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On Efficient Part-match
Querying of XML Data
Michal Krátký, [email protected]
Marek Andrt, [email protected]
Department of Computer Science
VŠB–Technical University of Ostrava
Czech Republic
Introduction – XML, query languages,
indexing XML data, part-match querying.
Multi-dimensional approach to indexing XML
Extension of the multi-dimensional approach
for keyword-based querying.
Index data structures.
Preliminary experimental results.
Native XML database. Set of documents is a
database, DTD (XML Schema) is its database
XML query languages (XPath, XQL,
A common feature is a possibility to formulate
paths in the XML graph (regular path
expressions, XPath axes and so on).
Approaches based on: relational decomposition,
trie, multi-dimensional, signatures and so on.
Part-match querying XML data
Some approaches for keyword or
phrase based searching were
published: XQuery-IR (WebDb’02),
XKeyword (ICDE’03) and so on.
Knowledges from IR are applied.
Query languages contain operators for
matching term occurrence. For
example contains(), ~=.
Multi-dimensional approach to
indexing XML data
A graph is a set of the
paths. XML document is
decomposed to paths and
labelled paths.
 labelled path: lp ∈ XLP:
 path: p ∈ XP:
idU(ui) – unique number
of a node ui
Term index – a storage of strings si of
an XML document and their idT(si).
Labelled path index – a storage of
points representing labelled paths.
Path index – a storage of points
representing paths.
labelled path index, path index
books,book,id; books,book,title and
books,book,author. Points (0,1,2); (0,1,4) and
(0,1,6) are created using idT of element and attribute
names, idLP = 0, 1 and 2.
For example, the path to value The Two Towers. The
labelled path books,book,title with idLP 1 belongs.
Vector (1,0,1,3,5) is created using idLP, unique numbers
idU of elements, and idT of the term.
Query for values of elements
and attributes
XPath query: books/book[author=“Joseph Heller”]
3 phases of a query processing, finding:
● idT of terms from the term index,
● idLP 2 of labelled path books,book,author from the
labelled path index: point query (0,1,6),
● points from the path index: range query
(2,0,0,0,12)×(2,max,max,max,12). 8/21
Enhanced querying
XPath axes are processed by a range query
or sequence of range queries. For example
axis descendent: (0,idU(u0),…,idU(ul-1),
idU(u),0,…, 0):(maxD,idU(u0),…,idU(ul-1), idU(u),
Regular path expression. For example
//title[name=‘Chaudhri’] is processed
by a complex range query. The query is
possible to process in one run in the multidimensional data structure.
Comparison of approaches
Mainline approaches (XISS, XPath
Accelerator) index single element
(attribute). For example query
/e1[e2=‘dog’] is processed by joining
single results.
Result formatting. For example a result
of the query //name is all matched
Operation Update and Insert are
simple possible.
Keyword-based searching
Path-Labelled Path-Term (PLT) index is
The index indexes an 3-dimensional space:
(idP, idLP, idT).
idP is added into the point representing path:
Path-Labelled Path-Term index
Query processing plan
Index data structures
Paged and balanced multi-dimensional data
structures – (B)UB-trees, variants of Rtrees.
 Problems:
● indexing points with different dimensions.
● narrow range query – the signature is
applied for efficient processing – Signature
 Efficient processing of the complex range
Efficient processing the
complex range query
Complex range query = sequence of
range queries: qb1,qb2,…,qbn.
The query is possible to process in
one run in the multi-dimensional data
Experimental results
Protein Sequence Database XML document:
● the document size is 683MB,
● number of elements: 21,305,818,
● number of attributes:1,290,647.
● maximal length of path: 7.
BUB-forest, R*-forest, Signature BUB-tree and
R*-tree. Index structures: trees indexing spaces
of dimension n=7 and n=9.
Experimental results
Queries: ProteinDatabase/ProteinEntry/[reference/refinfo/
authors/author='Smith, E.L.']
Experimental results
Regular path expression
Query: //uid='89071748' , 5 labelled
paths were matched.
Naive processing the complex range
query: DAC: 368
Efficient processing the complex range
query: DAC: 139
Time: 0.03s, Improvement: 2.5x
Preliminary experimental results
Keyword-based searching
● document size is 250kB,
● maximal length of the path: 6
● number of paths: 4,967
● number of labelled paths: 13
● number of terms: 8,744
● PLT index: 27,127
Preliminary experimental results
Keyword-based searching
Labelled path index: result size: 1,
DAC: 3
PLT index: result size: 1, DAC: 3
Path index: result size: 1, DAC: 13
Path index: result size: 1, DAC: 4
Θ(m × log n), Θ(c × m × log n) vs. Θ(m1 × m2),
m1 ,m2 ≥ m.
Efficient processing a query with AND condition.
Signature is applied.
Multi-dimensional approach for term searching
may be applied (e.g. *comp*).
The update operation of XML documents.
Comparison with another approaches for test
collections (INEX, XMark, …).
M. Krátký, J. Pokorný, V. Snášel: Implementation of XPath
Axes in the Multi-dimensional Approach to Indexing XML
Data. Accepted at International Workshop on Database
Technologies for Handling XML information on the
Web, DataX, Int'l Conference on EDBT, Heraklion - Crete,
Greece, 2004.
M. Krátký, J. Pokorný, T. Skopal, V. Snášel: The
Geometric Framework for Exact and Similarity Querying
XML data. In Proceedings of EurAsia-ICT 2002. Shiraz,
Iran, Springer Verlag, LNCS 2510.
M. Krátký, T. Skopal, and V. Snášel: Multidimensional
Term Indexing for Efficient Processing of Complex
Queries. Kybernetika, Journal of the Academy of Sciences
of the Czech Republic, 2004, accepted.
Paths, labelled paths
Paths 0,1,2,’003-04212’; 0,5,6,’001-00863’
and 0,9,10,’045-00012’ belong to the labelled
path books,book,id,
Paths 0,1,4,’J.R.R. Tolkien’; 0,5,8,’J.R.R.
Tolkien’ and 0,9,12,’Joseph Heller’ belong to
the labelled path books,book,author.
Complex queries
Query for values and XPath axis processing,
e.g. books/book[author='Joseph Heller']/title
● Combination of above described techniques:
query for value, XPath axis processing.
Regular path expression queries
for example: books//author
● A sequence of range queries processes this
query in the path and labelled path index: books,
author - books,*,author - books,*,…,*,author.
(B)UB-tree, R-tree
Narrow range query –
signature multi-dimensional ds
Regions intersecting a query hyper box are
searched, O(NI × logc n).
Ratio cR of relevant NR and intersect NI regions
≪ 1 with an increasing dimension.
Signatures are applied to better filtration of
irrelevant regions – signature md structures.
Signature R-tree
Experimental results
Queries: ProteinDatabase/ProteinEntry/[reference/refinfo/
authors/author='Smith, E.L.']
Experimental results