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Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 1
1. The nurse is planning an educational session on the reproductive organs. What should
the nurse include as the purpose of the fallopian tubes? (Select all that apply.)
A) Serve as a passageway
B) Produce female hormones
C) Regulate the menstrual cycle
D) Provide a site for fertilization
E) Provide an environment for the fertilized egg to travel to the uterus
Ans: A, D, E
The functions of the fallopian tubes are to provide a site for fertilization, a passageway,
and a nourishing, warm environment for the fertilized egg to travel to the uterus. The
functions of the ovaries are to produce the female hormones estrogen and progesterone,
which are responsible for female secondary sex characteristics and regulate the
menstrual cycle in response to anterior pituitary hormones.
Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 2
2. When preparing a presentation for high school students on the reproductive system what
should the nurse explain as the purpose of the scrotum? (Select all that apply.)
A) Produces male sex hormones
B) Protects the testes from trauma
C) Serves as the male organ of reproduction
D) Regulates the temperature within the testes
E) Serves as the external organ of urinary elimination
Ans: B, D
The main functions of the scrotum are to protect the testes from trauma and to regulate
the temperature within the testes. The testes produce male sex hormones. The penis is
the male organ of reproduction and as the external organ of urinary elimination.
Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 3
3. The nurse is counseling a woman who is concerned about fertility. She asks how to
chart for ovulation. Which day, on average, should the nurse explain when ovulation
occurs during a 28-day cycle?
A) 1
B) 10
C) 12
D) 14
Ans: D
Cyclical changes in the ovaries occur in response to FSH and LH. The average cycle is
28 days and ovulation is typically in the middle of the cycle, between the FSH and LH
phases of the cycle. Ovulation occurs on day 14 of a 28-day cycle.
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Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 4
4. The uterine cycle refers to changes that occur in the endometrial lining of the uterus. In
which phase of this cycle does the corpus luteum begin to produce progesterone?
A) Menstrual
B) Proliferative
C) Secretory
D) Ischemic
Ans: C
After ovulation, the corpus luteum begins to produce progesterone; this hormone causes
the uterine lining to become rich in nutrients in preparation for pregnancy. During the
menstrual phase of the uterine cycle, the uterine lining is shed because of low levels of
progesterone and estrogen. When estrogen levels are high enough, the endometrium
begins to regenerate. Estrogen stimulates blood vessels to develop. The blood vessels, in
turn, bring nutrients and oxygen to the uterine lining, which begins to grow and become
thicker. The proliferative phase ends with ovulation on day 14. Without estrogen and
progesterone to maintain the blood vessel network, the uterine lining becomes ischemic.
Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 5
5. The nurse is working for a physician who is a specialist in the care of women going
through menopause. What will be the average age of the nurse's patients?
A) 45 to 50
B) 47 to 55
C) 53 to 58
D) 49 to 56
Ans: B
Menopause refers to the time in a woman's life when reproductive capability ends. The
average age at which menopause occurs is between 47 and 55 years. Although it is
possible to start menopause earlier or later, 47 to 55 is the typical age.
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Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 6
6. The nurse is conducting a birthing class and is planning to include worst-case scenarios.
In addition to calming the fears of the parents-to-be, the nurse wants to give them as
much accurate information as possible. Which area of the uterus should the nurse
instruct as the most likely area to rupture during the stress of labor?
A) Perimetrium
B) Corpus
C) Uterine isthmus
D) Endometrium
Ans: C
The uterine isthmus is the lower uterine segment and is the thinnest portion of the uterus
and does not participate in the muscular contractions of labor. Because the tissue is so
thin, the lower uterine segment is the area that is most likely to rupture during
childbirth. The perimetrium covers the uterus and will stretch and contract with the
uterus. The corpus is the body of the uterus and is composed of strong muscle. The
endometrium is the innermost layer of the uterus and is very flexible.
Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 7
7. When educating a patient about the four phases of sexual response, the nurse explains
that one phase of the response cycle is marked by an increase in heart rates, blood
pressure, and respiration in both sexes. About which phase is the nurse instructing?
A) Excitement
B) Plateau
C) Orgasm
D) Resolution
Ans: A
During the excitement phase, the physiologic response of both male and females results
in increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and respirations. During the plateau, the
physiologic changes that occurred during excitement are maintained. In the female, the
clitoris retracts and the uterus is fully elevated. In the male, the penis engorges further
and the testes remain elevated. Orgasm is marked by muscular contractions. During
resolution the muscle relax and blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing return to
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Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 8
8. Male and female reproductive systems are complementary; for example, male testes and
female ovaries; male scrotum and female labia majora; and male glans penis and female
clitoris. What part of the female system is homologous to the spermatic cord in the
A) Cardinal ligaments
B) Round ligaments
C) Uterosacral ligaments
D) Broad ligament
Ans: B
Round ligaments and spermatic cord are both fibromuscular bands that assist in holding
specific reproductive structures in place in the male and female. Cardinal ligaments
anchor the walls of the cervix and vagina to the lateral pelvic walls. The uterosacral
ligaments anchor the lower posterior portion of the uterus to the sacrum. The broad
ligament is a sheet of peritoneum that attaches the lower sides of the uterus to the
sidewalls of the pelvis.
Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 9
9. The nurse is teaching new parents about their newborn son's circumcision. In describing
the procedure, which part of the penis should the nurse explain will be removed?
A) Tunica albuginea
B) Corpus spongiosum
C) Rugae
D) Prepuce
Ans: D
The foreskin, which covers the glans of the penis, is called the prepuce and parents may
elect to have an infant male circumcised, or have the prepuce removed. The tunica
albuginea is connective tissue found inside the penile shaft. The corpus spongiosum is
erectile tissue that runs the full length of the penis. Rugae are folds that allow for
stretching during an erection.
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Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 10
10. The nurse is leading a seminar for parents on the changes that happen during puberty.
Which is an accurate list of the sequence of changes that would be experienced?
A) Menarche, breast budding, appearance of pubic hair in girls
B) Deepening of the voice, appearance of facial hair, appearance of pubic hair in
C) Breast budding, appearance of pubic hair, menarche in girls
D) Appearance of pubic hair, breast budding, menarche in girls
Ans: C
Secondary sex characteristics develop in an orderly sequence, although the timing may
be varied between individuals. Breast budding in the female is usually the first physical
sign noted and occurs between the ages of 10 and 12 years on average. Appearance of
pubic hair usually occurs just before menarche, the first menstrual period. Menarche
occurs most frequently between the ages of 12 and 14 years.
Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 11
11. A 14-year-old adolescent in the ambulatory clinic is asking about menstruation. Which
important point should the nurse teach this adolescent about menstrual health?
A) The average menstrual flow lasts four to six days
B) Keeping active increases discomfort during menstruation
C) Menarche is the start of puberty
D) The uterine cycle is the only one involved in puberty
Ans: A
The average flow lasts four to six days and is caused by casting away of blood, tissue,
and debris from the uterus. Activity levels do not affect the discomfort felt during
menstruation. Menarche is the end of puberty, and is just one of several changes that
occur during puberty.
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Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 12
12. The nurse is reviewing normal menstruation with an early adolescent. What should the
nurse explain that occurs to the endometrium of the uterus during the second half of a
typical menstrual cycle?
A) Becomes thin and transparent, due to progesterone stimulation
B) Becomes thin and transparent, due to follicle-stimulating hormone
C) Becomes thick and purple-hued, due to estrogen stimulation
D) Becomes thick and purple-hued, due to progesterone stimulation
Ans: D
Progesterone is released following ovulation and thus is the dominating hormone of the
second half of the menstrual cycle; its effect is to increase endometrium growth.
Progesterone stimulates a growth of tissue, not a thinning of it. FSH and estrogen are
found in the earlier stages of menstruation, not in the second half.
Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 13
13. An adolescent describes her menstrual pattern to the nurse. Which observation is typical
of a usual menstrual pattern?
A) Flow usually lasts four to six days
B) The usual cycle is 36 days
C) The average amount of flow is 500 mL
D) Menstruation typically begins at 18 years
Ans: A
The average menstrual flow is four to six days in length. The cycle is 28 days. The
average flow is 25 to 60 mL. Average age of onset is 12 to 13 years.
Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 14
14. When teaching an adolescent about ovulation, you would include that ovulation is
initiated by a surge in which of the following?
A) Luteinizing hormone
B) Progesterone
C) Follicle-stimulating hormone
D) Estrogen
Ans: A
Luteinizing hormone is released from the pituitary gland to stimulate ovulation on
approximately the 14th day of a typical cycle. At the beginning of each menstrual cycle,
a follicle on one of the ovaries begins to develop in response to rising levels of FSH.
Progesterone and estrogen stimulate hypertrophy of the endometrial lining prior to
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Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 15
15. A woman tells the nurse about having difficulty achieving orgasm. What should the
nurse teach as being the way orgasm is achieved in females?
A) Penile penetration
B) Clitoral stimulation
C) Uterine stimulation
D) Sensory arousal
Ans: B
The clitoris is thought to be the main stimulus for initiating orgasm in women.
Penetration may be pleasurable, but alone it is not enough to stimulate orgasm. Uterine
stimulation does not affect orgasm. Sensory arousal plays a major role in attaining
female orgasm.
Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 16
16. A woman tells the nurse that both she and her husband like to continue sexual relations
during her menstrual period. They have a monogamous relationship. She asks if this is
harmful. What should the nurse respond to the patient?
A) “Avoid sexual relations because orgasm may be painful for during your menses.”
B) “The risk of infection is too great for sexual relations during this time.”
C) “You will not be able to achieve orgasm during your menses.”
D) “If this is satisfying for you and your partner, then there is no harm in it.”
Ans: D
Sexual relations may be continued through a menstrual flow if this is satisfying for both
partners. There is no danger to either party, and it is possible to achieve orgasm.
Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 17
17. A client asks the nurse if it will be all right to continue sexual relations during her
pregnancy. What should the nurse respond?
A) Sexual relations can be safely continued during a normal pregnancy
B) Sexual relations are dangerous during pregnancy after three months
C) Sexual relations are dangerous for the first two months
D) Sexual relations can continue, but she must use a diaphragm
Ans: A
Continuing sexual relations is not detrimental to a pregnancy that has no complications.
There is no need for contraceptive or protective devices.
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Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 18
18. Which of the following physiologic changes occurs during the plateau stage of sexual
A) Lengthening of the vagina
B) Pelvic muscle contraction
C) Retraction of the clitoris
D) Scrotal elevation
Ans: C
Retraction of the clitoris occurs during the plateau stage prior to orgasm. Lengthening of
the vagina and scrotal elevation occur during excitement. Pelvic muscle contraction
occurs during orgasm.
Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 19
19. A pregnant client, 32 weeks' gestation, remarks during a routine prenatal visit, “Sex is
becoming difficult for us.” Which would be the best response?
A) “If you and your partner are having problems, a sexual therapist may be able to
B) “Intercourse this late in pregnancy can be harming you or the fetus. You should
abstain until after the baby is born.”
C) “Sexual relations during pregnancy is a common concern. What do you mean by
D) “You should expect to have pain on sexual relations during pregnancy. Discuss
this with your obstetrician.”
Ans: C
Frank discussion about how sexual feelings may change during pregnancy can help
prevent and alleviate problems. The nurse should seek more information from the client.
Pain should not be an issue, and if present should be investigated. A therapist may not
be needed at this stage. There is no danger to the fetus.
Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 20
20. The increase in thickness of the endometrial layer during the first half of the menstrual
cycle is controlled by which hormone?
A) The level of the FSH
B) The increasing level of the HCG
C) The dropping level of LH
D) The increasing level of Estrogen
Ans: D
Estrogen levels increase after menstruation. These levels promote a thickening of the
endometrial tissue. FSH and LH are responsible for ovarian changes. HCG is the
hormone present during pregnancy.
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Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 21
21. When teaching a couple trying to conceive about the changes in cervical mucus near the
time of ovulation, what should the nurse advise them?
A) The mucus is thin and copious
B) The mucus is thick and tacky
C) The mucus is scant
D) There is no mucus
Ans: A
As the time of ovulation draws near, the mucus becomes progressively clear and thin
with lubricating properties; the mucus resembles raw egg white. At the peak of fertility
during, the mucus has a distensible, stretchable quality called spinnbarkeit. After
ovulation, the mucus again becomes scanty, thick, and opaque.
Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 22
22. The layer of the uterus that is influenced by hormone changes in preparation for possible
conception and pregnancy is
A) Myometrium
B) Endometrium
C) Perimetrium
D) Fundus
Ans: B
The endometrium is the inner layer of the uterus that builds with hormones during the
month in potential preparation for pregnancy. The myometrium is the muscular layer.
The perimetrium is a protective layer, and the fundus is the upper area of the uterus.
Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 23
23. Which hormone is responsible for the onset of menstruation?
A) Decrease in progesterone
B) Increase in estrogen
C) Luteinizing hormone
D) Follicle-stimulating hormone
Ans: A
A decrease in progesterone during the menstrual phase is the hormone responsible for
the shedding of the uterine lining resulting in menstruation. Increases in estrogen, LH,
and FSH occur leading up to menstruation, but are not responsible for the onset.
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Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 24
24. The male glans penis or glans is equitable to which structure on the female?
A) Vulva
B) Mons Pubis
C) Labia
D) Clitoris
Ans: D
The female clitoris is equitable to the glans; both of these are composed of erectile
tissue and are the primary organs responsible for orgasm. The vulva comprises the
external female genitalia. The mons pubis is the area just above the vaginal opening.
The labia are the lip like structures that are at the opening of the vagina.
Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 25
25. A patient in the clinic asks if she should douche to clean the vagina. What should the
nurse respond?
A) “Only douche if the vagina has an odor.”
B) “You do not need to douche, the vagina is self-cleaning.”
C) “Douching can change the pH of the vagina and cause an infection.”
D) “If you want, douching is ok.”
Ans: B
The vagina has an acidic environment and this should not be disturbed. It does not need
to be “cleaned” with douching, and douching can change the environment and lead to
vaginal infection or irritation.
Origin: Chapter 3- Structure and Function, 26
26. The nurse is reviewing the maturation of sperm in the male reproductive cycle in
preparation for a session with couples experiencing infertility. Which male hormones
should the nurse explain are important to male reproductive function? (Select all that
A) Estrogen
B) Testosterone
C) Progesterone
D) Follicle-stimulating
E) Interstitial cell-stimulating
Ans: B, D, E
Male reproductive functions are controlled by three hormones: follicle-stimulating
which stimulates the production of sperm, interstitial cell-stimulating which stimulates
the interstitial cells to secrete testosterone, and testosterone which assists sperm to
mature. Estrogen and progesterone are hormones that support female reproductive
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