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Liberating Learning with Online
Tools: Wikispaces
Max Echevarría
Literature - Technology and
Student Learning
 Instructional technology use is a matter of social
justice. The use of technology influences
student’s opportunities for future educational
and work experiences (Swain and Edyburn, 2007).
 Beglau (2005) noted that the use of technology
tools such as software, SMART boards, etc.
along with professional development for
teachers were factors in raising African
American student’s performance in all subject
Literature - Technology and
Student Learning (cont.)
 Wenglinsky’s (2005) analysis of NAEP scores and
surveys taken of students and teachers, demonstrated
a correlation between technology and academic
performance in a variety of subject areas
 He noted that in order for technology to be most
effective it was essential for teachers to provide tasks
that promote higher order thinking skills (Echevarria,
Vogt, and Short, 2008).
Literature - Technology and
Student Learning (cont.)
 The use of technology would provide ELL’s
opportunities to gain valuable language experiences
such as: verbal interaction, vocabulary development,
reading, and writing. Technology can also be used to
assist in teaching ELL’s in other academic areas such
as mathematics and social studies (Green, 2005).
Technology Tools Used
Threaded discussions
Online Reflections
Online Surveys
Photo Story
Embedded Video from Teacher Tube
Web links to online resources
4. Please rate your level of comfort with using a computer and
the Internet: Post-survey.
5. Where do you go to find information? (Please check all that
apply.) (Post-Survey)
6. Social Justice & Technology If you had the choice of only one person or place to go to find
information, which would it be? ( ... (Post-Survey)
7. Please explain why that choice is the easiest way for you to find
[To the Internet] it is easier because I can go to so many websites and find info not just one
It is easiest because the internet has everything that you could need so I can find more
[To My Family] “My family because they help me. Also because they would be
easy to find.”
It would be easier to me to find information on the internet because it has all the information
I will need.
It is easy for me to find information because when you check in the internet they give you a
specific answer when you go look in book its quite hard to find your answer.
The easiest way for me t find in formation is in the internet because In the internet you can
go to Google and write what you are looking for and then it will give you a perfect
explanation if you want it let long just look for it in the website and see if it is long if you want
it short do the same thing but make it short.
7. Please explain why that choice is the easiest way for you to find
696 (P)
[To the Internet] “The reason is because the internet has almost
everything you need to find, and it's faster.”
696 (P)
[To the Internet] Because you can find that information really fast, also you get
the exact information you want or need.
882 (I)
[To my family] “I choice that it could be my family because they are
the ones that help me a lot when I have homework.”
I choose the internet because its a easier way to find the information.
417 (I) Because the internet gives me more information and it has more options.
[The Internet] That way is the easiest for me because it gives you a lot of
information and it also gives you a lot to chose from. Also because you could do
to any website to find information that you need.
Social Justice & Technology Post-Survey On a scale of 1 to 5,
do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Social Justice & Technology Post-Survey On a scale of 1 to 5,
do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
8. When you are writing your thoughts, how does using the computer help
it doesn’t
it doesn’t help me
“It helps me because I can use the Internet and search.”
It helps me because I learn how to find solutions to my thoughts and I could write things
about my life like I would write in my diary.
The computer helps me write my thoughts because in my computer no one can use it
except for me. Also when i write my thoughts in the computer they are suppose to be private
because PC stands for Private Computer.
Writing my thoughts in my computer helps me because in the computer nobody can check
what you are writing and then you can write all your thoughts. In my computer I write my
thoughts sometimes and it doesn’t seem if nobody checks them. That is why I think my
computer is safe and nobody can check my thoughts or what I write about my self or other
things that are secret or that are about my feeling about things.
8. When you are writing your thoughts, how does using the computer help
“If I need to look for information I can go on the Internet.”
it helps me because I'm very comfortable typing.
“The computer and makes me be more focus on the thing that
I have to do. The computer helps me search for things that I
want to look for. The computer also helps me spell.”
it helps me because when I do an error the computer will help me.
it helps me because it makes me type faster and if I need help I don’t
have to erase it with an eraser
When I write my thoughts in the computer it helps me because if I have
417(I) some thing mean to say about someone I could just write they’re or if I
feel like making a story the computer is there.
Social Justice & Technology Post-Survey Does using technology
(e.g., computers, the Internet, etc.) help you learn?
10. Explain how technology (e.g., computers, the internet, etc) helps you
118 (G)
it helps me because I can type and write better also i can look for info on the internet and
learn crap
118 (G) it has a lot of information that you can look up so you can learn more information
861 (G)
“It helps me because I can search things that I don’t understand. Also
because it will help me how to type fast”
861 (G)
Technology helps me learn because I learn how to type faster and learn things about
history or important things in the internet.
It helps me learn by looking for things that I need help with, like when I need help with my
homework I check online on the internet or when I need to study some things I check
online it helps me do better in school.
The internet helps me learn because when I always want to study in the internet I always
study and I like what they write inn the computer because it is not bad to look for
information in the internet it is still studying. Like if I were to study about the Civil Rights
and I did not have a book about the civil rights I would go in the internet check information
about the civil rights and memorize what I read on the internet.
10. Explain how technology (e.g., computers, the internet, etc) helps you
“If I need to look for information I can go on the Internet.”
Because when you go on the internet you find information that you never new
was true.
882 (I) “The helps me find information.”
882 (I) it helps me because the internet has many things to learn about.
417 (I)
it helps because the internet has a lot of places to go if u need help on your
home work and it has more options.
It helps you because the computer teaches you about what ever you need and
417 (I) if you watch TV it has some channels that teaches you about animal survival
and other things.
Social Justice & Technology Post-Survey On a scale of 1 to 5,
do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Social Justice & Technology Post-Survey On a scale of 1 to 5,
do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Beglau, M. (2005, July 1). Can Technology Narrow the Black-White Achievement
Gap?. T.H.E. Journal, 32(12), 13-17. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No.
EJ762421) Retrieved November 11, 2008, from ERIC database.
Echevarria, J., Vogt, M., & Short, D.J. (2008). Making content comprehensible for
english language learners: The siop model (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
Green, T. (2005, January 1). Using Technology to Help English Language Students
Develop Language Skills: A Home and School Connection. Multicultural Education,
13(2), 56-59. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. EJ759624) Retrieved
October 7, 2008, from ERIC database.
Swain, C., & Edyburn, D. (2007, March 1). Social Justice: Choice or Necessity?.
Learning & Leading with Technology, 34(6), 14-18. (ERIC Document Reproduction
Service No. EJ779828) Retrieved November 11, 2008, from ERIC database.
Wenglinsky, H. (2005, December). Technology and Achievement The Bottom Line.
Educational Leadership, 63(4), 29-32. Retrieved October 7, 2008, from Academic
Search Premier database.