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Renaissance Notes – corresponds with p.37-51 in textbook (~3 days worth of content)
Key terms/concepts:
What does the Renaissance refer to and why did it start in Northern Italy?
a. Medici
What themes defined Renaissance thought and artwork?
 Humanism
 Christian Humanism
 Secularism
 Realism
 Perspective
 Vernacular
Why were artists such as Michaelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci referred to as Renaissance
Why does the Renaissance movement spread northward in Europe?
What was so important about the invention of the printing press?
 Johann Gutenberg
Overall, how did the Renaissance fundamentally alter life in Europe?
Discussed previously the stagnation of the Middle Ages time period – almost 1000 years
where Europe took steps backwards from the culture, art, and trade of Rome.
o Also discussed previously that overarching question of unit is why was Europe able
to become the dominant powers that shaped the world – answer to that starts in
time period called the Renaissance.
o Renaissance is a term that means rebirth, specifically referring to a rebirth or
revival of learning. The Renaissance period is roughly the 1300’s – 1600’s, though
the middle ages starts and ends at many different times in different areas
 Ex: Middle ages lifestyle in full swing in Russia well into the 1600s
The Renaissance movement begins in northern Italy and over time extends northward in the
rest of Western Europe. Starts in Italy for a variety of reasons:
o In general after plagues and war, people wanted to celebrate and enjoy life.
Previously people taught to live simple lives without ego, only care about god. Now
people start to enjoy life more and not be ashamed of this joy
 Many also began questioning the Catholic Church which had been unable to
stop plague, war, and other hardships
o Italy experienced a growth of cities well before the rest of the continent
This in part because Italy was the first region to establish overseas trade
again. This due to the Crusades. As a result wealth and new ideas flowed
 Advances like crop rotation, math, and understanding of anatomy
 Italy hit hardest by the plague
 Labor shortages resulted in freeing of serfs and higher wages
 Many moved to cities
 Cities still though were small (ex: Florence had about 40,000 people)
With growth of cities, wealth merchant class emerges
 Unable to have titles or own huge tracts of land like nobility. Instead used
money to finance new ideas, artists, and the plans of kings and the Catholic
 Cities like Florence and Milan became the hubs of the Renaissance
movement because they were small and allowed common citizens to
participate in government. Merchants only gained power and influence
through merit and thus liked to show off – share achievements with other
 Best example of Renaissance merchants were the Medici of Florence
 Banking family that became richest family in Europe
 Ran Florence indirectly through hired elected officials
 Were one of largest patrons of Renaissance artists and made much
of work available to public
 So powerful that a family allied with the Pope tried to assassinate
two brothers, Lorenzo and Giuliano at mass. Assassins signaled
when bell rung for communion, killed Giuliano at the altar. Lorenzo
held them off with his sword and survived. Medicis then sought
revenge by brutally publically torturing and executing conspirators
and hanging them outside church as warning.
Finally, during this period there was an increased desire to recapture the glory of
Greece and Rome. Helped by discovery of lost manuscripts and Greek scholars
fleeing fall of Constantinople in 1453.
Every Renaissance thinker and artist were unique, but some distinct and revolutionary changes
were prevalent in their work. These themes included:
o Humanism: artistic style and movement that stressed individualism, human
achievements, history, and classical style. Examples include sculptures cast in greek
style or paintings depicting greek, roman history/subjects
o Secularism: Previously most art was religious. Art started to be more worldly.
Idea/feeling that luxury ok.
o Realism: Art depicting how people really look and live. Not just idealist. Brought about
in part by better understanding of anatomy and math.
 Perspective hugely important in this. Ability to make a scene appear 3-d by use
of geometry, angels, and shading.
o In literature, emphasis on expressing new ideas. Began being written in vernacular
which means local languages. Previously all books written only in Latin which was only
read by clergy. Allows more spread of knowledge
Christian Humanism was movement mostly in northern Europe. Belief that Christian
church didn’t do enough to inspire common people to live good lives. Instead needed
education, inspiring art, and that people themselves should study bible, and look for
better established order.
o Even catholic church became huge patron of art.
Probably the most important invention that helped Renaissance ideas spread and fundamentally
changed society was the development of the printing press in 1452 by Johann Gutenberg, a
craftsman in Mainz, Germany
o Previously all books copied by monks. Took roughly 5 months to copy 1 book. Made
them hugely expensive and hard to find
o Gutenberg took Chinese ideas of moveable block type and paper and combined them
with olive oil press. Allowed person to make 500 books in 5 months. First book printed
called the Gutenberg Bible
o Allowed ideas to bypass church censors. Spread of new ideas. Pamphlets widely
circulated and made relatively cheaply
o Gutenberg called most important figure in world history in past 1000 years
Because of patronage from both church and merchants, Renaissance artists could totally
support themselves through work. Previously not the case – as a result artists specialized and
quality improved.
o A true “Renaissance Man” or “Universal Man” as they were called were talented in
many disciplines. Phrase still means someone who is good at everything today.
o Leonardo da Vinci best example (1452-1519)
 Born illegitimate son of country girl, yet still became famous
 Master of biology, sculpture, linguistics, music, architecture, painting, botany,
and inventor.
 Often dissected cadavers which was illegal to gain better understanding of
anatomy – reflected in realism of work
 Famous painting The Last Supper religious theme but incorporates realism,
perspective, and humanism – shows personalities
o Donatello
 Made first male nude, David since antiquity
o Rafael
 Painter, best known work The School of Athens shows classical focus,
o Michelangelo
 Designed st peters dome, painted Sistine chapel, and sculpted David
o Thomas Moore wrote book Utopia about establishing ideal society
o Shakespeare a writer at end of Renaissance in England – often called Elizabethan Age
As mentioned, eventually Renaissance begins to spread further north from mid 1400’s on.
Generally this is called the Northern Renaissance and was specifically centered in Flanders
(modern day nw france, Belgium, and parts of Netherlands). Also caught on in parts of germany,
france, and England.
o Spreads because:
 Hundred Years War ends in 1453, cities finally begin to grow for same reasons
as Italy
Cloth industry major business of region – huge money = city growth
War between France and much of Italy in late 1400’s caused some artists to flee
north for safety.
 Many northern Europeans traveled to Italy to learn from the best, brought back
Northern Renaissance artists especially stressed realism. Writers very much supported
Christian Humanism – some even combined classic myths and religious lessons
Overall, by the mid 1500’s Europe had changed drastically in a short period of time from what it
was in the Middle Ages
o Rise in literacy and books cheap
o People question established order
o Published ideas lead to further discoveries and advancements – snowball effect
o The individual gains importance again
o Resurrection of Greek-Roman thought and style
o Secularism