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Ancient Mesopotamia Review Packet
Lesson 1 Geography
1) Drought- Long periods of dry weather.
2) Plateau- is an area of elevated flatland.
1) The land located in Western Asia, that is in the shape of a crescent is known as the
“Fertile Crescent”.
2) The region between the 2 rives is known as Mesopotamia. It is known as “Land
Between Two Rivers_”.
3) Tigris and Euphrates rivers made life in this area (Fertile Crescent) possible. These
rivers start in the Taurus Mountains and empties into the Persian Gulf.
4) The most important crops the farmers grew was wheat and barley. Mesopotamian
valued cattle.
Lesson 2 Sumer and Babylon
1) Cuneiform- Was the system of writing invented in Sumer.
2) City- State- Is a self- governing city that also governs surrounding villages.
3) Ziggurat- Was a large building with a temple on its peak.
4) Polytheism- Is the belief in many gods and goddesses.
5) Code of Law- Is a written set of laws that apply to everyone under a government.
1) Sumerians used a sharpened reeds to write/carve with.
2) Like in Ancient Egypt, kings usually could not write. Mostly boys were scribes; but in
Ancient Mesopotamia very rarely girls learned to write.
3) Gilgamesh was a mythical hero who was known as the strongest in the land and the
best fighter. He was believed to be part god and part man.
4) City- states often went to war to gain control over water. Strong walls/gates were
built around the cities. The kings palace could be seen from anywhere in the city.
5) Unlike Egyptian Pharaohs, Mesopotamian kings were not seen as gods.
6) In the center of the city was a ziggurat. This showed that religion was very
important. Each city had a special god or goddess. It was found on the ziggurat.
7) Like Egyptian, Sumerians believed in many gods or goddesses. This is known as
polytheism. Goddess of love and war is Ishtar and Enki is the god of water.
8) The city- states were united under Sargon. The king of the city- state Kish.
9) Hammurabi was Babylon's king (he also gained control over Sumer). He created the
Code of Hammurabi, which is one of the world’s oldest codes of law. His philosophy is
“an eye for an eye”. Unlike the Ten Commandments the Code of Hammurabi used
“physical punishment”.
Lesson 3 The Beginnings of Judaism
1) Judaism- Is the religion of the Jewish people.
2) Torah- Means “to teach”.
3) Monotheism- The belief in only one God.
4) Ten Commandments- The laws that God gave Moses on Mount Sinai.
5) Sabbath- Is the weekly day of rest, prayer and study.
6) Diaspora- The scattering of Jews to many parts of the world.
1) Abraham is the founder of Judaism, who according to the Bible, led his family from
Ur to Canaan in obedience to God's command.
2) Covenant is a special agreement with God. The covenant between God and
Abraham is considered to the Jewish people the start of their history. Later
descendants would be known as Israelites or people of Israel, after Abraham's
grandson Israel.
3) Due to drought and famine people (Jews) left the Fertile Crescent and became
slaves in Egypt.
4) Moses was born an Israelite, who was adopted by the Pharaoh's daughter. He was
responsible for freeing the slaves in Egypt. Moses spoke to God, he was known as a
prophet. Jews celebrate Passover to remember their freedom.
5) On Mount Sinai God gave Moses five books of laws and teaching (Torah) and the
Ten Commandments.
6) Some laws are common to laws in Babylonia. Like the Code of Hammurabi, the
Torah had laws for stealing and hurting others. One rule/ commandment is that the
Hebrews forbade them to worship any other God. This became known as monotheism,
it set them apart from the rest of the people in the Fertile Crescent.
7) King David made Jerusalem the capital.