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UB Produces Graduates with
Entrepreneurship Insight
Submit by humas3on August 18, 2014| Comment(s) : 0| View : 4227
UB Held Graduation Period VIII 2013/2014 on Saturday (16/8)
As the biggest and quality university in Indonesia, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) guides its
graduates to be able to compete on professional world. The guidance is not only conducted
on academic practices, but also on non academic practices such as entrepreneurship.
Universitas Brawijaya supports students' effort in creating jobs. "It is better to create jobs
than look for jobs". Such is the sentence often said by Rector to the graduates on the
graduation ceremony.
Efforts and hard work that has been conducted by UB, from conducting Student Creativity
Week (PKM) and sending students to national and international competition has yielded
good results.
Many students have been able to create new innovation that can be applicative and useful
for the people. Many have also been able to register Patents or Intellectual Property Rights
for their products.
Some examples are, Control Device for Disorderly Bus Driver (LAKBAN) by students of
Faculty of Engineering UB, which passed the The 2nd International Innovation, Design and
Articulation (i-IDeA2014) Malaysia, which currently proposing Patent process through
Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM) UB. Meanwhile, Emergency Reporter
on Underwear (ERROR ) by students of FTP and FT which has passed the Directorate of
Higher Education's Student Creativity Program in the field of Creativity (PKM-KC) is
expected to reduce violent treatment experienced by Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI) .
Not only the students, recently team of UB Bio Science Laboratory also managed to create
Diabetes Melitus (DM) Early Diagnostik Kit called Kit Diagnostik (rapid test autoimmune
product) GAD 65. Kit Diagnostik is one of the best products of UB Bioscience laboratory in
cooperation with PT Biofarma Bandung, which is ready to be launched this
year.   The product can be used for early detection for Type 1 DM patient based
on Reverse flow Immuno chromatoghraphy: RAPID TEST Autoimmunue Marker
autoantibodi GAD65 which is an early diagnostic kit for diabetes.
One of the researcher team members, Prof. Dr. Aulanniam, drh. DES stated that the Kit
Diagnostik will be affordable by all kinds of people.
Aside from educating students with entrepreneurship skill, UB also helps graduates through
Job Placement Center (JPC). JPC UB will help to distribute alumni and prepare alumni for
professional world. Some of the events held are Job Fair and held training such as writing
job application.
Giving entrepreneurship guidance and developing JPC is UB's effort in preparing its
graduates for society. As stated in qualification, good university or study program means that
its graduates get work on the six months after graduation.
"We are like a factory, and now university's duty is not only producing. After graduation, we
should not let them be, we should be able to sell them to society. Campus is not only
graduating students, but also facilitating in getting jobs, so that the waiting time can be
shorter," as said by UB Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Bisri, MS.
Besides, UB Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Bisri, MS in his speech to the graduates stated
that the graduates are expected to be independent, creative, and innovative figure as the
pioneer and mover of development.
"That is why, you have to prepare yourself well so that your presence can be accepted by
society and can be beneficial for the developing society," he said.
With Science and Technology and various life skills learned on college, it is expected to be
able to support the society in development, engaging people to face a better tomorrow,
through bright ideas to dig up hidden potentials and solve various problems in the nation.
"This is the dream of UB, which has set its development toward "Entrepreneurial University"
a universitas that can produce graduates that are not only looking for jobs, but also create
jobs," Prof Bisri.
On the Graduation Ceremony Period VIII Academic Year 2013/2014, UB graduated 1051
students with the best student for every faculty under the criteria of highest GPA and fastest
study time as follows: First, Bachelor Program: Ramadhanif Condro Wibowo, S.E. (FEB);
Windy Permata Anggun, S.H. (FH); Achmad Khotim, S.AB. (FIA); Dwi Ratih A N, S.P (FP);
Safitri, S.Pt (FPt); Paramita Dwi Putri Pranyata, S.T. (FT); dr. Christian Surya Eka Putra,
S.Ked (FK); Erna Wijilestari, S.Pi (FPIK); Syarifa Elfira, S.Si (FMIPA); Nur Aulya F, S.TP
(FTP); Yuventine Maya Diasmara, S.IP (FISIP); Izzatur Rahmaniyah, S.S (FIB); Samha
Sholikhatin, S.Kom (PKH); Faldy Hildan Feizar, S.Kom (PTIIK). Post Graduate Angky
Wahyu Putranto, M.P and Dr. Ir. Anis Rosyidah, MP. Vocation Education Program Christian
Dian, A.Md. [oky/trans. Yasmeen]
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