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Philosophy Through the Centuries
Unlimited (UPT)
Think about this…
What was life like for humans when they first evolved?
What is life like for humans in the 21st Century?
It takes evolution millions of years to adapt creatures to their
environment, yet our environment is only a few decades old.
Social evolution happens very rapidly and humans have
been forced to adapt to society. Sometimes this adaptation is
contrary to our biological nature.
Karl Marx
Karl Marx
Marx lived during rapid social change
Large factories were appearing and people were moving into
the cities.
People worked in factories and coal mines for 15 hours per day,
6 or 7 days per week. They were paid the minimum they needed
to survive.
Marx thought that their “human” needs were not being met
It is not in people’s nature to be stuck inside working all day
every day.
Marx also believed that people’s lives were being dominated
by the things they produce
19th century boot factory
21st century boot factory
19th century factory smoke stacks
21st century factory smoke stacks
Cartoon published in 1849 “Punch” magazine…The comment read:
'It is gratifying to know that although there is such misery in the coal mines,
a great deal of luxury results from it'.
21st Century humor about Captialism
Think about the person who works at McDonalds…
How many burgers do they need to assemble before they’ve been
paid enough to buy one of those burgers?
Someone else is getting most of the money for their efforts...
Marx called this a
relation of production
Historical relations of production:
Each of these changed through revolution, which saw slightly
better conditions for the workers.
Just as every other system has collapsed, Marx predicts that
capitalism will also collapse.
It will be replaced by a system that is more equitable.
Capitalism can be understood by looking at two classes of people:
Workers (Proletariate)
Owners (Bougoursie)
The Owners own the means of production
The Workers own their own labor
The relation of production works as follows:
It is in the Owners best interest to pay as little as possible
for labor and charge as much as possible for their products.
It is in the Workers best interest to charge as much as possible
for their labor.
The more Workers there are means they will be paid less.
Because there are plenty who are out of work and are willing to
work for less, just to get the work.
Marx believes that this system sets up inequities and will
eventually collapse.
Marx believes there will be a revolution that will bring about a
more equitable system.
Capitalism will collapse, and there will be a period of transition:
* Socialism e.g. USSR
* This introduces a new economy and new human nature
When Socialism reaches full potential, there will be a period of
crisis and collapse:
* Then Communism will appear
* Under Communism, Humans will reach their full potential
Why will there be a revolution against capitalism?
Capitalism is a contradictory system and will bring about its own
destruction… Here’s how:
1. Capitalists own means of production (factories, technology etc)
2. Capitalists pay as little as possible for labour
3. Product, profit takes on a life of its own--it’s the driving force
4. New technology is created by workers. It becomes cheaper than the
workers. Workers are replaced by technology.
5. Workers earn less money in order to be more affordable than
technology (look at low pay rates of Chinese slave labourers)
6. Workers have less money and cannot buy products. They can’t even
afford to buy the things they produce.
7. Less people buying products means less profit, so Capitalists
increase charge for products. They lay off more workers and replace
them with technology to get costs down.
8. Revolution ! A change in economic system.
Problems with Marxism:
Humans are naturally greedy, so they will take advantage of
communism and exploit their neighbors.
BUT: Is this true? Marx believes that we’ve only ever seen humans
as they are socially built under capitalism. It is possible that
humans differ in their natural state.
Reply: Humans must be naturally greedy, that’s where capitalism
came from.
BUT: This is wrong. We can’t say humans are greedy, therefore
capitalism exists. Its better to say that capitalism exists, therefore
humans became greedy.
It was a step by step process. Capitalism evolved, and humans changed
to fit the capitalist system.
Marx believes that Communism will work fine for humans
who are brought up in that system without capitalist baggage.
Imagine being able to realise your true potential…
* In the morning you could work on writing a novel,
* In the afternoon you could tend your garden,
* In the evening you could be a musician or artist.
This is our true nature. Humans should not become the thing
that they produce as they do in Capitalist society. People should
be whoever that want to be.
Instead of people saying “I’m a plumber” or “I’m a cook” or
“I’m a factory worker”… people should be able to say “I do lots
of cool stuff, and here’s what I’m working on this week…”
Powerpoint by BRENT SILBY
Produced at Unlimited (UPT)
Christchurch, New Zealand