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Ancient Greece Study Guide!
! 2.!Where is the center of the U.S.
government? Washington D.C.!
! 3.!What is a democracy? A government
which citizens make political decisions !
! 4.!Where did modern democracy begin?
Ancient Greece !
! 5.!What is the building in Washington D.C.
that reflects ancient Greek architecture?
Lincoln Memorial!
! 6.!What is the building that was part of
Athens in the fifth century B.C.? The
Acropolis !
! 8.!What is a Peloponnesus? a mountainous
Peninsula in southern Europe !
! 11.! What are two of the city-states in
Greece? Athens and Sparta !
! 12.! What are City-states? Political units
made up of a city and surrounding villages!
! 13.! What are the occupations of most of
the people in Athens and Sparta? Farmers,
herders, and fishermen !
14. What did Greek city-states share in
common? Culture and language
17. Sparta was what kind of state? Military
19. Sparta boys began receiving military
training at age seven. After decades of military
service, they became citizens at the age of 30.
20. At the end of the sixth century B.C., Athens
became a limited democracy. 21. Who were citizens in Athens? Only adult
free males !
24. Where did Greek citizens discuss politics
and what was it named? an agora or market
26. Between Athens and Sparta, who won the
Peloponnesian war, becoming the dominant
power in Greece? Sparta !
27. In 338 B.C., who used his well-trained
army to seize control of Greece? King Phillip II
of Macedonia!
28. Who took control of Greece after king
Phillips II death and where did his empire
extended? His son Alexander and his empire
extended to North Africa the middle east Asia 29. How old was Alexander the Great when he
died and what parts of the Greek culture
spread to other parts of the world because of
him? 33 years old!
the greek language, ideas, and beliefs 32. Define partitions and their role in
government? members of rich and powerful
families could hold the highest government
33. Define plebeian and their role in
government? Commoners in ancient Rome
could vote but not hold an office farmers,
craftsman, merchants !
34. Who did the Romans allow to take over
the government?
Augustus 36. Where and when Christianity did begin?
380 A.D. Palestine
37. Looking at the map, give at least three
reasons, the Roman Empires fall. division of
the empire, Crushing tax burden, food
shortages, gap between rich and poor, decline
of patriotism, division of the empire, (KNOW
39. What did the greatest legacy of the
Greeks? Democracy the greek society was
one of the 1st to give people a vote in
government 40. What were the Romans practiced skills
that spread culture?
public buildings, aqueducts, designed and
built roads, spread culture of Christianity,
invented the idea of the republic, created a
written code of law. (PICK ONLY THREE)!
6. Which empire threatened Greece in 500
BC? Persian Empire!
12. What was the outcome of the battle of
Salamis? Greeks defeated Persians!
14. List three characteristics of Sparta:!
1. Sparta’s power was based on its army. 2.
Spartan’s life centered on training for war at
age 7. 3. Girls (no military training) ran,
wrestled, and played sports for toughness.!
15. List three characteristics of Athens:!
Athenian military power was based on
its navy. 2. Great pride in doing things
well. 3. Athens also invented drama
for western civilization.!
18. Why did Sparta declare war on Athens?
They were jealous of Athenian power.!
19. What were the wars between Athens and
Sparta called? Peloponnesian War!
21. Which side eventually won the
Peloponnesian War? The Spartans