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Medicine is a word, which has got two meanings:
1. a drug, or mixture of drugs
2. any science
A doctor is a person, who has been trained in medical science. In Britain every person is registred
with a local doctor known as a GP = general practitioner. If you want to see a doctor, you have to at
the first book your place in his diary. If a patient needs to see a specialist, at first he have to go to
his GP and GP make an appointment for the patient to see specialist.
The physician is a doctor specializing in areas of treatment other than surgery. Doctor´s primary
roles are: to identify and recognize diseases. The first piece of evidence is the patien´s own
statement of his troubles – the case history. There are written all patien´s illness and family history
of illness. This all are very important clues.
Physical examinations help record a medical history that indicates, which aspect of the examination
needs more attention. An examination confirms or refutes suspicions by the history. Special
examinations include chemical tests, microscopical study of blood cells or tisues and X-rays. In
cases, where people have been injured or somebody is uncomscious, it´s important to call an
In recent years people become more concerned about their health mainly in eating. Many of them
have reduced salt, fat, sugar to lose weight, lower their cholesterol and reduce the risk of getting
heart disease. People began to do sports for their health too. Expecially women go on diets. They
eat less than usual in order to become thinner. They need to lose their weigh because of good look,
or because of health problems.
A healthy lifestyle, which includes regular excercise, plenty of rest, enough sleep, good eating
habits, a lot of vitamins, no smoking and no alcohol, can help avoid infections diseases, heart
attacks and brain damage.
We need to go to the doctor for check-ups, get eye exams done, weigh ourselves regulary and see
the dentist twice a year. A dictionary definition says, that the body is the trunk of an individual,
excluding the limbs. The avarage temperature of the human body is 36, 5 °C. Our body temperature
goes up when we have a fever. A grown man has about 4,5 litres of blood. The blood is contained in
a closed system of tubes and blood vessels. Blood consists of red cells and white cells floating in a
plasma. It´s for rew materials and removing waste products. The red blood cell is the part of
pigment haemoglobin, which carries oxygen from lungs to the rest of the body.
There are four main blood groups – A, B, AB, 0.
Each of us has 206 bones – together they called the skeleton.
The brain is the part of central nervous system. The brain has three major functions:
- it controls the body giving every part different amounts of blood, food, oxygen and heat,
- it stores data in the form of memories until we need them later
- it creates: dreams, ideas, thoughts, emotions and moods
Questions for discussion:
1. What is the definition of the word „medicine“?
How should a person look after his/her health?
What do you think about alternative methods of disease tretment and prevention?