat and
sound. The rest is
converted into
mechanical energy to
pick up dirt. How
efficient is this vacuum?
Why is every
What is the difference
conversion inefficient? between heat and
mechanical energy?
Describe a process in
which energy changes
forms at least twice.
When the turbines in a Describe the energy
hydroelectric power
conversion in a solar
plant turn
___________ energy is
converted into
________ energy.
List the 7 forms of