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The Legacy of Bacon’s Rebellion (1676)
Main Causes
1. Land hunger resulted in clashes with NAs
2. Dissatisfaction with declining tobacco prices
3. High taxes were levied by the government
4. Lack of opportunity for small farmers
5. Colonial elites held a monopoly over trade with NAs
6. Gov. Berkeley attempted to increase his power and
place favorites in positions of power
Each of these issues created a volatile situation in
colonial VA!
Lasting Effects of the Rebellion
1. New land was made available to white settlers to
relieve tension
2. Native American tribes were driven off their land
3. Race-based slave economy was established to
replace indentured servants
4. The Rebellion represented a new anti-authority
sentiment in America- the first of more than 20
uprisings in colonies
5. The Rebellion can help us to see that the
Chesapeake region and economy produced a very
stratified society which lacked social cohesion