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‫حياة ضرورية للنساء المسلمات‬
Masjid An Nur
1996 So Stone Mtn Lithonia Rd
Lithonia GA. 30058
Faith and Culture
in Health Care
Essential Living for Muslim Women Inc.
Safiyah Abdul Khaaliq
Aisha Hasan
We read in the Qur’an ,our Holy Book: “With the Name Allah Most
Gracious, Most Merciful, O People! Truly, We have created you from a
male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes in order that
you will get to know one another. The best of you with Allah is your
Taqwa (your consciousness of Allah”). Holy Qur’an 49:13
This is addressed to all people, not just Muslims. As it is, we all are
descended from a pair of parents. Our tribes, races, nations, ethnic groups,
associations, clubs, organizations are convenient labels by which we make
known certain differing characteristics. Before Allah (the one God), we are
all one. And the one who is most conscious of Allah, that one gets the most
The effect that religion and culture has on health beliefs, practices and
access to health care services among Muslim Women, are part of the factors
that contribute to health disparities, yet there are strategies to effectively
provide health care services to Muslim Women. The following information
is for all who are concerned with the medical, social and welfare needs of
Muslim Women. A good comprehensive understanding of Al Islam is
essential for all health care providers interacting with Muslim Women in
their efforts to improve self healthcare, to ensure adherence of appointments
and to achieve compliance with medications.
Al Islam is poorly understood in America and most healthcare providers will
encounter the Muslim Woman as a patient at some point in time. The older
generation of Muslim Women, understands very little English, so to live in a
country where their religion is not well understood and sometimes ridiculed,
drives many of them not to seek medical attention until the disease has
reached an advanced stage. Al Islam is a universal religion comprising all
nationalities of the world. The practice of Al Islam is an individual
responsibility. It is highly recommended to differentiate between ethnic
customs, cultures, traditions and the religion of Al Islam. Understanding and
acknowledging the distinctions within the cultures, traditions, customs and
the religion of Al Islam is achieved via discussions with Muslim women
patients and their near/extended relatives, in order to maintain the individual
approach that is required for effective care.
This presentation is general in nature, for more information on a particular
subject; please visit a Masjid or An Islamic Center in your serving area.
True or False
Al Islam is a religion of peace_____
Muslims practice the religion of Al Islam ____
Muhammad is the founder of Al Islam____
All Muslims are Arab____
The Qur’an is the Muslim Holy Book____
Muslim Women are oppressed ______
Muslims are prohibited from eating pork or pork by
Another name for Muslims is Mohammedans _____
True. Al Islam is a religion of peace.
True. Muslims practice the religion of Al Islam
False. Prophet Muhammad is not the founder of Al Islam.
False. All Muslim are Arab. Approximately 15% of Muslims
are Arab.
True. The Qur’an is the Muslim Holy Book
False. Muslim Women are oppressed.
True. Muslims do not eat pork or pork by products.
False. Another name for Muslims is Mohammedans.
About Islam
• Al Islam ~ Al Islam is the fastest growing and most misunderstood,
universal religion/way of life in the world. 1 out of 5 persons on this
planet are Muslim. There are approximately 6 million Muslims living
in North America. The largest populations of Muslims are in
Indonesia. Al Islam means active submission-complete obedience to
Allah. Al Islam balances the spiritual dimensions by emphasizing
accountability and human responsibility to worship Allah alone.
• Muslims ~ (derived from the word Islam) A Muslim is one who
submits in complete obedience to the commandments and the
boundaries of Allah. Muslims have played major roles in the
advancement of science in the West. The first university in the world
was established by Muslims in Cairo Egypt.
• Holy Qur’an ~ The Holy Qur’an is the word of Allah revealed to
Prophet Muhammad (the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him).
Muslims believe in the scriptures which came before the Holy Qur’an.
The last of all divine revelations is the Holy Qur’an and our destiny is
predestined by Allah.
• Prophet Muhammad ~ Prophet Muhammad, (the peace and blessing
of Allah be upon him) is the final/seal of the prophets of Allah and the
Holy Qur’an was revealed to him through the angel Jib’reel 1429
years ago. Muslims believe in and do not make any distinctions
among the Prophets of Allah.
• Indigenous/ Immigrant Muslims ~ Indigenous Muslims are the
African Americans, Caucasians, Native Americans and others born
and raised in America who have converted or reverted to Al Islam.
Immigrant Muslims represent numerous diverse ethnicities that
migrate to America of which in Atlanta there are approximately36
different ethnic communities all professing Al Islam as their complete
way of life.
• Muslim Woman ~ The Muslim Woman, the most liberated woman
on the earth, yet the most misunderstood woman on earth. Muslim
Women are never oppressed by Al Islam; the oppression is inherent in
the cultures, customs and traditions which are at most in opposition to
Al Islam.
Religious Practices
• Masajid
• Jumu’ah Prayer
• Pillars of Al Islam
• Shahadah
• Salat
• Zakat
• Sawm
• Hajj
• Role of Women in Al Islam
• Arabic Common Language
• Masajid ~ (plural for Masjid) the Masajid are places of worship,
where Muslims come together to pray, to support one another in
education and to maintain spirituality.
• Jumu’ah Prayer ~ literally means Friday prayer. Muslims’ holy day
is Friday. We leave off business and trade, rush earnestly to the
remembrance of Allah. At the completion of our religious obligation
on this day, we return to our livelihood.
• Pillars of Al Islam ~ every Muslim practices these five obligations:
1. Shahadah ~ public declaration of faith. Each Muslim recites
publicly that there is no god except Allah and Muhammad is
His messenger.
2. Salah ~ As-Salah is the prayer. We communicate directly with
Allah five times a day in Arabic facing towards Mecca. We can
pray anywhere that is clean, preferably in the Masajid and in
3. Zakah ~ Zakah is a tithing which is obligatory charity given
once a year 2.5% of all discretionary monies which is
designated for the poor and needy.
4. Sawm ~ As Sawm means the fast, which is done according to
the lunar calendar. Muslims fast in the month of Ramadhan
from sun up to sun down. Abstention from food drink, sex and
wrong doing. Discipline is inculcated by fasting.
5. Hajj ~ Pilgrimage to Mecca once in a lifetime if one is
financially and physically able to do so.
Role of Women in Al Islam ~Al Islam supports and protects the rights of
Muslim Women. We believe in fostering women’s participation and training
to equip ourselves and others with the skills to proactively/actively practice
self healthcare behaviors throughout our lifecycle. Diligent consideration
must be given to the cultural norms and traditions that impede a Muslim
Woman’s full participation in society which is compounded by a general
lack of awareness among Muslim women about their responsibilities, their
rights and their entitlements.
Arabic Language ~ is the language of the Holy Qur’an. Our Salah is five
times each day is done only in the Arabic language. Muslims regardless of
ethnicity pray in the Arabic Language.
Communication Style
Diverse Population ~ Whether Indigenous or Immigrant Al Islam is
not a tribe, nation, race, land, or ethnicity, it is universal. Al Islam is
practiced on an individual level. When curious about Al Islam ask questions
about the faith, be careful to avoid questions that pass judgment. (i.e. aren’t
you hot? do you have to cover your hair? aren't you hungry?)
Value respect and honor to others ~ be open and flexible. Allow
time to establish and maintain relationships. Respect culture, tradition, age
and hierarchy.
Refer to patients with a title ~ Mrs. Miss, Ms.; Learn the correct
pronunciation of a name, do not use nicknames or abbreviate the name.
Language ~ The Holy Qur’an has been translated from Arabic to just
about every language on the earth and in three different dialects of Chinese,
2 Somali and 2 Turkish. Let’s make every effort to seek interpreters and/or
family members to ensure understanding/comprehension of instructions.
Remember the majority of Muslims are not Arabs.
Family and Social Structure
Most Muslims according to their ethnicity live in distinct
neighborhoods which are in close proximity to the Masajid.
There are well defined roles for males and females in the family
structure of devout Muslims. The term equality is not relevant when defining
the roles Muslim women and men play. The roles of the Muslim male and
female are different just as their titles are different i.e. mother/ father;
sister/brother; aunt/uncle; paternal/maternal; in the sight of Allah we are all
held accountable for our spiritual consciousness and worship of Allah alone.
Children are loved and endeared in the Muslim family and there is
gender preference. Males are always the cultural or traditional preference;
however, we know that Allah gives to whom He pleases. We are always
asked how many children do we have, instead of do you have children as we
are known for our large families.
Strong sense of paternalism ~ Muslim men by culture and tradition
give orders and make decisions for the family. Men by faith are protectors
and maintainers of the women and their families. Intervention programs
should emphasize relevance of family roles versus individual roles when
interacting with the various diverse ethnic groups of Muslims.
Strong sense of destiny and fate ~ Muslims believe that everything is
in the hands of Allah. We believe that we are unable to change our destiny;
we only have the power to do good or evil.
The Muslim patient turns to family members, especially elders, for
support, comfort and advice. The elderly are held in high esteem, the living
of a long life indicates that a person has the opportunity to acquire much
wisdom and knowledge. They are regarded with deep respect and given
priority in all walks of life. Older adults are greeted and affectionately called
“auntie” or uncle”, they are truly appreciated for their knowledge and values.
The Holy Qur’an encourages kindness and care of parents, it is an
expression of worship.
Hierarchy and structure honored ~ Parents are always consulted in all
decision making processes. The family unit of marriage is a contract to
which Allah is the first witness and the first party. It is obedience to Him and
His commandments. Husbands and wives have distinct responsibilities
which are complimentary. The Qur’an strongly reproaches those who
believe women to be inferior to men. Men are appointed guardians over
women as they are responsible for providing food, shelter and clothing for
their family.
Religion influences all aspects of life, work and business ~ Al Islam is
a complete way of life. Islam is simple and uncomplicated. Al Islam gives
one maximum freedom without encroaching on the freedom of others.
During our entire lifecycle, in our work/works and in our business/jobs we
are always remembering/being conscious of Allah. There is no compulsion,
no harsh or hard rituals or unreasonable dogmas in the religion Al Islam.
Consensus is important in the family when encountering decision
making issues. Healthcare services and programming should include the
entire family this is preferable and valued. The Muslim children are
excellent care takers. There is an extremely strong value placed on extended
family as the children are obligated to care for all the elders.
Traditional Health Practices
Birth control is not desirable ~ In Al Islam the family is the foundation of
the society. Islam recognizes that only Allah has the power to give children
to couples and no course of action to alter this will make any difference to
the numbers in the family. The use of birth control is a matter that concerns
the entire family and requires mutual agreement and consent. Abortion is not
permitted in Al Islam unless there are very strong medical reasons.
Midwives play an important role in the prenatal, delivery and post delivery
Babies are Breast Fed ~ Allah tells us in the Qur’an to do this for 24 months.
Prayer and reading from the Holy Qur’an~ gives comfort to patients and
family members and enhances recovery.
Most Muslims are not accustomed to social workers. It is recommended that
attempts be made to contact a Muslim social worker who can be located
through Masajid, Islamic Centers, and/or Muslim Women organizations.
The Muslim patient’s beliefs as well as the body must be treated. Muslims
believe that there is a cure for everything except death. Muslims’ traditional
beliefs’ regarding health does not separate the mind, body and spirit.
Religion, ethnicity, culture, customs and traditions are interwoven into the
fabric of each response of a particular individual to treatment and healing.
For indigenous and immigrant Muslims religion is an essential and integral
part of life. Even if the circumstances change, cultures, customs and
traditions do not. The Muslims have a fluid concept of time. The indigenous
and immigrant Muslims have present oriented cultures, focusing on the here
and now. Hence we may neglect preventive health care measures. For
instance, birthdays for the elderly are associated with a seasonal event
instead of an exact date; therefore age is not exact as a result.
Traditional herbal remedies are number one in the holistic assessment of a
Muslim patient, which includes cultural, traditional and religious beliefs.
Herbal teas, alcoholic tinctures, other treatments and methods are usually
employed before seeking medical consultation and/or treatment. It is
believed that if germs caused the disease, then kill the germ.
If the body is out of balance, then restore the balance; if the soul is gone then
retrieve the soul. Muslims believe the mind is very powerful.
In Al Islam suicide, euthanasia, assisted suicide for the terminally ill is
strictly prohibited. When death is inevitable the Muslim patient dies without
heroic measures. To perform our prayers in a chapel is inappropriate,
particularly if there are icons in the chapel. The Muslim family will visit at
all hours to pray and recite the Holy Qur’an to the dying individual.
Lest We Forget – Please remember to:
• Respect diversity of Muslims
• Provide educational materials that reflect the clients
• Provide gender specific healthcare provider
• Recognize family involvement ~HIPPA
• Become familiarity with Masajid/Islamic Centers in your agency area
• Promote these services to Muslims
• To visit Masajid ~ Meet Imams/Amirs in the Masajid.
The work of Essential Living for Muslim Women Inc is to increase
awareness of breast health self care and access to breast health care services
to Muslim Women in Metro Atlanta Georgia, while welcoming and assisting
women of all walks of life. We fulfill this obligation with the use of Muslim
Community Health Advisor role models; culturally/linguistically appropriate
educational materials; Islamic community trust and respect; minimization of
myths/misconceptions of breast cancer and the health care system and the
broader community participation.
Safiyah Abdul Khaaliq
CEO/Director of Administrative Services
Essential Living for Muslim Women Inc.
Aisha Hasan RNC NP
Director of Clinical Services
Essential Living for Muslim Women Inc.
Masjid An Nur
1996 So Stone Mtn Lithonia Rd
Lithonia GA. 30058