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September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. We remember those we have lost to
prostate cancer, and renew our commitment to preventing, detecting, and treating this illness
affecting so many Washington families.
Prostate cancer is among the most common cancers for men living in Oregon and the United
States. It is the 2nd leading cause of cancer death in men, following lung cancer. A man is being
diagnosed with prostate cancer every 3 minutes, and a man dies from the disease every 20
minutes. The risk for developing prostate cancer doubles if a man’s father or brother has been
diagnosed with the disease. It is especially prevalent among African American men, who
experience both the highest incidence and the highest mortality rates of prostate cancer.
The Oregon Urological Society (OUS) will continue to advocate for the men and their families in
the fight against prostate cancer.
As we mark National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, the OUS offers several suggestions to
show your support:
1) Schedule an appointment with your local urologist or general practitioner to discuss the
need for a prostate cancer screening.
2) Wear a blue ribbon which symbolizes prostate cancer awareness.
3) Purchase a “wing man” from before the end of the month. 10% of the
proceeds will go to the American Urological Association Foundation for Men’s Health.
4) Make a donation to the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute in support of local research being
conducted on behalf of prostate cancer
5) Visit your local prostate cancer support group if you have been recently diagnosed with
prostate cancer or a current prostate cancer survivor.
About the Oregon Urological Society (OUS):
The Oregon Urological Society represents urologic surgeons across the State of Oregon. It is
one of the most up and coming, active state urological societies in the country providing
advocacy services and education for our specialty and the patient community we serve. The
mission of the society is to enhance the delivery and quality of urologic care through education
and advocacy for patients and health care providers.
For more information:
Debi Johnson
OUS Executive Director
425-971-5822 direct | 866-800-3118 office | 800-808-4749 fax