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ALEHANDRO Elgado im single ladies
PHILAPEENO PIPER hot and ready to trot
Juan Twan
Chu Chang I'm just chillin eatin bacon
Egyptians played sports that we still play because of
them. Some games we don’t play anymore. Here are most
of the sports wrestling, weight lifting, long jump, swimming,
rowing ,shooting, fishing, hockey, gymnastics, handball,
javelin, boxing, high jump, archery, tug of hoop, marathon,
equilibrium, tug of war, and equestrian. They had gymnast
competitions and did events that we do today like
consecutive volt, floor exercises, and rhythmic. Some games
that aren't played anymore are tug of hoop, equilibrium,
and equestrian. How to play equilibrium two players on the
opposite team stand on their heels bodies stretched out in
a slanted position while holding hands. Whatever team
stands up the longest wins.
Egypt sports part 2
Tug of hoop is a sport kind of like tug of war with a
hoop. The concept is your holding one end of a
hoop and someone else is holding the other. Your
goal is to pull the opponent [person on the other
end] to your side. When they cross the line you
Priest of Egypt developed ways to preserve or mummify a body. Egyptians
mummified people and animals. Cats had great burials you can find
chambers that are for cats. Mummifying a body can take up to seventy days.
There are many steps to mummifying a body.
Step1. You must pullout the brain.
Step2. The body is purified.
Step3. All organs except for the heart are removed from the body and
placed in special jars.
Step4. The body is filled.
Step5. Dry the body out and bathe it in matron [A salt like substance] then
leave the body out for forty days.
Step6. Putting on the make-up and wrap the body.
Step7. Cover the body in resin.
Step8. Put the body in coffin and have the ceremony.
Abu Simbel
Abu Simbel is two ancient temples in southern
Egypt. The were built by mighty king Ramses.
The temples were built out of a sandstone cliff
on the west side of the Nile River. In the front
of the temples were four giant statues of
Ramses that were sixty-five feet tall. The
temples were built in between 1264 B.C and
1244 B.C. They were relocated in 1968 so the
Aswan Dam wouldn’t flood the temple. The
temples are one hundred feet tall today.
Upper Egypt
Upper Egypt is a narrow river valley with very steep
cliffs rising on both sides. The valley is also known
as Nile valley. The Nile valley is home to the kings
and queens. The Aswan Dam threatened the land of
Upper Egypt. Upper Egypt bordered Kush that is
now called Sudan. The main city of Upper Egypt
was Hierakonopolis. Each town had their own god.
Papyrus was the symbol of Lower Egypt whilst and
lotus flower were recognized the symbol of Upper
She is usually naked with stars around her and she is upside
down in an arch. She is the daughter of Tefnut and Shu. Her
brother and husband was Geb the earth god. She has four
children Osiris, Set, Isis, Nephthys. Nut means sky. She is the
granddaughter of Ra. Ra got annoyed with Geb and Nut and
locked them in a permanent embrace. When Ra was done
ruling Nut went to the heavens and came back a cow.
• Isis is one of the oldest gods. She was one of the first
gods worshiped in lower Egypt. Then everyone started
to in Egypt. She was the goddess of the sky. She
married her brother Osiris. She had a headdress
shaped like a throne. She has a pair of cow horns with
a sun disk.
• She was the goddess of mourning and sadness. She was a
friend and a protector of the dead. She is a woman with a
house and basket on her head. Her symbols are a kite,
crow, bones, and skulls. She was the sister of Osiris. She is
able to kill people with her fire breath
• He is a man with a ram head. He also wears an
Ostrich fur hat. He was important through history.
He was combined with Ra and became more
powerful. His name became Amun-Ra.
People also call it Gizah. They sit at ‘’the top of a
limestone cliff.” Tombs are still being found. There
are three large statues and pyramids including the
Great Pyramid and the Great Sphinx. It has Khufu’s
tomb, Khafre’s Pyramid Complex, Menkaure’s and
Sphinx temples. It was built as a tomb for King
Khufu. It once had all King Khufu’s treasures. It was
481 feet tall when it was built. Know it is around
455 feet tall. Each side is 755 feet long. Each stone
weighed 2000 pounds. It covers over 13 acres. It
was made with 2.3 million stone blocks.
Shu was the god of air, wind
He protected Ra on his journey through the under world
He had to protect him from Apep the snake god at one point
He would torture and kill corrupted souls
He was described, with a Ostrich feather headdress with a sun
disk on his head usually with his wife and sister Tefnut
• There are no known temples for Shu
Osiris & Isis story
Osiris took his father Geb’s place on the throne and ruled fairly.
Osiris’s brother was jealous and wanted to kill Osiris Set made a
coffin that only fits Osiris in it Set tricked him into going in the
coffin and through him in the Nile river it floated away into the
sea Set was sure Osiris was dead but Isis his wife/sister wouldn't
rest till he was found. Isis found the coffin and brought back to
Egypt he had died. Set was curious so he hunted the body down
then cut Osiris up into fourteen pieces then buried each piece in
a different spot along the Nile. Isis did not give up. She got help
from her sister Nepthys, she found all but one of the pieces and
Anubis helped her to put Osiris back together again. He came to
life briefly and became the father of Horus. Then remade him
the king of the underworld.
Osiris & Isis story #2
Isis protected Horus from Set by hiding him in the reeds on the
Nile until he was old enough to avenge his fathers death. After a
long battle Horus defeated Set and became king of Egypt. So
Egyptians believed that the spirit of Horus entered every king
and that when the king died his spirit went to the next world and
was joined to the spirit of Osiris instead.
Taweret has a head of a Hippopotamus with arms
and legs of a lion the back and tail of a crocodile
and the chest and stomach of a pregnant woman.
Many of the gods and goddesses in ancient Egypt
had temples to honor them. Other gods and
goddesses like Taweret and Bes were worshipped
by people in their own homes. Tawaret was a
goddess not a god. Taweret had many variatins of
her name they are Taurt, Tuat, Taueret, tuart, and
tawart, and in Greek it is Thoeris and toeris. Her
name means one who is great. She is a demon wife
of Apep and Apep is the god of evil.
Egyptian Foods
The Egyptians ate many different foods.
They also ate healthy. Even the poorest people had a
good diet. They ate all kinds of fruit and vegetables. Only
the rich ate meat of all different kinds. Cow and sheep
was the main meat eaten by the rich Egyptians.
Priestesses related pigs with the evil god Set and that
made most people never eat it. Egyptians ate calves,
oxen, duck, geese, and pigeon. The meat in Egypt was
expensive because there were very few grazing pastures
for the cows, sheep, and other animals to eat. Some
people preserved fish and duck with salt. When you put
the salt on the meat the salt absorbs all of the moisture in
the meat so it stays fresh longer.
Papyrus is a plant which once
grew in the wild of the Egyptians
delta and also in the Nile river
valley which is rare. From a
horizontal root growing in
shallow fresh water papyrus
grew up to 7 feet tall and in small
brown flowers that often
produced fruit. The plants were
once part of vegetation of the
1.Cut the stalks.
2.Peelaway the outer layer of the
papyrus plant.
3.Cut up the inner portion into
4.Place the papyrus plant strips
In water.
5.Lay the papyrus plant strips on a
hard flat surface.
6.Roll the excess water and sugar
out of the plant.
7.Weave the strips together.
8.Place the bundle between two
wooden boards.
9.Replace the wet linen sheets with
dry ones.
10.Flatten the sheet.
11.Pollish the papyrus.
13.Then you have papyrus paper.
Is the son of Ramses I and Sitre. Seti became a
man in the military like his father. He was called
Powerful man by the Egyptians, He was also
called Troop, Commander, and head archer. He
lead many campaigns for his father and his self
we they reined. When his father died Seti
became Menmaatre Seti which was his pharaoh
name. He married Tuya and they had four
children their third was Ramses II who became
pharaoh in about 1279 B.C.
Thebes was the capital of Egypt during the New Kingdom
and it became a very important center of worship for the
god Amun or Amon. Thebes is located both on the east
and west banks of the Nile river. Thebes means the
southern city. The city had many monuments of kings
such as Tutankhamen and RamessesII. The Ramesseum is
one of the best still standing examples of ancient Egypt's
history. It was built from 1279-1212 B.C and it was built
on the ruined temple of Seti I. The temple was organized
on the East-West axis. The pore villagers are stealing
ancient artifacts from the waters of the Nile River.
Nun was a man carrying bark .According to an
ancient Egyptian myth Nun was the waters of
chaos. Nun was the only thing that existed
before the land. The first part of land came out
of Nun. Nun was associated with the chaos at
the edge of the universe.
Hathor is a woman with the ears of a cow, a
cow, and a woman with and a headdress of
horns and a sun disk. Hathor was the wife of
Horus, and was sometimes thought of as the
mother of the pharaoh . A large temple was
made to honor Hathor at dendera.
• Atum is a man wearing a double crown. The
ancient Egyptians believe Atum was the first
god on earth. The Egyptians believed that
Atum rose out of the water of chaos(Nun)
and created all of the other gods or
Sobek was a man with the head of a crocodile
and the headdress of feathers and a sun disk.
Sobek was connected with the Nile and
protected the king. Live crocodiles were kept in
pools at the temples built to worship and honor
Hieroglyphic writing
The Egyptians made an alphabet completely made out of
pictures. The word hieroglyphs means holy writing in
Greek. Ancient Egyptians believed that the hieroglyphs
were the gods words. Some symbols were two to three
syllables long for one symbol. The Egyptians said that
their writing was from the gods. Jean Francois
Champollion was the first person to be able to read
hieroglyphics in 1822.In the Egyptian language there was
no words for a or and. Hieroglyphs were written by
scribes and priests. At first the hieroglyphs were simply
just pictures.
Geb’s appearances are a man lying down before the arch of the
sky goddess Nut and a man with a goose on his head. Geb is
the god of the Earth. Geb was the husband and brother of the
goddess Nut. He was the father of Osiris, Isis, Nepthys, and Set.
When Set and Horus fought for the Throne of Egypt Geb made
Horus the god of the living. The ancient Egyptians thought that
earthquakes were Gebs laughter.