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STAAR Review
Era’s in American History
• Gilded Age:1870s-1900.
– Westward Migration (Expansion)
• People moving west to settle Oklahoma, Texas,
• Dawes & Homestead Acts. Americanization of
– Industrialization
• Big business/Mass production/oil & steel- John D.
Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan
– Urbanization/Immigration
• Populating the cities. More Europeans moving to
– Political Machines
• William “Boss” Tweed, corrupt politics, control the
• Progressive Era-1890s-1920s
– Segregation- Women’s suffrage (19th Amend.)
• Jim Crow Laws
• 13-15th Amendments- AKA Reconstruction Amends.
– Muckrakers- journalists exposing truths
• City slums- Jacob Riis, photographer How the Other Half Live.
• Food Production- Upton Sinclair, The Jungle.
– Presidents include:
• William Taft
• Theodore Roosevelt (Bull Moose Party)
• Woodrow Wilson
– Progressivism- to progress the human condition and
society in various ways.
• US Expansionism: 1880s-1920s
– Span-Am. War -1898- Acquires Puerto Rico
– Theodore Roosevelt (Rough Riders)
• Pres. “Speak softly & carry a big stick”
– World War I- 1914-1919 (US Enters 1917)
• Zimmerman Telegraph/Lusitania
• Trench Warfare- 1st time tanks/planes/machine
– Chemical weapons, mustard/chlorine gas
– “No Mans Land”
• Woodrow Wilson Pres. 14 Points- creates League of
• The Roaring 20s: 1920-1929
– Cultural Changes:
• Women’s Dress-Flappers
• Harlem Renaissance
– Music-Jazz Age, Tin Pan Alley
• Charles Lindbergh- flies across Atlantic solo
• Prohibition- 18th Amendment (alcohol is illegal)
• Economic prosperity- use of credit card, stock
market speculation.
– Presidents:
• Warren Harding
– A return to normalcy
– Teapot Dome Scandal
• Calvin Coolidge
• Herbert Hoover
• The Great Depression/New Deal: 1929-1939
– Causes- stock market crash, Oct. 29, 1929
(Black Tuesday), credit spending, poor
– Dust Bowl, Hoovervilles/Shantytowns, Bonus
Army (veterans want pay, march on Washington)
• President Hoover blamed
– Franklin D. Roosevelt- New Deal Programs:
• Social Security Act, Security & Exchanges
Commission (regulates stock market), FDIC
• Putting people back to work with programs like, TVA,
• World War II: 1939-1945
– Axis Powers: Italy, Japan, Germany-invades
Poland (1939), France(1940)
• Mussolini-Fascist, Hitler-Nazi
– Allies: G. Britain, Russia, US
• Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, FDR
– Japan attacks Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, 1941- US
now involved
– The “Final Solution”- The Holocaust,
extermination of Jews, genocide.
– Atomic Bombs- Hiroshima/Nagasaki
– United Nations created- promote world peace
• Early Cold War-1945-1955:
– Baby Boom
– Atomic Weapons-fallout shelters, duck n cover
– Yalta Conference-split up Germany
• Berlin Wall
– Soviet Union v. United States
• Arms race- who can make more powerful weapons
• Space Race- Sputnik, Russians first in outer space,
NASA is created.
• Containment, contain communism from spreading
• NATO v. Warsaw Pact
– Korean War- 1950-1953
• Divided at 38th parallel
• Civil Rights Era: 1955-1965
– Rosa Parks- sat on a bus
– Martin Luther King- spoke about equality for all.
• Peaceful actions, no violence.
– Civil Rights Movement- equal rights for all, not
just Af. Am.
– Brown v. Board of Edu.- outlaws segregation in
public schools.
– Civil Rights Act of 1964- ends segregation in all
public places, equality for all.
– 24th Amend. and Voting Rights Act of 1965 lets
every vote.
• Late Cold War: 1960s-1970s
– Bay of Pigs- failed to overthrow Fidel Castro
– Cuban Missile Crisis
• Kennedy & Khrushchev negotiate peace
– Vietnam War: 1965-1975
Ho Chi Minh-Communist leader of N. Vietnam
Started with Johnson, ends with Nixon
Tet Offensive
First televised war
– Watergate Scandal
• Where are the tapes?
– Carter: Panama Treaty, Camp David Accords
• Negotiates Peace in Middle East
• Iranian Revolution, Americans held hostage
• Modern Era: 1980s-9/11
– Reagan: Reaganomics (supply-side economics)
• Iran-Contra Scandal
• Afghan war, help fights Russians
– Bush, Sr.: Operation Desert Storm (Iraq)
– Clinton: NAFTA, Bosnia (ethnic cleansing)
• Family & Medical Leave Act
– Bush, Jr.: Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
• Osama Bin Laden, war in Afghanistan
• USA Patriot Act, Homeland Security.
– Obama: First Af.-Am. President
• American Recovery and Investment Act of 2009