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Last time we met we talked about the causes and
the events of the French Revolution. When we left
off the king had officially accepted the National
Assembly. In all the French Revolution was
proving to be a success. The newly formed
national assembly set themselves up with a
separation of powers and it was official the
government had been officially changed by the
So what happened to the King????
The French Revolution
► Louis
sent into exile. Then escaped.
► In the spring of 1792, Prussian and Austrian
armies invade France and try to restore the
► The French people now had to protect their
own country.
► Patriotic citizens then drove the Austrians
out of France.
► Captured Louis XVI and executed him.
The French Revolution
► The
French created a force of 800,000
citizen-soldiers to lead France.
► This group scored victory after victory.
► This citizen-army was led by Maximilien
► This
began “The Reign of Terror”
The French Revolution
► The
Jacobins were led
by Maximilien
► Jacobins
were a group
of radical
The French Revolution
“Reign of Terror”
► During Robespierre’s reign, over 40,000
people were executed. (This included
anyone thought to be loyal to the King or
anyone that could be a problem for
Committee for Public Safety
► Under
the command of Robespierre the
Committee for Public Safety was formed.
► Main task of the Committee was to protect
the revolution from its “enemies”
► The Committee for Public Safety and
Robespierre put many men who had led the
revolution to death.
No Rhyme or Reason
► Often
times there was no rhyme or reason
to the executions.
► The terror claimed not only the famous,
such as Marie Antoinette, but thousands of
unknown people. (many of which were from
the former 3rd Estate.)
► Many fellow revolutionaries that challenged
Robespierre’s leadership became victims.
Example of the Terror
► An
18 year old youth was sentenced to die
for cutting down a tree that had been
planted as a symbol of liberty.
“Terror is nothing else
than swift, severe,
indomitable justice; it
flows, then, from
From Speech to the National ConventionFebruary 5, 1794:
The Terror Justified
Maximilian Robespierre
Writing Prompt
What do you think Robespierre meant by this?
How might this justify the terror?
An End to the Terror
In July 1794 members of the National
Convention turned on Robespierre.
► They demanded his arrest and execution.
► The terror ended on July 25, 1794.
► Robespierre, the revolutions last powerful
leader went the guillotine.
The Aftermath
After the execution of Robespierre
and the end of the terror. Public
opinion in France shifted
dramatically to the right. People
were sick of the terror and the sky
rocketing prices for bread, salt and
other necessities of life.
Introducing the Directory
► In
1795 The National Convention drafted a
new constitution.
► The new plan:
 Put power in the hands of the upper
 Created a two-house legislature
 Formed an executive body of five men known
as the directory.
Successes of the Directory
► Gave
France a period of order.
► Directory found a new general to command
the army. (Napoleon Bonaparte)