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Chapter 18
Blood Disorders Group Project
Mononucleosis (infectious)
Sickle Cell Anemia
Von Willebrand Disease
Diamond Blackfan Anemia
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Prevention and treatment of Heart Diseases
Stroke- Thromboembolyic condition
 Unique tissue- The only fluid tissue in
the human body
 Classified as a connective tissue
 Living cells = formed elements
 Non-living matrix = plasma
 Fibers- are not present, except during
 Fibrin- are the fibers found during clotting
Physical characteristics and volume
Erythrocytes (red blood cells) make
up 45% of blood
Leukocytes (white blood cells)
combined with Platelets (cell
fragments) makes up less than 1%
of blood
Plasma (fluid matrix) makes up 55%
of the blood
Physical Characteristics of Blood
 Color range
Oxygen-rich blood is scarlet red
Oxygen-poor blood is dull, dark red
 pH must remain between 7.35–7.45
 Blood temperature is slightly higher than
body temperature
Physical Characteristics of Blood
 Sticky-
blood has a sticky feel to it
 Opaque- light does not pass through it
 Salty- to the taste
 Heavier than water and more viscous
when pouring.
 8% of the body weight is made up of
 Males- 5-6 liters
Females- 4-5 liters
 Why do males have more?
Functions of blood
Substance Distribution
Oxygen from the lungs and nutrients from
the digestive system is carried to the body
Waste transported away from the body
Hormones- transported throughout the
body to the target areas
body temperature- maintained by
absorption and distribution of heat
Functions of blood
Body pH is maintained through the
help of the blood.
Fluid volume- proper balance is kept
Blood loss- is prevented by the
clotting process.
Infection- prevented by the help of
the white blood cells, antibodies and
Plasma Proteins
• Albumin – regulates osmotic pressure
• Clotting proteins – help to stem blood
loss when a blood vessel is injured
• Antibodies – help protect the body from
Formed Elements
 Erythrocytes = red blood cells
 Leukocytes = white blood cells
 Platelets = cell fragments
Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells)
 The main function is to carry oxygen
 Anatomy of circulating erythrocytes
 Biconcave disks, more efficient- more
surface area; dynamic changes for vessels
 Essentially bags of hemoglobin
 Anucleate (no nucleus)
 Contain very few organelles and no
mitochondria (no oxygen needed);
anaerobic respiration for energy
 Outnumber white blood cells 1000:1
Hemoglobin- (part of the RBC’s)
 Iron-containing protein found in RBC’s
 Makes up 35% of the RBC’s cell weight
 Binds strongly to oxygen, but doesn’t
use it for energy
 Each hemoglobin molecule has four
oxygen binding sites
 Each erythrocyte has 250 million
hemoglobin molecules
Red Blood Cell Count
Female- 4.3 - 5.2 million cells per
cubic millimeter of blood
Male- 5.1 -5.8 million cells per cubic
millimeter of blood
Why do males have more?
Function of RBC’s
Carries O2 from the lungs to the body
 Hemoglobin- binds to the oxygen to
carry it (heme to O2; globin to CO2)
 Iron- is important in the making of the
“heme” part of hemoglobin
 (lack of iron =anemia)
 Carbon dioxide- 20% of CO2 combines
with hemoglobin (globin part)
 Blood cell formation
 Occurs in red bone marrow (adults= diploe of flat
 All blood cells are derived from a common stem cell
 Hemocytoblast differentiation
 Lymphoid stem cell produces lymphocytes
 Myeloid stem cell produces other formed elements
 RBC’s eject nucleus, and most of their organelles
when matured
Control of Erythrocyte Production
 Rate is controlled by a hormone (erythropoietin)
 Kidneys produce most erythropoietin as a
response to reduced oxygen levels in the bloodhypoxia; or an increase in tissue demands for
O2 (aerobic activity)
 Homeostasis is maintained by negative
feedback from blood oxygen levels
 Decline in number of RBC’s will also cause
 Testosterone- will also increase RBC production
which is why males will have more RBC’s
Control of Erythrocyte Production
Figure 10.5
Nutrients needed for production of
65% of the body’s iron is found in the
Free iron- is poisonous in the body
Iron not in the hemoglobin is stored in
B12 and folic acid- also important in
RBC production
Fate of Erythrocytes (RBC’s)
 Unable to divide, grow, or synthesize
proteins- No Nucleus
 Wear out in 100 to 120 days (lifespan)
 When worn out, are eliminated by
phagocytes in the spleen or liver
 Lost cells are replaced by division of
White blood cells
Leukocyte Levels in the Blood
 Normal levels are between 4,000 and 11,000
cells per millimeter
 They have nuclei and all organelles
 Abnormal leukocyte levels
 Leukocytosis
 Above 11,000 leukocytes/ml
 Generally indicates an infection
 Leukopenia
 Abnormally low leukocyte level
 Commonly caused by certain drugs
WBC’s: Protective mobile army
 Crucial in the body’s defense against disease
 These are complete cells, with a nucleus and
 Able to move into and out of blood vessels
 Can move by ameboid motion-(pseudopods)
 Can respond to chemicals released by
damaged tissues
 Their numbers can double within a few hours
in order to fight disease/sickness
Types of Leukocytes
 Granulocytes
 Granules in their
cytoplasm can be
 Include
eosinophils, and
 Neutrophils
 most numerous type of WBC’s chemically
attracted to inflamed sites
 Act as phagocytes at active sites of infection
especially against bacteria and fungi
 Eosinophils
 found in intestines and on skin
 Found in repsonse to allergies and parasitic
 Phagocytotic to foreign bodies instead of bacteria
 Basophils
Have histamine/heparin containing
Initiate inflammation and aid in
migration of other WBC’s
Least numerous type of WBC’s
Types of Leukocytes
 Agranulocytes
 Lack visible
 Include
lymphocytes and
 Lymphocytes
 Found in lymph tissue
 Play an important role in the immune response
 T-cells fight virus infection (T-helper cells)
 B-cells produce antibodies
 Monocytes
 Largest of the white blood cells
 Function as macrophages
 Important in fighting chronic infection
Production of Leukocytes
Hormonally stimulated
Granulocytes and agranulocytes will take a
different path
Life span will vary greatly; depends on
wars against bacteria etc.
Thrombocytes (aka Platelets)
 They are cell fragments; not complete
 Needed for the clotting process
 Normal platelet count = 250,000500,000/mm3
 They are regulated by hormones
 Anucleated (no nucleus) and will only
live for about 10 days
Blood Plasma
 Composed of approximately 90 percent water
 Includes many dissolved substances (over 100
different solutes)
 Nutrients
 Salts (metal ions)
 Respiratory gases
 Hormones
 Proteins- makes up 8%; mostly produced by
the liver
 Waste products
 Stoppage of blood flow
 Result of a break in a blood vessel
 Hemostasis involves three phases
1. Vascular spasms
2. Platelet plug formation
3. Coagulation
Vascular Spasms
 Anchored platelets release serotonin
 Serotonin causes blood vessel muscles
to spasm
 Spasms narrow the blood vessel,
decreasing blood loss
Platelet Plug Formation
 Collagen fibers are exposed by a break
in a blood vessel
 Platelets become “sticky” and cling to
 Anchored platelets release chemicals to
attract more platelets
 Platelets pile up to form a platelet plug
Coagulation ( aka blood clotting)
 Injured tissues release thromboplastin
 Result is a mesh of fibrin that traps blood cells,
sealing the hole until the tissue can be repaired
 Most chemicals needed for clotting is in the
blood; just need to change balance.
 Procoagulant- chemicals that enhance or
promote clotting
 Anticoagulants- chemicals that inhibit or
prohibit blood clotting
 Anticoagulants are normally dominant
 Thromboplastin (released from the platelets)
call other platelets to the area and make
procoagulants dominant
 Calcium ions Ca++ are also needed
 Clotting normally takes 3-6 minutes
 May be faster in emergencies
Blood Clotting
 Blood usually clots within 3 to 6 minutes
 The clot remains as endothelium (vessels
tissue) regenerates
 Platelets and fibrin are pulled tighter
squeezes out the serum in a process known
as synerisis (plasma – the clotting agents)
 Pulls vessel closer together for repair
 The clot is broken down after tissue repair
 Fibroblast- help to form a connective tissue
 The
process of getting rid of
blood clots when you no longer
need them
 Plasmin- is the protein that is in
charge (clot buster)
 Begins within 2 days after the
clot is formed
Undesirable Clotting
 Thrombus
 A clot in an unbroken blood vessel
 Can be deadly in areas like the heart
 Embolus
 A thrombus that breaks away and floats
freely in the bloodstream
 Can later clog vessels in critical areas such
as the brain
Bleeding Disorders
 Thrombocytopenia
 Platelet deficiency
 Even normal movements can cause
bleeding from small blood vessels that
require platelets for clotting
 Hemophilia
 Hereditary bleeding disorder
 Normal clotting factors are missing
Blood Groups and Transfusions
 Large losses of blood have serious
 Loss of 15 to 30 percent causes weakness
 Loss of over 30 percent causes shock,
which can be fatal
 Transfusions are the only way to
replace blood quickly
 Transfused blood must be of the same
blood group
Human Blood Groups
 Blood contains genetically determined
 A foreign protein (antigen) may be
attacked by the immune system
 Blood is “typed” by using antibodies that
will cause blood with certain proteins to
clump (agglutination)
Human Blood Groups
 There are over 30 common red blood
cell antigens
 The most vigorous transfusion reactions
are caused by ABO and Rh blood group
ABO Blood Groups
 Based on the presence or absence of two
 Type A
 Type B
 The lack of these antigens is called
type O
ABO Blood Groups
 The presence of both A and B is called
type AB
 The presence of either A or B is called
types A and B, respectively
Rh Blood Groups
 Named because of the presence or
absence of one of eight Rh antigens
(agglutinogen D)
 Most Americans are Rh+
 Problems can occur in mixing Rh+ blood
into a body with Rh– blood
Rh Dangers During Pregnancy
 Danger is only when the mother is Rh–
and the father is Rh+, and the child
inherits the Rh+ factor
Rh Dangers During Pregnancy
 The mismatch of an Rh– mother carrying
an Rh+ baby can cause problems for the
unborn child
 The first pregnancy usually proceeds without
 The immune system is sensitized after the first
 In a second pregnancy, the mother’s immune
system produces antibodies to attack the Rh+
blood (hemolytic disease of the newborn)
Blood Typing
 Blood samples are mixed with anti-A and
anti-B serum
 Coagulation or no coagulation leads to
determining blood type
 Typing for ABO and Rh factors is done in
the same manner
 Cross matching – testing for
agglutination of donor RBCs by the
recipient’s serum, and vice versa
Developmental Aspects of Blood
 Sites of blood cell formation
 The fetal liver and spleen are early sites of
blood cell formation
 Bone marrow takes over hematopoiesis by
the seventh month
 Fetal hemoglobin differs from
hemoglobin produced after birth