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Ratios Using Data
Ratio is a comparison of two numbers,
Usually written as a fraction a/b, where
a and b are the numbers
First number in the numerator
Second number in the denominator
Different ways to write a ratio:
3 to 4
3 out of 4
All ratios should be in reduced form
Finding Ratios
Bag Marbles
10 blue
15 yellow
3 green
1 purple
24 pink
Ratio blue to yellow
10/15 = 2/3
Ratio green to blue
3/ 10
Ratio green to yellow
3/15 = 1/5
Ratio purple to pink
Ratio blue to pink
10/24 = 5/12
Ratio purple to green
Ratio yellow to green
15/3 = 5/1
Our Classroom
Ratio of
Ratio of
Ratio of
Ratio of
Ratio of
girls to boys
boys to girls
number students to teacher
girls to number of students
boys to number of students
Equal Ratios same as Equivalent
12/15 = 4/5
24/30 = 4/5
10/16 = 5/8
24/48 = ½
48/18 = 8/3
60/20 = 3/1
5/6 = 15/18 = 10/12 = 20/24 = 25/30 = 30/36
Write each ratio in simplest form
12 to 44
3 to11
15 : 40
Comparing Ratios
You can use a decimal to express and compare
¾ = .75
5 to 16 = .3125
7:8 = .875
5/16 < ¾ < 7/8